In the province of Savona to measure a school pupil ... with DSA and more!
start a dialogue on the time ..........
Reflections of a Mother Who
as we have at home a dyslexic child, wonders at least once a week, but what my son is showing me, not the New World "?
Let us open a debate on this.
My name is Elisa, I have 52 years and 3 children 29, 24 and a dyslexic 12enne "ipertutto", but that ends up being so hyper hypo for the Law of Return. A little 'how the system of dubbing in a race where the first, when viewed from a viewer who did not follow the start of the race, could be mistaken for the past behind last ..!
Many parents are not to understand my condition. They know, feel the belly, in front of her son who has enormous potential but are found to impact the world, and not school, where these features can not be neither recognized nor absorbed, much less accepted. I
philosopher and philosophers have always been stuck in the great bogeymen .. time and matter.
These guys are bringing us just think of the time. The Kronos time and all of Kairos, a time for each thing. Do not bend to Kronos, is too slow or too fast, but still convoluted for them. They want to require the synthesis and succeed in one way or another.
they're too slow or too fast: they can not spend time behind the details, which, if any, will be useful if you have searched, in a "second" time.
as if to indicate all the clutter in the last 7000 years to bring us back to basics?
Hence the technology for their is primary, with which they are able to match the kairos with a time and find a unit who feel lost.
Many of them are perfectly at ease with nature and animals because they feel that they do not feel what a harmonious world of humans. In nature, the time trial and the kairos combine to create life in the real matter. There is no hypothesis, reasoning, possibility. The subject talks and that's enough. Maybe it ran out of time Pirandello's "so, if you like" and we are in time "as is, and that's it?
Man has separated himself from them and everything we are doing see?
What to do? Attrezziamoci and give space to those who are doing so. "Usiamoci" we and our children to bring evolution to humanity, technology in schools, maps to the children "normal" that will break your head with alleged methods of studying chaotic speed and compatibility to our historical time, where summary There is chaos in the dispersion unit.
This year I found a team of highly motivated and very professional teachers at the Middle School Spotswood School Plexus - Noli in the province of Savona (tel.019.745408), which is working really well, with great enthusiasm, wisdom and technology. I turn
especially those who have children in 5th grade in the area and not just dyslexics: learn, come and see, enroll them in the new year and you can breathe a sigh of relief but also review your child calm.
These guys have no trouble .. but they got us to see the "disorder" of a company back, old and sick ?...... rises stronger every day I doubt it ... ... ... ..
expect from you ...
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