Monday, February 28, 2011

John Wayne Copper Coin

If the Hyenas were limited only to do satire! As the site these days does not seem to accept the deployment of post (I tried more than once to send you one), in response to an article appearing in the signature of Richard Giampiero into alleged scoop " the Hyenas "blue lines of the parking fee and their illegality, I chose this blog to answer. That he should first read the "Highway Code " or who consults the motors, to be able to or may not agree on what was said in the transmission of Italy and one in his article, hastily reported. For those who had not seen the episode or had not read the article on summarize briefly: " During the last episode of" Reservoir Dogs "was aired on a service rather questionable blue car in Milan and were said by all Iene blue stripes of Milan (and consequently of all Italy including our city) would be illegal. " These gentlemen, thanks for the opinion of scholars and experts (mostly shyster) of public affairs have found "hot water". However, the question that arises is: "But is it true?", The answer of course is: "Not really ..." . Riportiamoci the passage that concerns us:
According to the doctrine, the phrase "out of the road," used in the definition of parking provided for in article 3 CDS # 34 and repeated in paragraph 6 of art. CDS 7, must be understood as a rule, the parking must be located outside the flow of traffic, and not necessarily out of the roadway. On the one hand, the track is defined by the No 7 's art. 3 CDS as "the road is intended to flow of vehicles," and therefore does not include any areas designated for parking located at the side of the road, on the other the same art. 7 paragraph 6 states that the areas for parking should be located "Anyway so that parked vehicles do not impede traffic flow." Thus, some false beliefs built around this definition should be deleted entirely. So, as you can see, the interpretation given by the lawyers interviewed by the hyenas (who committed the serious mistake not to ask someone from the Ministry of Transport before launch "scoop") is not exactly correct. According to "Reservoir Dogs" the blue lines would be illegal almost everywhere (and not only in Milan, where the movie was filmed), because according to their interpretation, they should be out of track. In reality, it is not the first time the issue surfaces. But then it always came back shadows. Why is half a hoax. To begin with, it is not true that only concerns the parking fee required: paragraph 6 of Article 7 of the road, on which the proof of illegality, no distinction is made with the free ones. If so, one might conclude that in Italian cities it would be practically forbidden to stand, since most of the seats is just over the road. Paradoxical effects aside, let's go right to rummage in the abstruse definitions that use the Code. It is not uncommon that some words that we use in everyday language with a certain meaning they take a different codicistico in gobbledygook. And then we take in hand the article 3, which acts as a bit 'from the glossary. Here we find the definition No 23, which identifies the "stop band side" as "part of the road adjacent to the roadway, separated by this band of ragged edges and including the row of parking stalls and their driveways." Skipping a few lines further down, we see that at no 34 There is also parking, defined as "area located outside the roadway or infrastructure, for the parking of vehicles is not regulated oo. Therefore, it is not true that roadside parking can not be: simply, the place where you do it in gobbledygook is not called "parking lot" but "stop band side." On the other hand, when the parking rules (Article 157), the Code requires to get out of the track only in the case of rural roads. In addition, the Implementing Regulation (Article 149) nor undertakes to draw the strips when parking is allowed in parallel to the direction of travel as per rules. There remains the problem of the strip of ragged edges, which is often not drawn (for reasons of space). And the movie "Le Iene" indicates a great truth, that when it comes to paying parking places will also draw near crossroads or other dangerous situations where the Code prohibits the parking matter: in short, just pay and what is illegal and / or hazardous becomes lawful, ma di quì a dire che non si può parcheggiare ne corre... Spero con questa risposta di aver tranquillizzato il sindaco e il capo dei vigili della nostra città e aver esaurientemente risposto al nostro Riccardo.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snl Skit My Name Is Jeff

When music hurts

Negli ultimi due anni si è registrato un aumento esponenziale di problemi uditivi fra gli adolescenti e i giovani in genere. La colpa è dell'abuso di quelle "radioline" portatili (tipo iPod) che si ascoltano con le cuffie ben ficcate dentro le orecchie. Solo che il vizio di ascoltare la musica a tutto volume è devastante: il pur "solido" orecchio dei ragazzi non regge. L'allarme arriva dall'Inghilterra, but the situation is unfortunately common to all countries where there is a widespread fashion shoot with mp3 lit not only in moments of leisure, but also when it moves to reach a place or while studying or working. Doctors have reported an increase in problems among young people and the association with this phenomenon has been confirmed by several observations. Technically speaking from tinnitus or tinnitus, or even hum. Basically it is a degeneration of the tissues which convert sound waves, causing irreparable damage. There is no remedy, unless the use of hearing aids. The serious fact is that these comments were made about people in their late teens and early twenties with a habit of "shooting" music blaring in my ears. It is not uncommon to enjoy music on the buses coming from an mp3 but placed in the eardrums of a young man who is four places below, or in a bar where the music "portable" music competes with the one in the room. The problem is largely overlooked, perhaps because even relatively young and then little-known fashion. And we know that young people are struggling to assess the damage to health when they get pleasure from listening to instead of the favorite bands in decibels superhuman. The same health research does not have comparable data precisely because the phenomenon is beginning to manifest itself now in all its gravity. But direct observation in the ENT department has already provided some evidence on this front. In reality the problem is the use of the iPod. That is, if the music is played at a decent volume, say "normal", there are no particular problems: the ear is always running and then performs his standard work. The trouble happens, as always, when you switch from use to abuse, and continued even when you notice the first symptoms is often too late to give us a break.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Imagenes De Paty Diaz Denuda

Chieti - I saw the TUNNEL

A High Chieti, in recent years, about 20, has not been done almost nothing that could be remembered as a work PROFIT and unique city, which to modernize a bit and make a big service to those who have to use: The tunnel will connect the terminal area (park) in the center of the city in a very short time, perhaps leaving free the Piazza San Giustino (Dome) now used as garages in the sky open. The minstrel Luciano Pellegrini has managed to enter the area of \u200b\u200bthe site and photograph the progress of work and therefore I leave to him the word (the script ).....
The tunnel ..... this stranger, or more specifically not wanted! I was a guest of the company carrying out the project, Landbau Ltd in the afternoon today, Thursday, February 24 and saw the work almost completed. If I were the mayor, I would be happy to complete a work begun by his predecessor, without prejudice, as it is a work useful to the citizens especially now that the escalator is not working for over a year and no one knows when he can return to work. In fact I would give citizens the opportunity to see the progress of this work to understand the work. He punched the hill of Colle San Gallo in length and height. This tunnel will link the bus terminal and parking lots, even the new way Ciampoli achieved by means of a lift after arriving in a few seconds 150 meters in a square in the historic city center, off Barbella. Speaking of parking, but the new car parks to achieve close all''attuale already pompously advertised and already funded, they are still in litigation? This work could be improved with some improvements even expensive. Tapirulan install two sides of the central pavement which would avoid the route on foot, especially the disabled and people with limited mobility. It would also be easier to carry your luggage. Now these cavities in the future may hold conveyor belts, will be covered by a grid and non-slip heel proof. Even access to the tunnel, unfortunately it is difficult to reach dovendolo down a staircase. Yet there is an external lift which maintain, would be available to both the bar on the top of the escalator and interment is to reach the car parks and tunnels. Along the 150 meters at the end of the tunnel there is a wall that could be used in future to continue the work until you reach via Pope John XXIII. At the end of the tunnel on the left is the fireplace which now sees the sky, but soon will contain two lifts. Under the fireplace there is a rainwater collection tank. The hill of Chieti consists of two areas of land. The first layer consists of clay, which by its constitution is waterproof. The second layer is composed of sandstone, on the contrary acqua.Quindi absorbs the water seeps through the sandstone, but when you return to the clay must be "an escape." That is why the many fountains that we have. Now the water is able to infiltrate some loophole, slips

sull''argilla and is deposited in this tank, but the works were completed there will be no infiltration. This water has also absorbed the salt in its movement, it has a nice gray color and it certainly will be more drinking water of many well-known. In all modes has been made in the case of a pump that sucks water from the well needs. The tunnel was also performed with a ventilation system that serves to make the air polluted, but also for suck smoke in case of fire, not in the tunnel as there are objects risky. Naturally, there are toilets, CCTV, office. What can I say. Certainly it will be a beautiful work created by an engineering company of Chieti, the Midnight Landbau Ltd Gianluca and Marco Berardinucci. The two young professionals, motivated, willing, prepared, responding to a Maxi Competition to create new housing for military Cecchignola (Roma), amounting to EUR 50 million. Were selected to the second stage. If you were to get through the construction of these houses, they approach the study of urban Pescara. Mayor Di Prima, do not be jealous and take part in the inauguration of tunnel, with a gesture of humility, friendship and continuity together all''ex Mayor Ricci.

Written by: Luciano Pellegrini

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Would Pokemon Look With Genitals

Plan Tarica

While I, this week, I enjoy the Viote snowshoeing on Bondone, he is the Luciano Pellegrini minstrel, as I retired for a while, enjoying the Passo Lanciano Piamo diTarica covered, as evidenced by him with a series of beautiful photos of snow. Here's how to describe a typical day:
order not to lose the habit, contro ogni previsione meteo che prevedeva cattivo tempo,alle ore 6.30 il sole sorge dal mare. Martedì 22 Febbraio. Mi collego con la webcamera installata a Passo Lanciano ed al Rifugio Pomicio. Cielo limpido e tanta neve. Non resta che telefonare agli amici e partire. Si decide di andare al Piano di Tarica ( Passo Lanciano). Troviamo tanta  neve fresca e sciabile. Il paesaggio attorno è uno spettacolo. Restiamo incantati! Gli abeti , carichi di neve, riproducono un ambiente natalizio. I faggi ricoperti dalla Galaverna, ( nebbia congelatasi - è un deposito di ghiaccio in forma di aghi, scaglie o superficie continua ghiacciata su oggetti esterni che può prodursi in presenza di nebbia quando la temperatura dell'aria è inferiore a 0 ° C). (Da Wikipedia,) seem to be crystal. Only the tracks of fox, hare, wild boar. There is absolute peace. I move away from friends because I want to hear


Yes, it seems an impossible comparison, but I'm used to hearing these noises, some subtle, others more noisy. I was in "track stand", still, to enjoy the space and these noises. After, I went everywhere to leave on the mantle of virgin snow my track. Known in the woods a form of "cake", I approach and is a tholos, this construction circular, covered by snow. I see a hole and widen it with the stick, is the entrance. I wonder: what if there is any animal shelter in the cold? But no one comes out! The sky began to cloud over and reluctantly go back to the parking before giving any other look at this place. When you reach the square, we see many cars parked, the smell of roast and lots of people waiting in line. He told me about what is and is fulfilled. It celebrates ALPINE SKI AND SNOWBOARD CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE FIRE. I ask timidly if I join the queue. Senz 'else, you are ours. I walk over to the cooks and the menu will list:

· Polenta with tomato sauce with meat sauce, Parmesan and lots of meat ...
· ; Sausages Roasted
· French fries
· Fruit
· Wine Style on tap and Montepulciano
· ; Sweet, cooked with wine nooks
· Mulled wine

Cost? EURO ZERO ... that ... bonanza after skiing, and eating plenty of joy and refined in this good wine could not happen to better. Fire thanks friends! Digested the excellent lunch, but especially the wine has evaporated, it starts to Chieti.

Written by: Luciano Pellegrini

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Foods Should I Eat To Help Lyme's Disease

Silvio, the life of a homeless man.

I saw him often in the arcade, every morning to 10.30 to sell his junk for a long time and one day, I stopped and I offered him a breakfast bar Pasi. The story told me that Silvio is a true story, its own. E ' da tanto in Italia ed è cominciata come una storia d'amore. Storia latino-americana, di forti emozioni, di scelte fatte con la mano sul cuore piuttosto che sul portafoglio. Può capitare di lasciare il proprio lavoro, il negozio, per inseguire un sogno di innamorato e raggiungere l'Italia dove l'amore finisce e la mano torna inutilmente a cercare all'interno del portafoglio. Di colpo Silvio si scopre senza lavoro, senza amici, e con una nuova etichetta: homeless, un senza dimora, concretamente senza un tetto sulla testa. Adesso bisogna fare i conti con il freddo, con la paura degli altri, con i dolori che peggiorano nelle giornate di pioggia, con un nomadismo che non è stato cercato, ma che lo ha certamente trovato. E poi il residence permit that does not arrive and it does not work if not in black, which is also the color of the barrel " I happened to be brutally beaten for asking for the reward of an activity. Very often offer odd jobs involving thirteen hours of hard work continued for only 30 € and maybe not even pay you . Silvio then want to forget the loneliness and misery in which he lives, the fear of the darkest night of the others in which violence and alcohol are 'home' and decides to respond to a volunteer and it went well. A Silvio has been less worse than many others because he just shook his hand. Of course, the friendships that disappoint, the shame of feeling marginalized and exploited, it is sometimes to be alive. So perhaps the time has come slowly to stand up and look in his eyes the other, maybe a girl, "I fell in love . Although she is a homeless. Comes from Poland and in Italy for the past seventeen years . A woman in which to review its history. Although she ran out of love with him, he has a marriage with an Italian and a son to whom he had to give up. She also has lived in hiding, has been subjected to violence, theft even by the homeless. Silvio realizes that the way to a woman's life is much tougher. But now with her are a couple. And here's a house, thanks to the solidarity of a stranger, without light and gas, but at least with a roof. A starting point: from here you can start

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jenna Jameson Movies With Her Pierced Nipples

Berlusconi to trial - Hearing April 6

The investigating magistrate in Milan Cristina Di Censo has ordered the immediate trial for Silvio Berlusconi for the crimes of extortion and child prostitution in the Ruby case. The magistrate has also scheduled a hearing to be held before the Fourth Criminal Division for next April 6 at 9:30 am. There is clear evidence for ritual to trial with immediate Silvio Berlusconi. It 'also on this basis that the magistrate Cristina Di Censo has scap the process with immediate ritual for the Prime Minister accused in Milan child prostitution and extortion in the case of Ruby. The investigating magistrate in Milan to trial with immediate rite Silvio Berlusoni has stated the jurisdiction of the Milan prosecutors to investigate the case Ruby. Will be the judges Carmen D'Elia, Giulia De Cristofaro and Ursuline Turri judges of the fourth section of the Milan court that would make the college that will judge Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in the April 6 next immediate process rite now provided by the investigating magistrate on the case Ruby.

When Is Techdecklive Starting

Chieti - Chieti

The confirmation of what I wrote COLLECTION SEPARATE DOOR TO DOOR CHIETI of 18 January, I would have chosen an area of \u200b\u200bthe old town - a suburb and an area of \u200b\u200bthe airport, gives me reason. Instead you are trying to solve the problems with meetings, where doubts arise always different from those of yesterday and the day before yesterday. For a couple of months I followed the sample collected in these areas and I would have given the anomalies. Now I'm headed ...! Go once a week to pick up the paper I think it's rough, but it can also be dangerous. Did you think that could cause a fire commissioner? In a building would be trouble! You will know that there are also no sane! It is safer to download the paper out on the sidewalk o nei bidoni? Pensi che si può stipare la carta una settimana in un appartamento? Ecco che saremo costretti a scaricare la nostra carta nel bidone all'’androne o meglio sul marciapiedi. Non sarebbe utile analizzare come si è risolto nelle altre città? Ma rifornirsi dei sacchetti, caro assessore, non pensa che sia molto difficoltoso per alcune categorie di cittadini? Se è vero il comunicato della ATI Cns-Mantini che ci si può rifornire di sacchetti a Piazza Malta (centro storico) - il lunedì e il mercoledì dalle 10 alle 12 e in via Aterno 183 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 13 alle 18 e il sabato dalle 9 alle 12.-pensate che a Chieti centro storico, ci sono solo pensionati che dalle 10 alle 12 non hanno niente da fare? But even at the airport from 13 to 18 there will be this category of citizens and the state? And the elderly? We always forget! The sugar at the airport would be "Saturday" but who can always move ...! Just resolution to Pescara highlighted by Mara A on Pescara envelopes supply them at home, by requesting a simple post-it stuck to your bin. Then, you can not breathe deeply Councillor Bevilacqua - think - study - think - be informed - ask for advice - leave the pomposity - Be humble - think of the citizens, especially those most in need and instead of meetings to fix "immediately" all doubts arose?

Written by: Luciano Pellegrini

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Texas Sheriff Trustee

It takes humility - If not now when? Asked

Today our minstrel Luciano Pellegrini, delights us with his witty "reflections" of the male, the women's event held Chieti yesterday: "If not now when?"

My thoughts and feelings about the show today on February 13 at Chieti " If not now when? "sincerely are these: To be different from other cities, the event was in Chieti" exploited ” con un manifesto alternativo a quello ufficiale  con la firma di adesione di 24 sigle sindacali- partiti- associazioni. E’ stata una provocazione alle direttive impartite a livello nazionale. La manifestazione non è fatta per giudicare altre donne, contro altre donne, o per dividere le donne in buone e cattive. I cartelli o striscioni ne terranno conto. La manifestazione è fatta per esprimere la nostra forza e la nostra determinazione. Siamo donne fiere e orgogliose. Chiediamo dignità e rispetto per noi e per tutte. Siamo gelose della nostra autonomia e non ci lasceremo “ usare ”. Per questo non ci devono essere simboli political or trade union in our parades, we want who is also respected our " transversality." This rich and varied experience of life is erased from repeated indecent representation of women paraded naked as a sexual object of exchange offered by newspapers, television, advertising. And this is no longer tolerable. We ask all women, without distinction, to defend the value of them, of our dignity and we say to men: if not now, when? is the time to show friendship towards women. If it had been given space to the provocation was easy understand that it was a manifestation of the left against Berlusconi. About a thousand demonstrators marched through the streets of Chieti. Most women "mature." This is an alarm bell ... Few studentesse.Mi are asked where they were all students, for example, a classical school that day showed Gelmini against the law ... Maybe it was to make "genre? Today, Sunday, better sleep ...! Good representation of men, mature, even children accompanied by parents. Complete absence of the directors of the city councilors who is advisers. He had to attend for the Assessor Equal Opportunities in the town of Chieti Emilia De Matteo and not hide behind politics! But women directors in the province and the municipality where they were? Counselor in the past few administration of yesterday and today the center-left ... few! The TV even thinking about it ... have all been diverted to Pescara!

At the end of the parade, square GBVico, as well as various quotes from protesters set, interspersed with good music, the professor Lucchetta GD'Annunzio University, Faculty of Arts, took cues from the book "Sex and Character" by Otto Weininger, a Austrian philosopher. Weininger died in 1903 in Vienna at the age of 23 years with a wound in the left chest, after the publication of Geschlecht und Charakter (Sex and Character). In his book Sex and Character, Weininger suggests that all people are composed of a mixture of substances men and women, and tries to support his point of view scientifically. The male side claims to be active, productive, conscious and logical, while the female side is passive, unproductive, unconscious and illogical or immoral. Weininger argues that emancipation should be paid to the "masculine women", such as lesbians, and women whose reproductive function has been exhausted: the woman is seen as a reproductive tool. All'opposto, il compito del maschio, o dell'aspetto mascolino della personalità, è la tensione alla genialità e l'abbandono della sessualità per un amore verso l'assoluto, verso Dio, che può trovare in se stesso. Una parte

notevole del libro è sulla natura del genio. Weininger suggerisce che non esista una genialità particolare, ma solo universale, in cui tutto esiste e ha senso. Egli sostiene che questo genio probabilmente esiste in un certo grado in ognuno di noi. In un capitolo separato, Weininger, analizza l'archetipo della donna giudea, e quindi profondamente irreligiosa, priva di individualità e del senso del bene e del male. La cristianità is described as "the highest expression of the greatest fate," and Judaism as "the most craven cowardice." Weininger criticizes the decadence of contemporary costumes and attributes this to the feminine spirit, and hence the Jewish influences. What can I say! I probably would have given another title at the event. If not now, when? Is a novel by Primo Levi. It narrates the adventures of "picaresque" (apparently autobiographical narrative), a group of Jewish partisans in the Polish and Russian origin, who ambush the Germans on the Eastern Front and reach across the territories of the defeated Reich, up to Milan, where some take the path of Palestine to participate the construction of the state of Israel. I could recall the feminist movement of 1968, but it's another story! Feminism was the first political moment of historical criticism to the family and society.

Written by: Luciano Pellegrini

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ceiling Hung Shower Curtains

the ritual for those who take immediate

E 'came the demand for immediate trial against Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for the Ruby case. The application covers both crimes extortion and child prostitution. For Milan pm There is no evidence of proof. Now the decision rests with the investigating judge. The prime minister has reacted angrily to the accusations: "sucks One subversive purposes." Berlusconi said that his involvement in the affair was to avoid a diplomatic incident. In the end, the Prime Minister, who said he was not worried, said: 'You will pay the state'. E Bossi spoke in his defense: 'Pm exaggerate, they want confrontation'. 'Parliament has already decided by an absolute majority. This is total war, total war seems, "adds Senatur. Manifesting the PDL outside the Palace of Justice in Milan have shown signs: 'Silvio must resist'. The magistrates in Milan over the request for immediate feedback for the prime minister sent a memory in which the investigating judge does not believe there is an assumption "Ministerial crime." Prosecutors in Milan investigating judge to have submitted the request for immediate feedback for the prime minister considering "the evidence of the existence proof." You said in a statement signed by the prosecutor of Milan Edmondo Bruti Liberati. "Following careful recognition of the problems of law and thorough analysis of the above, this office has decided not constantly having to deviate from the line followed in Milan (as in other courts) regarding the request for immediate trial for crimes related being fully secured guarantees of defense. " And 'what is written in a statement signed by the attorney Edmondo Bruti Liberati which explains why it was chosen to proceed with the demand for immediate rite for the prime minister for two crimes: extortion and prostitution. do you think we're the last act or thing will be resolved in the classic soap bubble? Premier will emerge as the politically?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kitchenaid Hobart Kds-58


Author: Loredana Biffo (head of section AGIAD Torino)

On 1 February, an article was published on the head "Pordenone today," written by teacher (anonymous), which argues that the decline in school is worse, if not given ministerial approval of Law 170 to protect the right to education of dyslexic subjects, dysgraphia and dyscalculia, which fall under the heading of specific learning difficulties (learning disabilities).

According to the anonymous "expert", the approval of this law, it would be the ultimate cause of the inexorable decline of the public school, a complication of psychiatrists, psychologists and even more families, which he said would be a bunch of irresponsible parents and little attention to education and the education of disabled children with specific learning difficulties, and very happy that the boys are promoted even though they are-nothing (sic).

to him, should go back to teaching methods of Don Milani, who recovered excellently too "stupid incapable of learning", in those good times far away, where no raging scientific theories of dubious reliability (again according to the lady) and all methods was based on "natural" to him much more reliable. The whimsical columnist (and teacher), seems to have a mentality of anti-positivist debate late nineteenth century, believes that science is a threat to humanity, it says: "Why should we give credence to theories that are throwing bankruptcy psychiatric distress in students and parents and do not recall the lessons and experience of the great educators?

because a group of psychiatrists decided to table that students in second grade should be able to read without error, must be able to write properly and do the calculations, as prescribed in their protocols? They agreed that pupils who are out of their parameters, are dyslexic, with specific learning disabilities, are disabled and will never learn. Scientific theories that would horrify Galilei. Fortunately, I belong to that generation that had the right to make mistakes that the teacher marked in red, no one could undermine my sanity by bringing the psychiatrist. "

Well, in the face of all this, as Head Agiad in the City of Turin (Parents and Teachers Association Friends of dyslexia), I feel compelled to clarify some concepts from which one can not ignore, especially since supporting these heresies, you give wrong information, marred by injury. I believe that the words of the author of that article, are demonstrating the lack of knowledge of the DSA by the school system, we could define "specific ignorance" surely this is because that has never been done specific training for teachers, either because of learning disabilities has been discussed for a short time.

Needless to comment on the latest cuts took the Gelmini, it is clear the seriousness of the matter, since we do not have to drastically cut support for the teaching of disability, let alone if you can implement teaching methodologies and suitable for dyslexia and dysgraphia, who are not disabled. Yes, because what is clear from the article, is that the lady is a lot of confusion between the two, it should be clear that dyslexia and dysgraphia, "I am not a handicap", it is those with IQs normal, and often higher than normal, so since there is a cognitive deficit, are not covered disability.

What they need is an implementation of "personalized teaching methods, difficult to reconcile with the rigidity of the traditional teaching of the times, carried out mostly in too many classes. In fact, their difficulties, which often manifest themselves through the slow reading, writing and disorder problems in the calculation, which is due to a poor performance, because by focusing on graphic gesture-motor, or reading, they tend to "lose the contents" to what they study.

We have seen that working more on listening, giving concept maps in the tests, making him use a computer, calculator, allowing you more time in the written papers, and a preference for the oral tests, these individuals dramatically improve their performance. That helps them regain self-esteem, to combat a serious psychological aspect, described as "acquired a sense of failure, which leads quickly to depression, eating disorders and eating disorders, and in most cases, abandonment school; real "plague" of the Italian school. It is also worth noting that the school dropout, is a real social problem in our country, problem we have in decades, while in countries like Sweden, is almost zero, and certainly not because there does not exist the DSA.

This is a fact of which the school system should take into account, other than giving the responsibility to the law 170, that no matter how "perfect" is a first step for the "right to education", just as Basaglia was the law for "human rights", two concepts totally interdependent, because without training, there are no rights. The point is that in Italy, there was often that there has been the ability to produce more advanced in the world envied us (see la legge Basaglia), ma ne è seguita sempre un' incapacità del sistema di applicarle e valorizzarle. Probabilmente perchè il gattopardismo di cui il nostro paese soffre da tempi remoti, fa si che in seguito a buone idee, vi siano poi interessi forti che ne impediscono la messa in pratica. Per quanto riguarda la legge sulla dislessia, l'ossimoro sta nel produrre una buona legge che dovrebbe far fare un salto di qualità alla scuola pubblica, ma nel contempo si prosciugano le casse del sistema scolastico, il che impedirà una vera applicazione della legge.

A tal proposito sarebbe certamente utile fare una riflessione sulla proposta di far fare lo screening dei Dsa agli insegnanti, che non avendo una formazione specifica (l'articolo mentioned demonstrates the confusion that exists in this area) would be invested in a liability which would live as a "load more", with imaginable consequences. At the expense would then boys and families, which too often navigate in the dark in an attempt to help their children even with respect to psychological problems (not insignificant) above, and ultimately the economic damage is often underestimated by the school, which these families have to repair the damage and a drain of money on private tuition to meet their execution time, only to see everything undone at school during inspections that take no account of the compensatory measures required and dispensed to these children, I repeat, very intelligent. So was an urgent need to pass a law that recognized the problem, which overcome the weakness of the circular which had been addressed so far, with the result of delegate it entirely to the discretion of schools and the goodwill of teachers.

With the rules in the law just approved, strengthens the right to education in educational success, to have equal educational opportunities through flexibility, which is designed to foster learning, self-esteem, and avoid the difficulties associated with dyslexia and dysgraphia, put children at a disadvantage with the risk of developing anxiety, frustration, and depression. This in the name of the "principle of egualglianza" which applies just respecting differences, putting children at the same level, the places of departure, but more importantly, supporting them during the journey, which can not be discriminatory, because when the difference is scary, normality kills.

Loredana Biffo

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Silver Version Getting Legendaries Without Cheats


A one-off premium to those who hire the workers' defeated, "as it were, of globalization. The European Union has established a fund Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to provide support to those workers made redundant due to the economic crisis. The legislation requires that, to give the go-ahead for intervention, there should be at least 500 workers in the same sector in the last 9 months have lost their jobs. the EU has already reached the green light, and therefore the European Social Fund will soon start the first call, reserved for 800 workers seeking employment.

Specifically, employers in the construction sector will offer a contract to people over 50 years of age to over 46% disabled, a person emerging from a period of detention or belonging to the Sinti and Roma groups , will receive a one-off sum of between 2 and 5 000 euro. The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund has, in fact, function to support those who have lost their jobs as a result of structural changes in world trade. When a large company closes a factory is relocated to a country outside the EU, or an entire sector, a sharp fall in employment in a region, the EGF can help redundant workers find new jobs quickly. To finance this type of intervention is available a maximum of € 500 million. The Fund may implementing active labor market, only intended to assist workers affected by redundancies resulting from globalization, such as: assistance in job search, career guidance, training and retraining tailor also in the field of information technology and communications, the certification of acquired experience and so on. There is hope that some of the region, a joint effort, requesting it to take advantage of this opportunity that is given for a recovery in production ...