Monday, December 28, 2009
Why Does Brake Pedal Go To Floor
Rhyme Christmas 2009
Dedicated to the best in the world Befana
that for almost 30 years has left
under the fire of our kitchen
three socks unforgettable giant: its special
a witch!
Rhyme of the Epiphany (in Roman dialect)
Borbotta the Epiphany fire near ar:
"Quer Santa Claus proprio ‘n vorpino!
Lui è sempre bello tutto soridente
e io? Na vejarda senza manco un dente.
Lui cor vestito novo de panno rosso
e io? Solo i rattoppi me porto addosso!
Lui ci ha i bordi de pelo intorno ar beretto
e io? ‘No straccio vecchio de fazzoletto.
Ai piedi c’ha certi stivali, neri, de pelle
e io ? Ci ho da cent’anni ‘e stesse pianelle.
Lui va con ‘na slitta tirata da renne
e io ? co’ la scopa m’incastro all’antenne.
Lui canta “Merry Christmas” perché è americano
e io canto? Ma io manco me ricordo
più come me chiamo…
Lui è bello e photogenic, goes on television and I
? So 'so bad, I'm anna I'll have' retired
... Oh well ... this year, Armenian, vojo ago 'around the urtimo
then next year, I promise, I recall.
Why? Because he plays in advance
(and thus aAs nun vale)
je brings them presents the night of Christmas! And when
ar Ariva the January 6 Epiphany
those are already in game na week. So it remains to
je 'is an old poor woman? Porto
the kids just 'na carzetta! But
: ar er father thinks dental caries and fillings, the mother
all'indiggestioni and allergology,
them kids then, I've lost hope,
Penzano you know what? In the interests' them holiday homework. But this year ... just pass
pe '
tradition (and even pe' nun from 'ar Santa is very satisfying!)
Fly slow the Befana pe' roofs and pe 'if you walk
magna nuts and cookies, and if school shorts ,
leaves all carz below each way
and never forget that if de ajio and charcoal.
But you see 'n boy "Porello, is still arzato!
is' a nun who writes them tasks completed ... "
" Ah! My Befana we really wanted to er Supply "
de la pija sock Befana e poi tutto contento
se magna ‘na cioccolata e doppo ‘na carammella:
mo’ sì che a grammatica je pare un po’ più bella!
E mentre er pupo studia e ripassa l’ortografia
je soride a Befana e zitta zitta vola via:
“Massì… macchè pensione, domani è n’antro giorno.
E sai che je dico a Babbo? Io n’antr’anno ce aritorno:
sarà pure famoso, cara “invenzione americana”
ma qui a Roma dentro ar core ce rimane la Befana!”
Autrice Simona Maiozzi
SCRIVI sempre nome e cognome dell’autrice SIMONA MAIOZZI
and website with links WWW.LETTURACHEAVVENTURA.IT
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Heat From Laptop Leaves Mottled Marks On Legs
Last Friday it snowed in Ferrara, despite the weather clear and explicit the council has left its citizens in nannies snow Tuesday morning, the temperatures drop at night and salt spreaders and snow plows are still at large.
The result is that there were numerous traffic accidents, falls, pedestrian, and many people including myself were not able to go to work.
So I created a small video to personally thank the person directly involved .......
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
How To Hide A Fever Blister
... And we hope to desperate people hungry, groping in
dreams of sun and rocks in the heart of salt injury.
And we are, thieves thoughts, which we thought ...
or crumbs of words, read with difficulty reluctantly
between those who will laugh in your face and says "You have to keep."
And we are lost souls in the night ... ...
captivated by the melancholy that hurts,
among the "big" words that process ... That we
silent "small" we are listening.
Sonia Demurtas
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thing To Know About Pontoon
Stiamo assistendo ormai da anni alla perdita graduale dei valori nel nostro paese, ciò che i nostri figli sono costretti ad imparare non sono i valori base quali: Famiglia, Amicizia, Patriottismo, senso del Dovere, tutti valori che ti garantiscono dei diritti, inviolabile conseguenza della legge del dare e dell'avere.
Ormai ciò a cui assistiamo è una continua richiesta di diritti e assenza totale di doveri.
Chi oggi fa successo sono coloro i quali sono assolutamente privi di capacità reali ma ricchi di chiacchiera e privi di sostanza.
Il mondo in cui viviamo è oramai malato, la base si è sgretolata, sbriciolata e tutto ciò che tentiamo di costruire è in forte pericolo di crollo.
D'altro canto le istituzioni are succeeding slowly to contribute to the defeat, with policies affecting the right of every individual and the family nucleus untouchable, inviolable basis of each country. We parents
now we are in the trenches to defend the basic values \u200b\u200bin order to educate our children to live a life in which the traditions are all the same family is threatened by continuous media bombardment that advertise as "normal" the various characters television now are mostly gay, trans and valleys from the little intellectual value, riding the wave of the current fashion in order to make money from their very personal life choice.
as targets lacked the basic necessities, yet they do not si potevano trarre guadagni e benefici economici a discapito della popolazione, ancora le multinazionali non erano riuscite a specularci sopra.
Adesso si può.
Si sta già parlando di privatizzazione dell'acqua, le multi nazionali avranno una nuova fonte di guadagno, un nuovo profitto si avvicina, una nuova tirannia per noi avanza.
Paghiamo per i mezzi di informazione(canone), paghiamo per fare una telefonata, paghiamo delle tasse anche per vivere in casa nostra, paghiamo per muoverci, attraverso un'inutile tassa di possesso per non parlare del costo effettivo del carburante assolutamente più basso del prezzo alla pompa, potevamo not pay for water?
you say but until now did not you paid? Of course I was paying but what me angry is that it is putting a product on a par with any commercial goods of first necessity which in principle can not be marketed and sold to the tyranny of God sold to the Masonic lobby money.
They are designed solely to gain, just speculation and worry about the consequences for the population, who will guarantee that speculation does not reach the limits disproportionate? Who should protect against this threat that the Italian state is selling slowly there?
My confidence in this regard is very low, I just hope that one day we realize that the sale di un bene come l'acqua è come vendere i propri valori, la propria identità, è privare la popolazione dei più sacrosanti diritti.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Desert Eagle 50ae Co2
" Working for the autonomy of pupils with specific learning disabilities "comprised of 4 modules for a total duration of 12 hours, 15-18 teachers attended the workshop sessions and a greater number at the first plenary meeting of 4 hours. Canalescuola, therefore, in this first course, has trained well over 200 teachers of all levels.
Participating schools, in addition to training, have had the opportunity to acquire the tools and compensatory education programs!
The path of awareness of ASD, taken on its own initiative by the Group of Dyslexia teacher at the school Savona, has found a natural outlet in the work place by the Group of Study and Work up from 'Office of the Provincial School. A praise Head goes to Dr. Carl and Dr. Andrea Barzaghi Censi who believe in the "School" as the core promoter effective and efficient not only of culture but of well-being. Alessandra
Clarita began its activities in the role of teacher coordinator of teachers contact with dyslexia schools of all levels for the province of Savona , in 2007 with the organization of the conference " Fatigue study: the role of the school and the family. " This year has been a network, as well as early Clarita's blog to share issues, creare discussioni, scambiarsi materiali...
Altri laboratori sono in fase di apertura a Genova (Operated by Canalescuola), Imperia (Managed dall'AID) and also in the province of Savona, Liguria OSDislessia operated by the City under the auspices of the Foundation's contribution and Millesimo De Mari. The laboratory activities are all by Canalescuola.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Bike-themed Party, Birthday
The group "dislessiainrete ( held Saturday, November 28 for a round table on theme" educational technology for the specific learning disorders "to be attended by Claudia Hood (Head search form CNR), Daniel (3rd class pupil school sec. Grade I), Laura Grosso (SMS Perotti, Torino), Paolo Guglielmino (Coord. Degree in Speech Therapy, University Torino), Luisa Molinas (NPI - CTR Cagliari), Carlo Muzio (NPI, University of Pavia), Giuliana Ravaschietto (First Art School-Turin), Viviana Rossi (DS Alpignano), will also take the 'School Office region to present the new regional round (No. 326 of October 30)
The registration form can be downloaded from ... torio.html
The round table is reserved for teachers .. (As he wanted the polo school that started the idea for the conference) ... but soon the same group of dislessiainrete organize something for the parents.
Publicize this event, please inform the teachers of your children!.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Forward Option Contract
start a dialogue on the time ..........
Reflections of a Mother Who
as we have at home a dyslexic child, wonders at least once a week, but what my son is showing me, not the New World "?
Let us open a debate on this.
My name is Elisa, I have 52 years and 3 children 29, 24 and a dyslexic 12enne "ipertutto", but that ends up being so hyper hypo for the Law of Return. A little 'how the system of dubbing in a race where the first, when viewed from a viewer who did not follow the start of the race, could be mistaken for the past behind last ..!
Many parents are not to understand my condition. They know, feel the belly, in front of her son who has enormous potential but are found to impact the world, and not school, where these features can not be neither recognized nor absorbed, much less accepted. I
philosopher and philosophers have always been stuck in the great bogeymen .. time and matter.
These guys are bringing us just think of the time. The Kronos time and all of Kairos, a time for each thing. Do not bend to Kronos, is too slow or too fast, but still convoluted for them. They want to require the synthesis and succeed in one way or another.
they're too slow or too fast: they can not spend time behind the details, which, if any, will be useful if you have searched, in a "second" time.
as if to indicate all the clutter in the last 7000 years to bring us back to basics?
Hence the technology for their is primary, with which they are able to match the kairos with a time and find a unit who feel lost.
Many of them are perfectly at ease with nature and animals because they feel that they do not feel what a harmonious world of humans. In nature, the time trial and the kairos combine to create life in the real matter. There is no hypothesis, reasoning, possibility. The subject talks and that's enough. Maybe it ran out of time Pirandello's "so, if you like" and we are in time "as is, and that's it?
Man has separated himself from them and everything we are doing see?
What to do? Attrezziamoci and give space to those who are doing so. "Usiamoci" we and our children to bring evolution to humanity, technology in schools, maps to the children "normal" that will break your head with alleged methods of studying chaotic speed and compatibility to our historical time, where summary There is chaos in the dispersion unit.
This year I found a team of highly motivated and very professional teachers at the Middle School Spotswood School Plexus - Noli in the province of Savona (tel.019.745408), which is working really well, with great enthusiasm, wisdom and technology. I turn
especially those who have children in 5th grade in the area and not just dyslexics: learn, come and see, enroll them in the new year and you can breathe a sigh of relief but also review your child calm.
These guys have no trouble .. but they got us to see the "disorder" of a company back, old and sick ?...... rises stronger every day I doubt it ... ... ... ..
expect from you ...
Friday, July 10, 2009
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Tre anni e sei mesi, la condanna ai quattro agenti colpevoli di aver ucciso Federico Aldrovandi, una condanna tanto attesa quanto deludente.
Infatti mi chiedo come possa essere possibile che per aver ucciso un diciottenne si riceva una condanna così riduttiva e per reati minori invece si venga condannati più seriamente.
In più c'è da chiedersi come mai gli agenti in questione siano ancora in servizio, come mai quattro elementi simili possano ancora indossare la divisa delle Polizia e compiere azioni di controllo e di ordine pubblico, proprio loro che sono guilty of murder. Just
them to escape while you are shooting pleaded not guilty to zero on the dignity of a boy, and especially by lying to her parents, Frederick may also have been wrong, but it certainly did not deserve the death penalty.
sentenced without trial by a false democracy.
Friday, July 3, 2009
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is approaching the day of Judgement, it is postponed to July 6, but we all hope that justice does not disappoint us as in many cases, unfortunately in Italy .
Again: "Justice for Aldrovandi"
Monday, June 22, 2009
Youth Hostel Age Requirements
These days we are seeing the attempt of the Iranian people to lead their country towards democracy, towards a better future where women are not imprisoned because they have their hair uncovered and where children can express their ideas without fear of being imprisoned with the risk that the prisoner is dead.
Iran threatens us over in a direct manner with its ongoing experiments on nuclear power, is a place where anti-Western fundamentalists find fertile ground, the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Iranian system is there for all to see thanks to the Internet in this case is proving valuable source of information where the regime prevents the information comes.
Iran, which I honestly thought I was soon invaded by U.S. troops is pop up with his forces to demonstrate that if people really determined can freely decide their own fate and choose to go fight for their freedom, although often means going to commit suicide, all this in support of the theory of self-determination. Often the people from guerrilla
can generate stability and security where the involvement of a foreign country would fail because it is seen as an invader.
Many these days argue that we in the West should intervene, helping the Iranian people, would be a mistake, it would be the end of a regime and the beginning of political instability and cultural, is a clear demonstration that the chaos in Iraq and Afghanistan pay respectively.
Iran is raised again by their own efforts, through it all his ideas will strengthen and give life to a new country, a new democracy to secure its determination can provide stability and governability.
Many have written:
'E' die with your eyes open wherever we live with eyes closed. "
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
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Il ministro Maroni ci sta riuscendo, finalmente c'è qualcuno che sta attuando una politica decisa e determinata per la difesa dei nostri diritti di cittadini Italiani.
Finalmente qualcuno che ha deciso di dare una sferzata al problema, che ha deciso di attuare una politica dura a fronte di un problema duro.
In tutti questi anni solo chiacchiere e nulla di fatto, l'immigrazione c'è sempre stata e tutte le estati il solito tram tram di barconi, e le solite chiacchiere inutili dettate dal buonismo ipocrita.
Il problema è più grande, il problema non è solo il loro che provengono da paesi disagiati, ma il problema diventa il nostro che siamo costretti ad accogliere persone che in gran parte vanno ad alimentare le fila del lavoro in nero e della criminalità organizzata, stanno riuscendo a rendere interi quartieri invivibili, e noi Italiani siamo costretti a vendere, anzi svendere gli appartamenti e scappare.
Stiamo diventando emigranti nella nostra terra.
E adesso che finalmente sembra muoversi qualcosa interviene l'ONU, che dice che violiamo con i respingimenti il trattato di Ginevra, esiste però un trattato che difende i miei immobili dalla svalutazione dovuta all'aumento della criminalità?Un trattato che tutela i miei figli dagli spacciatori?
Credo che il problema lo possa comprendere a pieno solo chi lo sta vivendo.
Ciò che non riesco a capire è come mai la sinistra si stia accanendo così tanto sui respingimenti visto che anche governi di sinistra in passato hanno attuato la stessa politica, sarà campagna elettorale?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Interior Paint Comparison
che mi gira da giorni per la testa!
Mamma, per me tu sei speciale
e ti meriti un dono “originale”.
Sai quella cosa che non trovi mai,
quella cosa che vorresti ma non hai?
Mi dici : “No…non ora! Non adesso!”
e io guardo l’orologio un po’ perplesso:
c’è qualcosa che ti fa correre in fretta
come un treno che passa e non aspetta,
che ti dà ansia e preoccupazione…
Ma cara mamma, ho la soluzione!
Ti regalo il dono più prezioso:
il tempo dei dreams and rest
time that relaxes and refreshes
for when you come home tired, tired,
for a great laugh when you're nervous and angry,
the time to read a
book that you like for when you want to stay in peace and
hugs and kisses for when I want to tell you that I like:
but hold tight on time,
no longer have to escape!
I have all the time
start to embrace ...
April 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Radiohead One Eyed Woman
Ho cercato di ignorare in questi giorni tutto il caos creato da Santoro e da Annozero, ma curiosando per il web non ho potuto fare a meno di notare che ci sono persone che ritengono che il programma sia una salvezza dalla grande censura.
Non posso fare a meno di pormi ancora una volta la domanda, ma censura da che, di chi?
Ci sono determinate correnti ideologiche che ancora battono il tasto della censura, della dittatura imminente, della soppressione di ideologie che dovrebbero essere considerate la libertà e la democrazia.
Peccato che in Italia la Democracy is not there, shame that the history books our children are studying biased and distorted by a history written by the winners of course are the "good" while others are "bad."
Santoro A journalist can not be regarded as a sure salvation, is not the champion of freedom, he is nothing but a journalist who speculates on the scoop, it makes headlines, quarrels with the press of his own ideological trend, or rather why not accused of inefficiency all the volunteers of Civil Defence, people who leave their families to help others, it is all over the papers here and that's it.
The most interesting thing is that the day after on Facebook and on many blogs you are faced with a revolution against the famous bridge of Messina, waste of public money etc.. etc.. In short, the same old soup warmed to perfection to ensure that the bank balance go up, because Santoro does not declare its actual earnings for each of its outputs from the first woman?
Because for once is not enough information to make real, non-partisan mud and especially those who do not volunteer to sacrifice themselves for others and sometimes take risks incalculable in person?
Personally, I express the utmost respect for all those who helped the people of Abruzzo and they have done is that Italy has shown the world how a great country in the face of great tragedy is able to field large forces and a lot of solidarity.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Used Dental Tweezersfor Sale

The only thing I feel I can do right now is to spread the address to collect funds for earthquake victims in Abruzzo.
I do everything with a sense of helplessness that this tragedy leaves me and I'm sure like me many others feel powerless and are eager to do something about this piece of Italy at this time that suffers and suffers uncontrollable force of nature.
support and an incentive to resist and to be strong even before these tragedies, a un'abbraccio and support to all families affected.
This also means to be Italian. ..... ...... 15,389 ...... ......
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spanish Baby Shower Blessings
In recent days, watching the news I could not help but hear the changes and the acrobatics of the Italian right.
that now there was not a real right, but thanks to small parties, was evident in Italy, but you can watch a clown so great I really do not know.
last interview Fini said he has "changed his mind, that what we said fifteen years ago and say that Mussolini was a great statesman was an error.

Why does a sane person would still support a male who over the years has changed several times the skin like a snake in the suit, in addition to the skin of the snake body in good Fini genes same snake with all its genetic makeup of the cowardly traitor.
I believe with this statement of having offended the serpent, but now we are so used to attach the epithet of traitor to the snake that I found most relevant example.
By now the character is a small little man attached to the chair, he wants the chair, and someone is happy if he takes, you know the puppets follow the wires.

All work carried out will give you the good results, people will understand that those who sell ready to sell, but a fake may also be a false copyright but still remains false.
It is true dear "friend" Fini, the answer is nei fatti, in quello che hai fatto in questi anni, si capisce che fai di tutto per la poltrona, ma su una cosa ti devo dare torto, sei proprio sicuro di non essere schizofrenico?
Magari lo stai tenendo nascosto, un domani potrai sempre giustificare il tuo comportamento dubbio nascondendoti dietro la malattia.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
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I believe
I believe in children.
respect their dignity as men
small wings that fly high
I believe in the future.
I build with their bare hands
new ways to new heights.
And I smile.
I believe in my work.
abacus in school, you will never
Why I
in children.
The teacher Simona Maiozzi
Rome, February 3, 2009
Suspension Curtain Rod
today is his party and then celebrate.
I do not hold any longer in her arms
caress me when we walk together
smiles at me sweetly
laugh because his laugh
resembles him but his voice weary,
"He's up in heaven," she said
"It 'flew to Paradise." When did
night in my bed
I think about his smile and with all the feeling
serene with his grandfather into the heart.
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slow readers and those who are in a hurry
who read fast and then stutters
who makes the break from a large actor, who does
treble as a content reader
squeaky voice fine,
Chi scoccoda "stronger than a hen
reader and sweet delights the children, who reads
racing and jumps the dots. There
who chirps like a bird, and sputtered
reader (it takes an umbrella)
who reads fairy tales to her child, who reads
the night until morning
reader free those who in prison, there are those who
law under a parasol
reader into the bathroom and those on the couch,
who falls asleep with a book in hand
reader on the tram, others on the train,
who, in the rain, the law clear.
Who reads the manual
diet (and after they gorge like a pig)
those who read and pray with great faith,
who reads the horoscope and then ...
not believe it!
who read the recipes in the kitchen and dining
by mom (so becomes first)
reader alone, who in the company,
who "only" menus, Friday, at a pizzeria in
meter reader who cruise,
who reads and weeps and despairs
those who tremble with terror
and those who read and dream of the great love.
who read little, and who almost never
who reads books and wants much: each reads differently
... but who will be the worst?
Who does not read at all!
Author: Simona Maiozzi
January 2009
Reading Santa

that is used every evening by the fireplace,
you sit back and read the blessed
sipping a nice clamshell.
read poetry, novels, short stories
books of history and geography:
traveling on the dreams of new horizons,
flies on clouds of fantasy.
But in the silence of a quiet night,
right in the middle of the adventure, here
sudden the alarm rings and interrupts the beautiful reading!
Santa rising patient
wearing jacket, boots and hat, took the bag and smiling
prepares for his trip.
His reindeer are ready
already out with a star on the forehead and
the sled with the Hearts.
Santa system
the sack full of presents nice, good monitor
parcel by parcel
and then some with face serene.
flies across countries and nations and the sled runs and goes
brings gifts to good children
and leaves a trail of happiness.
As every year the ride is over. Come back again
reindeer in Rovaniemi.
Santa Claus is a bit 'exhausted:
give you problems ... "I have become too old!" exclaims
Santa moving floor.
She puts on pajamas, slips into bed with his book
close in hand.
the warmth as the snow flakes slowly on his windowsill.
The dim light is always lighter
already asleep and dreaming Santa ...
Author: Simona Maiozzi
December 2008
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Nel calendario dopo il Natale
arriva presto l’Epifania;
poi c’è febbraio col Carnevale
e si festeggia in allegria.
Nelle strade e in ogni piazza
tra coriandoli e stelle filanti
c’è chi grida e chi schiamazza
e chi intona lieti canti.
C’è chi scherza, chi ride, chi balla,
chi si maschera e chi si traveste.
C’è chi canta, chi salta, chi strilla,
chi bastona su tutte le teste.
Frigge l’olio nelle padelle
con le frappe e le castagnole:
che profumo di dolci frittelle!
Ogni bimbo goloso ne vuole!
Tra festoni e bandierine
marciano a ritmo le sfilate:
quante buffe mascherine
dalle facce assai truccate!
Dopo le ore più divertenti
per i bambini finisce la festa:
tornano a casa sorridenti
con i coriandoli sulla testa.
Friday, March 6, 2009
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Sunday, March 1, 2009
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The problem of which I speak is at work, I like many others I have an employment contract with a temporary agency, my contract was renewed for six months in six months, given the crisis now renewals are quarterly.
You say, "you're lucky to still have a job", true, unquestionable, but the thought that I brought this situation on the famous Biagi law, which introduced the world of work more "flexibility" and more "contractual freedom" this facilitates the availability of manpower for companies, but we?
The precarious not only have the certainty of the renewal of the contract, but most do not have the same share of payments of contributions which others are not entitled to unemployment benefits and more are under constant blackmail, since the renewal every three months, all There is also the absolute lack of protection by the representatives of so-called "social partners".

What I am seeing with my own eyes instead is a kind of systematic elimination of the precarious, as if it were more easy to delete temporary workers, rather than pursuing a battle against those who have ruined the economic situation of many families.
In other words: "We can not eliminate the law that brings in the precarious business and employment agencies? Well removed the interim, we send home the precarious and see that there will be no more problems."
This is the general attitude that I'm experiencing: "Do not fight against those who are great but you squeeze the tiniest and then we say that it is the fault of the company, say that, unfortunately, seen the contract that they are indefensible, so then who review them again. "
But all the families that leap?
Perhaps the life of my children and the stability economica della mia famiglia vale meno perché sono un precario?
Esistono dunque operai di serie A e operai di serie B?
Perché i primi hanno diritto alla tutela e i secondi sono solo carne da macello?
E le parti sociali che ci ripetono all'infinito che chi è ricco diventa sempre più ricco e chi è povero diventa sempre più povero non si rendono conto che stanno gettando le basi per un divario sempre più grande, a chi dovremmo chiedere aiuto noi futuri disoccupati, chi può aiutarci a non far si che le banche ci pignorino i beni e che ci troviamo costretti a delinquere per vivere?
Bisogna cambiare mentalità, bisogna cercare di cambiare le cose prima che noi tutti ci rendiamo conto che l'Argentina non is so far away.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Double Hexagon Fish Tank

During today I just want to join an initiative by several sites and blogs posting the Italian flag in mourning in memory of all those Italians who were brutally murdered on the eastern border, in more than 350,000 compatriots want to remember the forced exile of Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia and motivated by the barbarity of the partisans of Marshal Tito in their systematic ethnic cleansing.
In addition the question is when and if the Italians can never regain those lands that were torn with la forza e con la prepotenza delle armi e della violenta aggressione.
Ormai prossima all'ingresso nell'Ue la Croazia dovrebbe dare una svolta conclusiva alla questione dando risposte a domande fin'ora rimaste inevase.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
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In questi giorni non ho potuto fare a meno che seguire ed ascoltare la questione Cesare Battisti.
Doveroso è un breve riassunto della vicenda: Battisti non è altro che un terrorista esponente dei PAC (Proletari Armati per il Comunismo), è accusato di quattro omicidi, e diverse rapine finalizzate al sostentamento delle attività illecite del movimento.
Fu arrestato nel 79 a Frosinone, evase e si trasferì in Francia dove il "bravo terrorist "was able to write and translate more books in French, then the day came when Italy called for their extradition, the" poor "then decided it was healthier than cut and run, he escaped and after years of hiding there he is popping in Brazil.

was arrested and extradition request from Italy to the nth the "carnival" government decides to grant him the status of "political refugee" citing concern and fear of possible persecution against Baptists because of its political ideas.
That said I wonder how can a government like that Brazil may have doubts about the seriousness of our prison, it is inevitable that in Italy Battisti be tortured, do you think a person like him had to be cultured in a cell all day, to have three hot meals, you may even run the risk of having to watch Big Brother on TV, or worse Amici di Maria De Filippi, in fact I'm not sure that a man so full of values \u200b\u200band respect for life can sustain a prison system so raw and violent.
I think in reality this is all a big hoax, a big joke, take a stand against our government.
What matters at the end of the race is that the second world war we were marked, there has to be condemned to eternal damnation with a country on his shoulders, the eternal guilt, the eternal sentence to be served, preventing us from putting people in prison as Baptists decided that the people who had hindered his death, that his idea was so important to be able to afford to trample on the lives of others.

The result of all this is that if you kill and you are arrested do not worry, we are Italy, say that you did for the people, say that you belong to a minority, you say you are sorry and enjoy your new holiday then maybe you found a new brand of clothing or write books and you will definitely feel better than we poor ignorant which does not kill anyone and every day we go to work only.
June 6, 1978, Udine, Antonio Santoro. (Charge: perpetrator)
February 16, 1979, Santa Maria di Sala (VE), Lino Sabbadin. (Charge: armed coverage)
February 16, 1979, Milan, Pierluigi Torregiani. (Charge: co-organizer)
April 19, 1979, Milan, Andrea Campagna. (Charge: perpetrator)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Green Tree Python For Sale Canada
In a day like today had seemed a good idea to go fishing, I live in precisely that about 500 mt from the Po, and so armed with my cane and boots, I went there.
Needless to say that my fishing has been totally unsuccessful, but at one point, bored with what I started looking around, I realized that is where I walked up to a few days before there was water but what I had not immediately noticed was the huge amount of waste that had left the river on the banks, tangled in trees.
I found dozens and dozens of plastic bottles, detergent containers, drums for oil, motorcycle helmets, plastic boxes, plus an infinite number of pieces of plastic labels, of food packaging and non-shopping bags, plus many other things, due to the current and status, I was not able to understand the source of use.
The point is that one should not necessarily be the fiercest defenders of nature, all animals freestyle leghiamoci to a tree, to understand that there is something wrong.
We are always glued to the TV watching all scared the gradual melting of ice and then we do? Hide the dirt under the carpet, sooner or later disappear, and we do not care where it ends.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Manual For Minolta Srt100x Camera

Cda Rai: puntata Annozero faziosa
Santoro: Cda carica arma, altri premeranno il grilletto
(ANSA) - ROMA, 21 GEN - La trasmissione di Annozero su Gaza 'ha peccato di intolleranza e faziosita'', sentenzia il Consiglio di amministrazione della Rai. 'A nessuno - rileva il Cda - puo' essere negato di esprimere il proprio punto di vista, ma questo deve tener conto e rispettare anche il punto di vista degli altri'. Il commento di Santoro: 'E' come se presidente e Cda avessero caricato un'arma per lasciarla in eredita' ai loro successori, senza avere il coraggio to pull the trigger '.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Defecography Rectocele
After the intervention of the Annunciation is that Santoro came some doubt as to his professionalism?
Is it not a journalist and as such information should be selfless?
The truth is that Santoro can not do disinterested information and may not even be able to be able to do it, in fact you will probably find themselves unemployed, the truth is that there is no ' truly impartial information, there are journalists who write news articles in a fair and impartial. But I still
che personaggi spudorati come Santoro non abbiano il diritto di utilizzare un mezzo d'informazione di massa quale la televisione, mondo in cui spesso le verità sono nascoste, camuffate e taroccate a scapito delle vittime e a tutto vantaggio degli ascolti e del guadagno economico.
Oggi come oggi la forma di ribellione migliore è buttare il telecomando fuori dalla finestra.
Santoro sei sicuro che quello che dicono su di voi siano davvero delle fesserie?
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Angie Harmon Daughters Name

Ci sono molte forme di arte al mondo, così come ci sono molti modi di vedere ed interpretare le cose.
Penso che in ogni forma d'arte ci sia una componente molto importante da non sottovalutare: l'istinto.
In fact, it contributes to achieving our goal, edit, and facilitates our work, basically gives us the impulse more than we need to get our little masterpiece.
In this regard I often discuss with friends and family on the most trivial thing in the world, photography, I do not want the definition of trivial is perhaps incorrect, the correct term to use I believe it is "common."
However the applicant is discussion on how to take pictures as well as on the subjects.
'm not even a photographer I shot very few photos but I always try to take pictures and details I did not realize that after all my research forced me to the very little results.
Another question that I face with my father often about photo retouching with special programs, many times in fact to try to improve a picture we end up worse, in essence, we make it fake. My theory
conclusion was instinctive to take pictures, take advantage of the opportunities that today give us the digital camera you can delete the photos came out wrong, then edit as little as possible, stopping with the touch-up before our face seems made with pastels and the background look like a billboard.
If we follow these simple rules, perhaps we get the results rather than discrete and our photos will help us have memories of past years for a long time.