Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hamsters And Colloidal Silver

Miss two degrees

not really the comments of praise Nicole Minetti dedicated to Silvio Berlusconi in a few phone calls intercepted during the investigation that sees our Premier investigated for extortion and exploitation of prostitution and child prostitution. Nicole Minetti, in these phone calls says he feels "ruined "from each other and send" to hell with that old ass flabby . But ... for a Monday night that the defense has in front of Gad Lerner ... Was it a defense obligation, given the situation? That the air is getting heavier understand one of the suicide bombers of Silvio Alfonso Signorini, which has already got their hands on, " Ruby is a big mystery, only she knows the truth, I did not seem false, but if Oscar lied is because he has taken all around "He adds:" The interview was not built in desk, I had never seen or known Ruby before because I did not want to be influenced and it went on the air so come è stato registrato "... Eh sì, caro Silvio, mi par di capire che i topi cercano di abbandonare frettolosamente la nave e prendere le distanze da te. La bella Nicole, quella da “ 110 e lode ”, pare non ti ami tantissimo, almeno quando telefona alle sua amiche. Se ci mettiamo che poi la Minetti svela quello che pensano in tanti e tacciono perchè non hanno prove per surrogarle, ma leggerle nella trascrizione delle intercettazioni, devo ammetterlo che mi fa un certo effetto, e io  sono un garantista per natura. e simpatizzante del centro destra. Pare che l'8 gennaio la Minetti telefondo a Barbara Faggioli asserva: " A lui gli fa comodo mettere te e me in Parlamento, perché says "well I have been raised by the balls, the state pays the salary. You know now they are also making collecting signatures to send away "... We'll see how it turns out I'm" swineherd "from how it was made without finding a way out, Ghedini and company, as soon as I think end febbriao eat "boiled premier" with fried peas. In a burst of dignity, it seems that Miss "two degrees in a mother tongue," frightened the turn took the matter, saying: "I I resign. This stuff is stuff that will ruin your life, you ruin the relationship, you worn out. You must have a hair on my stomach. But I say I do not give nothing. I want to get married, getting engaged, have children, a home. That is fighting every day to put it in the ass with all that has confidence in you. Politics is a mess. Cade him we fall. "Perhaps the lovely Nicole from her lips swollen from tits to Cusco, investigators want to know who is willing to talk? For posterity will judge us ... while waiting for the events.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Popular Electronics Shotgun Microphone

E 'dead morality?

The year 2010 gave us many satisfactions and some very good news, including an excellent death: after a long and painful illness, \u0026lt;\u0026lt; morality is dead! >> ;. Celebrate the arrival in his own way in the new year " Cetto La Whatever", the manufacturer and corrupt politician in Calabria, founder of the Party du Pilu, one of the most successful Albanian Antonio. There is the release of " Qualunquement e ', the film produced by Fandango in collaboration with RAI Cinema, now in theaters January 21, 2011, for 01 Distribution, the actor was one of the other actors, nights ago, the episode in which monographic "Che tempo che fa" inaugurated in 2011, up Raitre. Guest Fazio, AIbanese brought to preview a scene from 'any' and has performed in a rousing monologue in the role, by Cetto. The actor in this film, revives his most famous characters, including AIex drastic, born 'd to travel by train from Lombardy, where I was born in Sicily, the home of my family along the ' Italy - says Albanian - I observed several AIex Drastic, but also the industrial and Epifanio Perez. Interpreted for the first time in 1997 in the show "Welcome to the Sticks" and that represents a slice of reality, then there was a strange sort of exasperation industry, a boom basically sick. " A "Che tempo che fa" also spoke Gian Antonio Stella, a writer and signature of the Corriere della Sera, which - remember AIbanese - was "the first to capture the irony and cruelty of La Cetto Whatever." Just about this character, the author of 'Caste' says that 'there really are full of Cetto La Whatever it is that the cialtroneria turned professional, "but points out. that humor can also serve a civic. Given what is happening these days, where reality exceeds abbondandemente the imagination of the film, now we can no longer surprised by anything and that is to say: WE HAVE NOT YET bottoming .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bestbrazilian Wax Dc African American

The drunken phone call!

When love ends the behavior of males and females is very different. We start from the woman. When love ends, the reaction of a woman is the same one that would in any other situation where you decide: he starts to cry. The next step is a hairdresser. The next one, or often contemporary, is a telephone call to the heart. Together, write an email that you will find the movie and massacres of the carnival when you were dressed as a woman, and sent him on You Tube. Read the mail will be for you a pain in the pain, because as she lists all of your flaws that have ruined my life, is full of the letter "i" with over the hearts of smiley faces and emoticons from first grade. The third step is to let you know that has fallen into a depression with no return, the stuff of suicide, although in reality it is a disco with a miniskirt, fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake ass, fake tits, fake nails and tell everyone that you do not you're a real man. When a relationship ends, the man has some problems in most. First of all it led to overestimate his ex. Now he seems more beautiful than good, and smarter than any woman in the world. The statue seems like a model even if in fact it is so small and wide as when you mistake it for a yellow taxi. And why idealize? Simple, because is no longer yours. is typical of the man. And so, with this ideal in mind, six months after breaking four in the morning on a Saturday night, the phones with voice altered and mixed. " I just wanted to let you know that I've ruined my life and that I will never forgive you because I hate you, bitch! ... (after a brief pause) But I want you to know also that there is always a chance for us ... because I love . This is known in jargon as the call of "I love you / I hate you ' also known as the drunken phone call o. 99% of men did it at least once in their lifetime.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lots Of Cervical Mucus Then Nothing

not steal the future for young

Without any doubt the December 2010 will be remembered - for what concerns the Italian labor market - for two main reasons: the story Pomigliano, Fiat Mirafiori (which can be considered the beginning - whether positive or negative we will see in next month - a different system of relations company / trade unions) and, especially, the problem of unemployment and the future of our youth. Difficulty in finding a job and a future with little hope and few illusions are the two problems they must confront those who now have less than 25/30 years and that almost always involuntary stays at home with their parents.
Here, the only real social safety net in general continues to be, in Italy, the family. But how much longer can function effectively? The latest data and the latest forecasts are clear: in or near the poverty line. there are now 13 to 15 million Italians and this figure is set to increase further in the short and medium term, if our government will continue to live for the day in complete inability or willingness to launch - but very few exceptions - coordinated measures each other and generally applicable. Just in this regard, but one example: the Government and Secretary of Labor for nearly two years claim to have established a good social safety net for the and appropriations too limited and the requirements to be really difficult to enforce meant that only a few thousand children have been able to obtain this new allowance, which, after all, is a few thousand euro and one-off. The reality? The reality is this letter published in a newspaper these days, " eight years ago I went from home to work and create me a future. I changed a lot of places, all of short duration, doing various jobs and humble. My last main forgot to pay me ... For three months seeking a new job in late with the rent, with car payments, late in my life ... . Stealing the future and hope to young people is the most great and shameful crime of which they can not and should not stain the existing ruling classes, political and nonpolitical.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Shield Theme Song

Now even the pork?

After the eggs to dioxin, even now the pork is full of them. The discovery in this case sets a precedent: the first was found high proportion of dioxin in pork. The flesh dioxin was discovered at a farm in Lower Saxony. The spokesman of the Ministry of Agriculture in Hanover, Gert Hahne, announced that the company hundreds of pigs have been killed already. In another pig farm of the same Land values \u200b\u200bof dioxin were found close to those limits. The ministry added that there are currently 330 herds closed on 4400 initially tightened. Among eggs and pigs, the dioxin scare has spread to France and Denmark and in Germany while the government tries to reassure consumers urging the population not to panic. Even in Italy the experts reassure: "Even the cigarettes contain more eggs contaminated with dioxin. The maximum allowable threshold is too low to harm humans." I think these are just the tip of the iceberg, too many outlaws or contaminated feed, too few controls on meat exported ( controls Germany) and imported ( controls the country that imports ) and these offenders, we pretend to be good meat contaminated, do it very often free. Consumers are poorly protected and nothing can be against wild speculation. The bodies, why not find out anything? How did Striscia la Notizia, a satirical news program a few minutes , Sit an importer of Japanese tuna treated with carbon monoxide (harmful) to make it look more red? Our NAS what they do, are able to get gasoline in short supply and go around to check? This summer China Melamine to milk, then the mozzarella Blue chickens sick and mad cow disease .... What's in store tomorrow, these schemers?

Monday, January 10, 2011

What To Expect After Glioblastoma Surgery

Cornacchione - Silvio there

Tired of the usual multiplex cinema, for lack of comedies? Then I suggest you go to the theater, where in recent days, a funny comedian goes on stage, Antonio Cornacchione, lil with her show "Silvio is it?" Focuses on the famous parody of a "worshiper 'Silvio Berlusconi, but also on topical issues. The slogan that made him famous in his TV appearances is " Poor Silvi or" lament of a grotesque " cavalier servant "of the lion because Berlusconi was launched in opposition. Cornacchione now - under the program "The Art of making people laugh" - brings his stage show "Silvio there? . Story and songs of the contemporary political landscape, perspective distortion that makes it appear the thieves and robbers holy saints, such as reversals in the best folk art. Contrary to what one might think, however, Berlusconi is only one ingredient of the show. Cornacchione accompanied by the music of Carlo Fava, solid figure of theater and song, alternates with him in a well-calculated charge on the upper and lower systems of contemporary Italy. The bags break down? Fava exorcised with the "My bank plays the crack." Violence increases? Cornacchione tells how and when to tackle the hooligans, or making calmly beat.

What Is Central Annular Tear

Who should act?

the headquarters of Post and Telecommunications of Chieti, Via and Via Silvio Bertrand Spaventa, there are still loopholes in the wall, where once you holed letters, expressed and prints. Then it was decided to override this setting with red drawers, because wheelchair accessible. But at the Post Office did not deal with citizens. Have been girls, bravado or stupidity, but these loopholes have been filled with "rubbish". Ugly looking ... Who should intervene?

Good question.
But the answer is: the buck!

Yes, the blame game between the council and the post office. Meanwhile, the city administration with the cleaning company should remove this zozzeria, then I suggest you close the vents with tape that fits in with the marble. Meanwhile, we will make efforts with the "sideshow" of the asked. If the leaders were sensitive measure, but attention "no carelessly" (Something done hastily and inaccurately, sloppy), but restoring the primitive form. It 's a very beautiful marble! Cara the regional or provincial or national post office, think that spending is excessive? Try to make you do a quote and you will realize the cheap. There is this tacky? I, the administrator, I'd soon be done. The cost for our citizens is ZERO EURO!

Written by: Luciano Pellegrini

Thursday, January 6, 2011

English Pokemon Doujinshi

2 weeks on the white snow Trentino Society & sull'iPad

My winter holidays this year procecdono quickly and some will be among almost time to return. On track with the two grandchildren, Ricky and Simon's 12 years in a row on the installation of 7 lifts and then down to the fallen to the valley. Despite the sun the last few hours here at Madonna di Campiglio Rampant very cold, especially on the ski slopes. Temperatures several degrees below freezing, with snow-covered slopes, smooth and cared for in every detail. Even today the situation is not likely to change. The sky is obscured by clouds, but the temperature ranges from -13 to -2 degrees. The consequence is that the snow will be like for days, still icy and the slopes will be shiny like billiard balls is recommended only for an expert audience, because the slopes are exceedingly rich and the risk of clashes, due to the speed you touch in some places is very high. So today we have fast tracks and crowded and we must do a lot of attention to people with little experience posing for experienced skiers. These and other news I have the im premiere consulting my iPad in the morning, before leaving the hotel. This year the snows of Trentino have embraced the apple, not that of the Val di Non, but that of Steve Jobs. E 'available for iPhone and iPad application "Ski Trentino. This is the service dedicated to lovers of snow, designed for those who want to have at your hand all the information about the situation of the ski slopes and the meteorological conditions of the ski resort where you are. This year the services were improved and extended to holders dell'iPad, the revolutionary "tablet computer" manufactured by Apple can play sophisticated multimedia content as well as surf the internet. In a world that offers a growing range of communication tools, including the promotion and marketing should be a clear long-run increasing number of channels, so the user of 'Ski Trentino can now appreciate more graphical content and multimedia service, beginning with images of high-definition webcam and rich photo galleries. The application was made by a company thirty, Dimension Ltd, commissioned by Trentino Marketing. It can be installed free of charge and allows you to browse quickly and immediate information on ski of 64 consortia. The service is available in three languages \u200b\u200b(Italian, English and German), and provides weather forecasts for the current day and the next two, the number of facilities and trails are open to the public, the amount of snow present, the images presented by webcam placed on nearly all the tracks and a map area from plastigrafica enlarged as needed. The information concerns anche gli anelli di sci nordico e le aree per la pratica dello snowboard, sono le stesse reperibili sul sito , ma confezionate attraverso una grafica studiata appositamente per questo dispositivo ad alta interattività.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Accommodations And Brunch Wedding Wording

good intentions

Addio 2010 e a mai più rivederci... Il brindisi che si trasforma in una «maratona» di cin-cin, qualche petardo per scacciare l'anno vecchio e accogliere quello nuovo. I botti e l'abuso di alcolici sono gli eccessi che hanno caratterizzato l'inizio del 2011 a Chieti. L'attività the usual first aid station has been increased access by injured because of firecrackers and many, even very young, were at the limit of ethyl coma. Everything in accordance with the new year , which leads us to reflect on the major issues, which promises to be hard, with increases almost everywhere, highways, petrol, d where we have to pay a regional tax of 2 cents per liter, to put away the misguided policies of the previous administration, which has made us almost Health Abruzzo bankruptcy, many debts are offset by .
One of the big issues will be addressed the growth of new generations. In fact, the strength or weakness of economic development and maintaining social cohesion is largely determined by education in the broadest sense. This is a complex issue. What about at the same time, the demographics of the area, the results of the education and training and the scene of diverse educational models for everyday life, in families, in city.The 'Abruzzo has a birth rate of 10%. That puts him in high places in Italy, a little away from the serious crisis that we cotraddistingue birth. Our youngest is still an area that the rest of the country. So much so that for every 100 boys there are just, so to speak, 140 elderly people. However, between the ages of 15 and 24 covers only 9% of the population. So, like in Italy, our youth are surrounded by many adults and little ones often develop from a disabitudine to divide attention and to support competition and frustration, while experiencing a decrease in opportunities for social, peer, family, villages ; and cities. There is waiting for the young, at the same time many opportunities that have resisted until recently, are being less and grow, even in children Theatines, a sense of uncertainty. Our schools are better than anywhere else, at least here, wood ugly donkeys or those who have little desire to study. E 'absent the school dropout rate and the basic high school has risen enormously touching as high as 90, 95%, close to national records. Everything is due to the capacity of vocational training. Who, at school or elsewhere, works with children knows that there is a strong link between the growing unease and patterns prevailing today, conveyed by the media and politics. President Napolitano has done well to say that one must believe in our young people and ensure they can be the reservoir within which the nation can draw on to revive and preserve its democracy.