Sunday, January 2, 2011

Accommodations And Brunch Wedding Wording

good intentions

Addio 2010 e a mai più rivederci... Il brindisi che si trasforma in una «maratona» di cin-cin, qualche petardo per scacciare l'anno vecchio e accogliere quello nuovo. I botti e l'abuso di alcolici sono gli eccessi che hanno caratterizzato l'inizio del 2011 a Chieti. L'attività the usual first aid station has been increased access by injured because of firecrackers and many, even very young, were at the limit of ethyl coma. Everything in accordance with the new year , which leads us to reflect on the major issues, which promises to be hard, with increases almost everywhere, highways, petrol, d where we have to pay a regional tax of 2 cents per liter, to put away the misguided policies of the previous administration, which has made us almost Health Abruzzo bankruptcy, many debts are offset by .
One of the big issues will be addressed the growth of new generations. In fact, the strength or weakness of economic development and maintaining social cohesion is largely determined by education in the broadest sense. This is a complex issue. What about at the same time, the demographics of the area, the results of the education and training and the scene of diverse educational models for everyday life, in families, in city.The 'Abruzzo has a birth rate of 10%. That puts him in high places in Italy, a little away from the serious crisis that we cotraddistingue birth. Our youngest is still an area that the rest of the country. So much so that for every 100 boys there are just, so to speak, 140 elderly people. However, between the ages of 15 and 24 covers only 9% of the population. So, like in Italy, our youth are surrounded by many adults and little ones often develop from a disabitudine to divide attention and to support competition and frustration, while experiencing a decrease in opportunities for social, peer, family, villages ; and cities. There is waiting for the young, at the same time many opportunities that have resisted until recently, are being less and grow, even in children Theatines, a sense of uncertainty. Our schools are better than anywhere else, at least here, wood ugly donkeys or those who have little desire to study. E 'absent the school dropout rate and the basic high school has risen enormously touching as high as 90, 95%, close to national records. Everything is due to the capacity of vocational training. Who, at school or elsewhere, works with children knows that there is a strong link between the growing unease and patterns prevailing today, conveyed by the media and politics. President Napolitano has done well to say that one must believe in our young people and ensure they can be the reservoir within which the nation can draw on to revive and preserve its democracy.


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