Sunday, March 29, 2009

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Fini emblema della falsità

In recent days, watching the news I could not help but hear the changes and the acrobatics of the Italian right.
that now there was not a real right, but thanks to small parties, was evident in Italy, but you can watch a clown so great I really do not know.
last interview Fini said he has "changed his mind, that what we said fifteen years ago and say that Mussolini was a great statesman was an error.
"I'm more of the same opinion - Fini said - is evident. The answer is in fact the things I've done in recent years. If not, I would be schizophrenic. "
Why does a sane person would still support a male who over the years has changed several times the skin like a snake in the suit, in addition to the skin of the snake body in good Fini genes same snake with all its genetic makeup of the cowardly traitor.
I believe with this statement of having offended the serpent, but now we are so used to attach the epithet of traitor to the snake that I found most relevant example.
By now the character is a small little man attached to the chair, he wants the chair, and someone is happy if he takes, you know the puppets follow the wires.
All work carried out will give you the good results, people will understand that those who sell ready to sell, but a fake may also be a false copyright but still remains false.
It is true dear "friend" Fini, the answer is nei fatti, in quello che hai fatto in questi anni, si capisce che fai di tutto per la poltrona, ma su una cosa ti devo dare torto, sei proprio sicuro di non essere schizofrenico?
Magari lo stai tenendo nascosto, un domani potrai sempre giustificare il tuo comportamento dubbio nascondendoti dietro la malattia.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

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SPECIAL POETRY dedicated to all teachers
who work with commitment and passion

I believe

I believe in children.

respect their dignity as men

small wings that fly high

I believe in the future.

I build with their bare hands

new ways to new heights.

And I smile.

I believe in my work.

abacus in school, you will never

Why I


in children.

The teacher Simona Maiozzi

Rome, February 3, 2009

This poem was included in many Italian websites
and even foreign translated in English and English.
If you are a teacher and you recognize yourself in these words ... is for you!
If you want to write :

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of Rhyme grandfather
I have a special grandfather far away:
today is his party and then celebrate.
I do not hold any longer in her arms
yet he loves me. I feel the air if
hug him and he holds me. Slightly

caress me when we walk together
smiles at me sweetly
but I do not hold back any longer to hand.
laugh because his laugh

resembles him but his voice weary,
is almost a whisper.
"He's up in heaven," she said
"It 'flew to Paradise." When did
night in my bed

I think about his smile and with all the feeling
call "Grandpa" in torpor. Then I fall asleep

serene with his grandfather into the heart.
Author: Simona Maiozzi
Dedicated to my grandfather Dino
its "Sorrisodinonno"
other nursery rhymes on my site:

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reader who reads well and badly
slow readers and those who are in a hurry
who read fast and then stutters
who makes the break from a large actor, who does
treble as a content reader
squeaky voice fine,
Chi scoccoda "stronger than a hen
reader and sweet delights the children, who reads
racing and jumps the dots. There
who chirps like a bird, and sputtered

reader (it takes an umbrella)
who reads fairy tales to her child, who reads
the night until morning
reader free those who in prison, there are those who
law under a parasol
reader into the bathroom and those on the couch,
who falls asleep with a book in hand
reader on the tram, others on the train,
who, in the rain, the law clear.
Who reads the manual
diet (and after they gorge like a pig)
those who read and pray with great faith,
who reads the horoscope and then ...
not believe it!
who read the recipes in the kitchen and dining
by mom (so becomes first)
reader alone, who in the company,
who "only" menus, Friday, at a pizzeria in
meter reader who cruise,
who reads and weeps and despairs
those who tremble with terror
and those who read and dream of the great love.
who read little, and who almost never
who reads books and wants much: each reads differently

... but who will be the worst?
Who does not read at all!

Author: Simona Maiozzi

January 2009

Rhyme Christmas
Reading Santa

that is used every evening by the fireplace,
you sit back and read the blessed
sipping a nice clamshell.
read poetry, novels, short stories
books of history and geography:
traveling on the dreams of new horizons,
flies on clouds of fantasy.
But in the silence of a quiet night,
right in the middle of the adventure, here

sudden the alarm rings and interrupts the beautiful reading!
Santa rising patient
wearing jacket, boots and hat, took the bag and smiling

prepares for his trip.
His reindeer are ready
already out with a star on the forehead and
the sled with the Hearts.
Santa system
the sack full of presents nice, good monitor
parcel by parcel
and then some with face serene.

flies across countries and nations and the sled runs and goes
brings gifts to good children
and leaves a trail of happiness.
As every year the ride is over. Come back again
reindeer in Rovaniemi.
Santa Claus is a bit 'exhausted:
give you problems ... "I have become too old!" exclaims
Santa moving floor.
She puts on pajamas, slips into bed with his book
close in hand.
the warmth as the snow flakes slowly on his windowsill.
The dim light is always lighter
already asleep and dreaming Santa ...

Author: Simona Maiozzi
December 2008

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Filastrocca di Carnevale sulla lettura

Nel calendario dopo il Natale
arriva presto l’Epifania;
poi c’è febbraio col Carnevale
e si festeggia in allegria.
Nelle strade e in ogni piazza
tra coriandoli e stelle filanti
c’è chi grida e chi schiamazza
e chi intona lieti canti.
C’è chi scherza, chi ride, chi balla,
chi si maschera e chi si traveste.
C’è chi canta, chi salta, chi strilla,
chi bastona su tutte le teste.
Frigge l’olio nelle padelle
con le frappe e le castagnole:
che profumo di dolci frittelle!
Ogni bimbo goloso ne vuole!
Tra festoni e bandierine
marciano a ritmo le sfilate:
quante buffe mascherine
dalle facce assai truccate!
Dopo le ore più divertenti
per i bambini finisce la festa:
tornano a casa sorridenti
con i coriandoli sulla testa.

Autrice: Simona Maiozzi

Gennaio 2008

Friday, March 6, 2009

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Giustizia, a volte assente.........

Sunday, March 1, 2009

How To Get Dragon Wings In Poptropica

Il precariato

In questo periodo mi trovo a vivere una situazione paradossale, situazione causata a wrong law and emphasized the desire for easy solutions and escape from the real problems, characteristic of us Italians.
The problem of which I speak is at work, I like many others I have an employment contract with a temporary agency, my contract was renewed for six months in six months, given the crisis now renewals are quarterly.
You say, "you're lucky to still have a job", true, unquestionable, but the thought that I brought this situation on the famous Biagi law, which introduced the world of work more "flexibility" and more "contractual freedom" this facilitates the availability of manpower for companies, but we?
The precarious not only have the certainty of the renewal of the contract, but most do not have the same share of payments of contributions which others are not entitled to unemployment benefits and more are under constant blackmail, since the renewal every three months, all There is also the absolute lack of protection by the representatives of so-called "social partners".
Famous unions, they should protect workers, should ensure a minimum of security, the security and protection that a wrong law has removed the temporary employees and temporary workers in general.
What I am seeing with my own eyes instead is a kind of systematic elimination of the precarious, as if it were more easy to delete temporary workers, rather than pursuing a battle against those who have ruined the economic situation of many families.
In other words: "We can not eliminate the law that brings in the precarious business and employment agencies? Well removed the interim, we send home the precarious and see that there will be no more problems."
This is the general attitude that I'm experiencing: "Do not fight against those who are great but you squeeze the tiniest and then we say that it is the fault of the company, say that, unfortunately, seen the contract that they are indefensible, so then who review them again. "
But all the families that leap?
Perhaps the life of my children and the stability economica della mia famiglia vale meno perché sono un precario?
Esistono dunque operai di serie A e operai di serie B?
Perché i primi hanno diritto alla tutela e i secondi sono solo carne da macello?
E le parti sociali che ci ripetono all'infinito che chi è ricco diventa sempre più ricco e chi è povero diventa sempre più povero non si rendono conto che stanno gettando le basi per un divario sempre più grande, a chi dovremmo chiedere aiuto noi futuri disoccupati, chi può aiutarci a non far si che le banche ci pignorino i beni e che ci troviamo costretti a delinquere per vivere?
Bisogna cambiare mentalità, bisogna cercare di cambiare le cose prima che noi tutti ci rendiamo conto che l'Argentina non is so far away.