I saw him often in the arcade, every morning to 10.30 to sell his junk for a long time and one day, I stopped and I offered him a breakfast bar Pasi. The story told me that Silvio is a true story, its own. E ' da tanto in Italia ed è cominciata come una storia d'amore. Storia latino-americana, di forti emozioni, di scelte fatte con la mano sul cuore piuttosto che sul portafoglio. Può capitare di lasciare il proprio lavoro, il negozio, per inseguire un sogno di innamorato e raggiungere l'Italia dove l'amore finisce e la mano torna inutilmente a cercare all'interno del portafoglio. Di colpo Silvio si scopre senza lavoro, senza amici, e con una nuova etichetta: homeless, un senza dimora, concretamente senza un tetto sulla testa. Adesso bisogna fare i conti con il freddo, con la paura degli altri, con i dolori che peggiorano nelle giornate di pioggia, con un nomadismo che non è stato cercato, ma che lo ha certamente trovato. E poi il residence permit that does not arrive and it does not work if not in black, which is also the color of the barrel " I happened to be brutally beaten for asking for the reward of an activity. Very often offer odd jobs involving thirteen hours of hard work continued for only 30 € and maybe not even pay you . Silvio then want to forget the loneliness and misery in which he lives, the fear of the darkest night of the others in which violence and alcohol are 'home' and decides to respond to a volunteer and it went well. A Silvio has been less worse than many others because he just shook his hand. Of course, the friendships that disappoint, the shame of feeling marginalized and exploited, it is sometimes to be alive. So perhaps the time has come slowly to stand up and look in his eyes the other, maybe a girl, "I fell in love . Although she is a homeless. Comes from Poland and in Italy for the past seventeen years . A woman in which to review its history. Although she ran out of love with him, he has a marriage with an Italian and a son to whom he had to give up. She also has lived in hiding, has been subjected to violence, theft even by the homeless. Silvio realizes that the way to a woman's life is much tougher. But now with her are a couple. And here's a house, thanks to the solidarity of a stranger, without light and gas, but at least with a roof. A starting point: from here you can start
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