In recent days, watching the news I could not help but hear the changes and the acrobatics of the Italian right.
that now there was not a real right, but thanks to small parties, was evident in Italy, but you can watch a clown so great I really do not know.
last interview Fini said he has "changed his mind, that what we said fifteen years ago and say that Mussolini was a great statesman was an error.

Why does a sane person would still support a male who over the years has changed several times the skin like a snake in the suit, in addition to the skin of the snake body in good Fini genes same snake with all its genetic makeup of the cowardly traitor.
I believe with this statement of having offended the serpent, but now we are so used to attach the epithet of traitor to the snake that I found most relevant example.
By now the character is a small little man attached to the chair, he wants the chair, and someone is happy if he takes, you know the puppets follow the wires.

All work carried out will give you the good results, people will understand that those who sell ready to sell, but a fake may also be a false copyright but still remains false.
It is true dear "friend" Fini, the answer is nei fatti, in quello che hai fatto in questi anni, si capisce che fai di tutto per la poltrona, ma su una cosa ti devo dare torto, sei proprio sicuro di non essere schizofrenico?
Magari lo stai tenendo nascosto, un domani potrai sempre giustificare il tuo comportamento dubbio nascondendoti dietro la malattia.
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