Thursday, November 11, 2010

Do Broken Capillaries Heal?

Volontari buoni e volontari cattivi

Abbiamo già commentato l'intervista a Repubblica Torino di Walter Boero , pronto a tranciare giudizi sui volontari per la vita e a qualificare come "poche decine di esagitati" coloro che non la pensano come lui.

Sara Strippoli , la giornalista di Repubblica Torino che da diverse settimane sta conducendo il giornale nella battaglia contro il "Patto per la Vita", ha evidentemente trovato un diverso modo per combatterlo: dall'interno del mondo prolife .
E così - sul "modello Boero" - la volontaria che opera al "Maurice" is at pains to understand how to behave the volunteer proliferation. Let's see:

" Carla says that freedom of choice is a priority, but which to choose in freedom should know, understand the problem from all points of view." Compared to young couples who are "listening and I wonder how I would react in their place."

Especially "nobody wants to convince anyone here," says Carla. "

This is the greatest sin, punished by expulsion from the group. Carla tells it: "He knows that even among the volunteers there are exalted, and admits: I've seen some years ago at the Maria Vittoria. "What were they excited?" They walked among the beds of those who had an abortion the next day to try to convince them not to do so . "Look at ', one of the" exalted "there was also a girl who had been helped: "We helped a girl who obviously thought of having to return the favor (maybe thought of having to return the favor to other women ). He took our brochures and distribute them to go on the wards. "

Horror! The brochure must remain within the" booth " (as he defines Republic)!

When she noticed that the girl" exalted "distributed the brochure between the beds of the candidates on abortion, had only one fear: "They thought we were we" . Distinction must therefore be: "When we realized who was responsible we have removed" .

One may wonder that, faced with this behavior balanced ("Not everyone has the right balance," said the volunteer) to be helped only women who had already decided not to abort? "Those who come to us because it is thought likely to keep the child."

Here, Carla and Sara Strippoli we have exposed the "etiquette of the perfect volunteer prolific : her place, do not give too much bother, rispondere solo se interrogati, non far conoscere il materiale informativo se non richiesto (chissà, forse anche: non sporcare il gabbiotto e chiudere la porta a chiave quando esci? ).

Sarà forse così: ma come mai - insistenti e fastidiose - vengono alla mente le parole di Benedetto XVI?

"nel difendere la vita non dobbiamo temere l’ostilità e l’impopolarità, rifiutando ogni compromesso ed ambiguità, che ci conformerebbero alla mentalità di questo mondo."

Giacomo Rocchi


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