Thursday, December 2, 2010

Can I Bake Cookies In My Toaster Oven

Suicidio atto ingiusto

And 'these days the news of the suicide at the age of 95 years, a famous director.
The emphasis by the media when anticonservativo (jumping from the fifth floor of the hospital), which ended with the death of the director was particularly marked, so that the Head of State called for "respect the will of his last shot."
The question that arises in the light of statements by the Head of State, is whether it is ethically correct to observe a suicidal act or, conversely we should respect and compassion to the person performing it.
In the opinion of the writer can not and should not be compared to an action, done by anyone, inherently malvagia quale è quella che conduce alla morte. Così come nessuno oserebbe rispettare l’atto con cui il ladro sottrae un bene altrui, o il violento lede la salute dell’innocente.
La Vita è un valore assoluto e indisponibile in quanto ci è stata donata e non ci appartiene dal momento che nessuno vive solo per se stesso, ma ha dei doveri civili, famigliari e morali che lo legano alla collettività.
L’atto suicidario è, quindi, gravemente ingiusto poiché atto di egoismo e chiusura verso se stessi e verso il prossimo. Atto lesivo di quei doveri inderogabili di solidarietà riconosciuti solennemente anche dalla nostra Carta Costituzionale, oltre che da principi morali e di diritto naturale.
Questo should be the clear message sent by the authority, legitimacy, even indirectly, on pain of pipelines in contrast with the good life.
What, however, one must have respect and compassion of man is fragile and felt the pain is determined to perform an act without appeal.
The man deserves compassion, respect and compassion because we know nothing of the ultimate determination of Mario Monicelli in seconds that elapsed between the jump in the air and crash to the ground.
To quote the words of the Curé d'Ars, addressed to a mother desperate for the suicide of her son, between the fifth floor of the hospital and the pavement below is all the time for God's mercy

Peter Brovarone


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