Saturday, November 28, 2009

Desert Eagle 50ae Co2

Difficulty 'specific learning: what do the provincial education offices?

The Office of the Provincial School SAVONA, sensitive and shared various initiatives, organized in cooperation with the Regional School Office through a cooperative Canalescuola , ten training courses for teachers about the presence of specific disorders of learning and use of compensatory measures. In addition, he extended "the package" to the other three provinces of Liguria (for a total of 20 training courses). For each course
" Working for the autonomy of pupils with specific learning disabilities "comprised of 4 modules for a total duration of 12 hours, 15-18 teachers attended the workshop sessions and a greater number at the first plenary meeting of 4 hours. Canalescuola, therefore, in this first course, has trained well over 200 teachers of all levels.
Participating schools, in addition to training, have had the opportunity to acquire the tools and compensatory education programs!
The path of awareness of ASD, taken on its own initiative by the Group of Dyslexia teacher at the school Savona, has found a natural outlet in the work place by the Group of Study and Work up from 'Office of the Provincial School. A praise Head goes to Dr. Carl and Dr. Andrea Barzaghi Censi who believe in the "School" as the core promoter effective and efficient not only of culture but of well-being. Alessandra
Clarita began its activities in the role of teacher coordinator of teachers contact with dyslexia schools of all levels for the province of Savona , in 2007 with the organization of the conference " Fatigue study: the role of the school and the family. " This year has been a network, as well as early Clarita's blog to share issues, creare discussioni, scambiarsi materiali...
Sempre Canalescuola ha aperto lo scorso anno il  laboratorio  pomeridiano extrascolastico “ Aiutami a fare da solo ” a Finale Ligure (SV), dove bambini e ragazzi hanno la possibilità di essere seguiti da personale specializzato nello svolgimento dei compiti scolastici, nello studio e nella costruzione di un metodo di studio basato sulle abilità personali. Le attività sono finalizzate all’autonomia nello studio del bambino-ragazzo con dislessia, ad un uso autonomo degli strumenti compensativi, degli strumenti tecnologici e in generale dei materiali didattici.
Altri laboratori sono in fase di apertura a Genova (Operated by Canalescuola), Imperia (Managed dall'AID) and also in the province of Savona, Liguria OSDislessia operated by the City under the auspices of the Foundation's contribution and Millesimo De Mari. The laboratory activities are all by Canalescuola.

Alessandra Clarita


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