In questo periodo mi trovo a vivere una situazione paradossale, situazione causata a wrong law and emphasized the desire for easy solutions and escape from the real problems, characteristic of us Italians.
The problem of which I speak is at work, I like many others I have an employment contract with a temporary agency, my contract was renewed for six months in six months, given the crisis now renewals are quarterly.
You say, "you're lucky to still have a job", true, unquestionable, but the thought that I brought this situation on the famous Biagi law, which introduced the world of work more "flexibility" and more "contractual freedom" this facilitates the availability of manpower for companies, but we?
The precarious not only have the certainty of the renewal of the contract, but most do not have the same share of payments of contributions which others are not entitled to unemployment benefits and more are under constant blackmail, since the renewal every three months, all There is also the absolute lack of protection by the representatives of so-called "social partners".
Famous unions, they should protect workers, should ensure a minimum of security, the security and protection that a wrong law has removed the temporary employees and temporary workers in general.
What I am seeing with my own eyes instead is a kind of systematic elimination of the precarious, as if it were more easy to delete temporary workers, rather than pursuing a battle against those who have ruined the economic situation of many families.
In other words: "We can not eliminate the law that brings in the precarious business and employment agencies? Well removed the interim, we send home the precarious and see that there will be no more problems."
This is the general attitude that I'm experiencing: "Do not fight against those who are great but you squeeze the tiniest and then we say that it is the fault of the company, say that, unfortunately, seen the contract that they are indefensible, so then who review them again. "
But all the families that leap?
Perhaps the life of my children and the stability economica della mia famiglia vale meno perché sono un precario?
Esistono dunque operai di serie A e operai di serie B?
Perché i primi hanno diritto alla tutela e i secondi sono solo carne da macello?
E le parti sociali che ci ripetono all'infinito che chi è ricco diventa sempre più ricco e chi è povero diventa sempre più povero non si rendono conto che stanno gettando le basi per un divario sempre più grande, a chi dovremmo chiedere aiuto noi futuri disoccupati, chi può aiutarci a non far si che le banche ci pignorino i beni e che ci troviamo costretti a delinquere per vivere?
Bisogna cambiare mentalità, bisogna cercare di cambiare le cose prima che noi tutti ci rendiamo conto che l'Argentina non is so far away.
The problem of which I speak is at work, I like many others I have an employment contract with a temporary agency, my contract was renewed for six months in six months, given the crisis now renewals are quarterly.
You say, "you're lucky to still have a job", true, unquestionable, but the thought that I brought this situation on the famous Biagi law, which introduced the world of work more "flexibility" and more "contractual freedom" this facilitates the availability of manpower for companies, but we?
The precarious not only have the certainty of the renewal of the contract, but most do not have the same share of payments of contributions which others are not entitled to unemployment benefits and more are under constant blackmail, since the renewal every three months, all There is also the absolute lack of protection by the representatives of so-called "social partners".

What I am seeing with my own eyes instead is a kind of systematic elimination of the precarious, as if it were more easy to delete temporary workers, rather than pursuing a battle against those who have ruined the economic situation of many families.
In other words: "We can not eliminate the law that brings in the precarious business and employment agencies? Well removed the interim, we send home the precarious and see that there will be no more problems."
This is the general attitude that I'm experiencing: "Do not fight against those who are great but you squeeze the tiniest and then we say that it is the fault of the company, say that, unfortunately, seen the contract that they are indefensible, so then who review them again. "
But all the families that leap?
Perhaps the life of my children and the stability economica della mia famiglia vale meno perché sono un precario?
Esistono dunque operai di serie A e operai di serie B?
Perché i primi hanno diritto alla tutela e i secondi sono solo carne da macello?
E le parti sociali che ci ripetono all'infinito che chi è ricco diventa sempre più ricco e chi è povero diventa sempre più povero non si rendono conto che stanno gettando le basi per un divario sempre più grande, a chi dovremmo chiedere aiuto noi futuri disoccupati, chi può aiutarci a non far si che le banche ci pignorino i beni e che ci troviamo costretti a delinquere per vivere?
Bisogna cambiare mentalità, bisogna cercare di cambiare le cose prima che noi tutti ci rendiamo conto che l'Argentina non is so far away.
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