Sunday, February 13, 2011

Texas Sheriff Trustee

It takes humility - If not now when? Asked

Today our minstrel Luciano Pellegrini, delights us with his witty "reflections" of the male, the women's event held Chieti yesterday: "If not now when?"

My thoughts and feelings about the show today on February 13 at Chieti " If not now when? "sincerely are these: To be different from other cities, the event was in Chieti" exploited ” con un manifesto alternativo a quello ufficiale  con la firma di adesione di 24 sigle sindacali- partiti- associazioni. E’ stata una provocazione alle direttive impartite a livello nazionale. La manifestazione non è fatta per giudicare altre donne, contro altre donne, o per dividere le donne in buone e cattive. I cartelli o striscioni ne terranno conto. La manifestazione è fatta per esprimere la nostra forza e la nostra determinazione. Siamo donne fiere e orgogliose. Chiediamo dignità e rispetto per noi e per tutte. Siamo gelose della nostra autonomia e non ci lasceremo “ usare ”. Per questo non ci devono essere simboli political or trade union in our parades, we want who is also respected our " transversality." This rich and varied experience of life is erased from repeated indecent representation of women paraded naked as a sexual object of exchange offered by newspapers, television, advertising. And this is no longer tolerable. We ask all women, without distinction, to defend the value of them, of our dignity and we say to men: if not now, when? is the time to show friendship towards women. If it had been given space to the provocation was easy understand that it was a manifestation of the left against Berlusconi. About a thousand demonstrators marched through the streets of Chieti. Most women "mature." This is an alarm bell ... Few studentesse.Mi are asked where they were all students, for example, a classical school that day showed Gelmini against the law ... Maybe it was to make "genre? Today, Sunday, better sleep ...! Good representation of men, mature, even children accompanied by parents. Complete absence of the directors of the city councilors who is advisers. He had to attend for the Assessor Equal Opportunities in the town of Chieti Emilia De Matteo and not hide behind politics! But women directors in the province and the municipality where they were? Counselor in the past few administration of yesterday and today the center-left ... few! The TV even thinking about it ... have all been diverted to Pescara!

At the end of the parade, square GBVico, as well as various quotes from protesters set, interspersed with good music, the professor Lucchetta GD'Annunzio University, Faculty of Arts, took cues from the book "Sex and Character" by Otto Weininger, a Austrian philosopher. Weininger died in 1903 in Vienna at the age of 23 years with a wound in the left chest, after the publication of Geschlecht und Charakter (Sex and Character). In his book Sex and Character, Weininger suggests that all people are composed of a mixture of substances men and women, and tries to support his point of view scientifically. The male side claims to be active, productive, conscious and logical, while the female side is passive, unproductive, unconscious and illogical or immoral. Weininger argues that emancipation should be paid to the "masculine women", such as lesbians, and women whose reproductive function has been exhausted: the woman is seen as a reproductive tool. All'opposto, il compito del maschio, o dell'aspetto mascolino della personalità, è la tensione alla genialità e l'abbandono della sessualità per un amore verso l'assoluto, verso Dio, che può trovare in se stesso. Una parte

notevole del libro è sulla natura del genio. Weininger suggerisce che non esista una genialità particolare, ma solo universale, in cui tutto esiste e ha senso. Egli sostiene che questo genio probabilmente esiste in un certo grado in ognuno di noi. In un capitolo separato, Weininger, analizza l'archetipo della donna giudea, e quindi profondamente irreligiosa, priva di individualità e del senso del bene e del male. La cristianità is described as "the highest expression of the greatest fate," and Judaism as "the most craven cowardice." Weininger criticizes the decadence of contemporary costumes and attributes this to the feminine spirit, and hence the Jewish influences. What can I say! I probably would have given another title at the event. If not now, when? Is a novel by Primo Levi. It narrates the adventures of "picaresque" (apparently autobiographical narrative), a group of Jewish partisans in the Polish and Russian origin, who ambush the Germans on the Eastern Front and reach across the territories of the defeated Reich, up to Milan, where some take the path of Palestine to participate the construction of the state of Israel. I could recall the feminist movement of 1968, but it's another story! Feminism was the first political moment of historical criticism to the family and society.

Written by: Luciano Pellegrini


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