Negli ultimi due anni si è registrato un aumento esponenziale di problemi uditivi fra gli adolescenti e i giovani in genere. La colpa è dell'abuso di quelle "radioline" portatili (tipo iPod) che si ascoltano con le cuffie ben ficcate dentro le orecchie. Solo che il vizio di ascoltare la musica a tutto volume è devastante: il pur "solido" orecchio dei ragazzi non regge. L'allarme arriva dall'Inghilterra, but the situation is unfortunately common to all countries where there is a widespread fashion shoot with mp3 lit not only in moments of leisure, but also when it moves to reach a place or while studying or working. Doctors have reported an increase in problems among young people and the association with this phenomenon has been confirmed by several observations. Technically speaking from tinnitus or tinnitus, or even hum. Basically it is a degeneration of the tissues which convert sound waves, causing irreparable damage. There is no remedy, unless the use of hearing aids. The serious fact is that these comments were made about people in their late teens and early twenties with a habit of "shooting" music blaring in my ears. It is not uncommon to enjoy music on the buses coming from an mp3 but placed in the eardrums of a young man who is four places below, or in a bar where the music "portable" music competes with the one in the room. The problem is largely overlooked, perhaps because even relatively young and then little-known fashion. And we know that young people are struggling to assess the damage to health when they get pleasure from listening to instead of the favorite bands in decibels superhuman. The same health research does not have comparable data precisely because the phenomenon is beginning to manifest itself now in all its gravity. But direct observation in the ENT department has already provided some evidence on this front. In reality the problem is the use of the iPod. That is, if the music is played at a decent volume, say "normal", there are no particular problems: the ear is always running and then performs his standard work. The trouble happens, as always, when you switch from use to abuse, and continued even when you notice the first symptoms is often too late to give us a break.
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