As the site these days does not seem to accept the deployment of post (I tried more than once to send you one), in response to an article appearing in the signature of Richard Giampiero into alleged scoop " the Hyenas "blue lines of the parking fee and their illegality, I chose this blog to answer. That he should first read the "Highway Code " or who consults the motors, to be able to or may not agree on what was said in the transmission of Italy and one in his article, hastily reported. For those who had not seen the episode or had not read the article on summarize briefly: " During the last episode of" Reservoir Dogs "was aired on a service rather questionable blue car in Milan and were said by all Iene blue stripes of Milan (and consequently of all Italy including our city) would be illegal. " These gentlemen, thanks for the opinion of scholars and experts (mostly shyster) of public affairs have found "hot water". However, the question that arises is: "But is it true?", The answer of course is: "Not really ..." . Riportiamoci the passage that concerns us:
According to the doctrine, the phrase "out of the road," used in the definition of parking provided for in article 3 CDS # 34 and repeated in paragraph 6 of art. CDS 7, must be understood as a rule, the parking must be located outside the flow of traffic, and not necessarily out of the roadway. On the one hand, the track is defined by the No 7 's art. 3 CDS as "the road is intended to flow of vehicles," and therefore does not include any areas designated for parking located at the side of the road, on the other the same art. 7 paragraph 6 states that the areas for parking should be located "Anyway so that parked vehicles do not impede traffic flow." Thus, some false beliefs built around this definition should be deleted entirely. So, as you can see, the interpretation given by the lawyers interviewed by the hyenas (who committed the serious mistake not to ask someone from the Ministry of Transport before launch "scoop") is not exactly correct. According to "Reservoir Dogs" the blue lines would be illegal almost everywhere (and not only in Milan, where the movie was filmed), because according to their interpretation, they should be out of track. In reality, it is not the first time the issue surfaces. But then it always came back shadows. Why is half a hoax. To begin with, it is not true that only concerns the parking fee required: paragraph 6 of Article 7 of the road, on which the proof of illegality, no distinction is made with the free ones. If so, one might conclude that in Italian cities it would be practically forbidden to stand, since most of the seats is just over the road. Paradoxical effects aside, let's go right to rummage in the abstruse definitions that use the Code. It is not uncommon that some words that we use in everyday language with a certain meaning they take a different codicistico in gobbledygook. And then we take in hand the article 3, which acts as a bit 'from the glossary. Here we find the definition No 23, which identifies the "stop band side" as "part of the road adjacent to the roadway, separated by this band of ragged edges and including the row of parking stalls and their driveways." Skipping a few lines further down, we see that at no 34 There is also parking, defined as "area located outside the roadway or infrastructure, for the parking of vehicles is not regulated oo. Therefore, it is not true that roadside parking can not be: simply, the place where you do it in gobbledygook is not called "parking lot" but "stop band side." On the other hand, when the parking rules (Article 157), the Code requires to get out of the track only in the case of rural roads. In addition, the Implementing Regulation (Article 149) nor undertakes to draw the strips when parking is allowed in parallel to the direction of travel as per rules. There remains the problem of the strip of ragged edges, which is often not drawn (for reasons of space). And the movie "Le Iene" indicates a great truth, that when it comes to paying parking places will also draw near crossroads or other dangerous situations where the Code prohibits the parking matter: in short, just pay and what is illegal and / or hazardous becomes lawful, ma di quì a dire che non si può parcheggiare ne corre... Spero con questa risposta di aver tranquillizzato il sindaco e il capo dei vigili della nostra città e aver esaurientemente risposto al nostro Riccardo.
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