Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
To Get The Weight Of My Bayliner Boat
Festività Natalizie
As the first post of this blog I want to enjoy the festivities that we are facing.
I would like to address the issue of being a little kinder and more generous, to be happy and carefree, the need to set in these days we have to forget about everyday problems and difficulties we face in moving forward. My question
and why? Why do we forget everything? Why do we need to tease and smile even if within ourselves there is nothing but anger?
Why should we be happy even if gasoline prices remain high and even increases in the holidays, even if our employment contracts are concluded and we do not know if they renew, even if the mortgage increases recklessly, if it comes the balance of 'enel before Christmas and precisely when we have just cashed the thirteenth and we realize that now is already over, even if to please our children to avoid buying a sweater or coat in more decent for the winter, even if each end of the month we go to sleep hoping they have spent as little as possible in order to create that little nest egg that we should save in case there happens a sudden misfortune, even if every time we started the car we hope that there are no problems for fear of the invoice mechanic.
Wanting to expand the discourse and thinking bigger I think of holidays spent by the families of those boys who returned from the club crashed car, the families of the peoples of Palestine and why not the people of Israel who feel under siege and continuous bombing, families of the boy that game was blown up a hand with a firecracker.
Watching all this I am not at all like celebrating, even looking All this buying more value and unique character of the birthday festivities of my children that they can celebrate one more year, one more day in a world that actually propels you in a daily battle for survival of an endless war.
But then I tell you sincerely that looking into the eyes of my children I can not help but feel something inside me that pushes me to do because at least they can live the magic of Christmas is so, we love the children because in their eyes is the purity of sincere feelings and instinctive, free of stains doubts and concerns, we see in them the prosperity that we would like to have us.
With all this in the heart continue to navigate.
We sail under our flag and under it we will fight.
As the first post of this blog I want to enjoy the festivities that we are facing.
I would like to address the issue of being a little kinder and more generous, to be happy and carefree, the need to set in these days we have to forget about everyday problems and difficulties we face in moving forward. My question
and why? Why do we forget everything? Why do we need to tease and smile even if within ourselves there is nothing but anger?
Why should we be happy even if gasoline prices remain high and even increases in the holidays, even if our employment contracts are concluded and we do not know if they renew, even if the mortgage increases recklessly, if it comes the balance of 'enel before Christmas and precisely when we have just cashed the thirteenth and we realize that now is already over, even if to please our children to avoid buying a sweater or coat in more decent for the winter, even if each end of the month we go to sleep hoping they have spent as little as possible in order to create that little nest egg that we should save in case there happens a sudden misfortune, even if every time we started the car we hope that there are no problems for fear of the invoice mechanic.
Wanting to expand the discourse and thinking bigger I think of holidays spent by the families of those boys who returned from the club crashed car, the families of the peoples of Palestine and why not the people of Israel who feel under siege and continuous bombing, families of the boy that game was blown up a hand with a firecracker.
Watching all this I am not at all like celebrating, even looking All this buying more value and unique character of the birthday festivities of my children that they can celebrate one more year, one more day in a world that actually propels you in a daily battle for survival of an endless war.
But then I tell you sincerely that looking into the eyes of my children I can not help but feel something inside me that pushes me to do because at least they can live the magic of Christmas is so, we love the children because in their eyes is the purity of sincere feelings and instinctive, free of stains doubts and concerns, we see in them the prosperity that we would like to have us.
With all this in the heart continue to navigate.
We sail under our flag and under it we will fight.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Harold And Kumarbottomless Party
Tyranny: indiscriminately it ought to appeal any government in which those who are responsible for esecuzion laws can make them, destroy them, break them, interpret them, prevent them, suspend them, or even just circumvent security of impunity. And then, and this disrupts-law is hereditary, or is elective, usurper, or legitimate, good, or sad, one, or many, anyway, anyone who has an effective force, which is enough to do this, you tyrant, and every company, which admits it is tyranny, and every people, that endures, is a slave.
Vittorio Alfieri, 1777
Tyranny: indiscriminately it ought to appeal any government in which those who are responsible for esecuzion laws can make them, destroy them, break them, interpret them, prevent them, suspend them, or even just circumvent security of impunity. And then, and this disrupts-law is hereditary, or is elective, usurper, or legitimate, good, or sad, one, or many, anyway, anyone who has an effective force, which is enough to do this, you tyrant, and every company, which admits it is tyranny, and every people, that endures, is a slave.
Vittorio Alfieri, 1777
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dog Service Vest San Diego Buy
Filastrocca di

Simona Maiozzi
It 's a very dark night
of ghosts and bats, a night of fear
the gut-wrenching.
E 'a night of terror
that awakens every vampire
from a night of noise to breathtaking. But who moves away from
holding her basket?
It 's a mummy, an ugly dwarf,
is a witch or a murderess?
But look: they are children!
are masked monsters: cakes and pastries
ask the neighbors a bit 'worried. Van
knocking on every door and laughing so
fan of jokes all sorts
for candy.
Halloween, however, is a pagan festival
good care:
fears and scares them away
fear! October 2008
the green lawn and
in my garden I picked a pretty bouquet:
in my garden I picked a pretty bouquet:
Monday a sunflower
Tuesday beautiful violets
Wednesday a cyclamen
Tuesday beautiful violets
Wednesday a cyclamen
a Thursday carnations
Friday a beautiful narcissus
cornflower blue and the week is already over:
seven days have passed
with beautiful colorful flowers !
Simona Maiozzi 2008
dedicated to my sister Silvia
Lu-Monday with the moon I dream
But Tuesday, I take a bath in the sea
Wednesday I go to the market
Thurs Thursday-to turn on the carousel
Ve-Friday with a fan I wind
Sa-Saturday in the sand I'm happy
Sunday I'll go to the circus
and applaud the tamer with the lions!
Simona Maiozzi 1995
Filastrocca di

Che fatica! Io son nata principessa
ma sto a far la governante.
A nessuno poi interessa
se le faccende sono tante!
Tutto il giorno a lavorare
fare i letti (e sono assai!)
riassettare, cucinare:
qui nessuno aiuta mai!
no valets or ladies
never ever a dance party,
bye bye beautiful dresses ... lace! ...
boredom but forest!
My friends are good,
filled me with gifts
the house ... but I get tired
And I ... I have a life that is waiting for me!
Author: Simona Maiozzi
March 2008

Want a custom jingle for school or an event?
Write to
and receive a gift!
Teacher Simonetta
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Woman Strangling Men In Movies
Torta allo zenzero
You came out
He Usce
We're going out
You go out
They uscono
He Usce
We're going out
You go out
They uscono
250 g flour 200 g sugar 50 g butter
50 g seed oil
2 eggs 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger 100 g
candied ginger zest of one lemon 100 g
milk 2 teaspoons baking
the butter, oil, sugar and egg yolks; .
Add the sifted flour, egg whites beaten stiff, milk, ginger and lemon zest, baking powder and diced candied ginger and passed in the flour. Pour into a buttered and floured.
Bake at 160 degrees x 45 minutes.
250 g flour 200 g sugar 50 g butter
50 g seed oil
2 eggs 2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger 100 g
candied ginger zest of one lemon 100 g
milk 2 teaspoons baking
the butter, oil, sugar and egg yolks; .
Add the sifted flour, egg whites beaten stiff, milk, ginger and lemon zest, baking powder and diced candied ginger and passed in the flour. Pour into a buttered and floured.
Bake at 160 degrees x 45 minutes.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Bon Voyage Poems To A Mother
... each to sew its history, with the needle of his life, work and damn beautiful, endless task ...
A. Baricco - Castelli di Rabbia -
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tiffany Bridal Shower
Al Tappone di Marco Travaglio
He also put a white Panama, Al Capone model, little head on the bitumen, to impress the bishop and lend him the holy communion even if he is a Freemason divorced. "Be quick to change this rule," ordered him, not enough those that change every day to save him from prosecution. But the bishop of Temple-Ampurias, Sebastiano Sanguinetti, in the confessional that they had seen the worst kind of costume, he has not intimidated: "For these exceptions, you can, talk to those who are higher up than me." We do not know if he meant simply the Pope, who considers the Tappone understandably his parigrado, or directly to the Almighty, with whom there may be some misunderstandings. Especially in regard to certain customs of the illustrious Father of the Church School arcoriana : elongated bribes to buy politicians (Craxi) or judges (Knopf), accumulate funds blacks in paradise tax, praising the 'tax evasion to parties of the Guardia di Finanza, attend mobsters dressed as grooms. Customs is not too compatible with the seventh commandment, "Thou shalt not steal", which seems not yet decriminalized. Yesterday, at the Republic, Edmondo Berselli suggested appropriately communicating to the aspirant to ask, " before communion, confession . But we would not be in the role of confessor (apart from the overwork that actually happened between the head and neck, in two minutes, the holy man would become a "red cassock ", would be accused of making a "political use of the confession" and then challenged for the benefit of a colleague of Brescia).
Immediately following the television and the newspapers, or nearly all, have begun to consult other divorced and known sinners, but also some VIP's confessor, to launch a call for solidarity in favor of Knight in abstinence hosts. The poor man suffers so much that we must do something, taking advantage of the rules now being discussed in Parliament. It could be suspended for one year the prohibition on participating in the Eucharist to all the baptized in 1939, and 60 meters below the skull and with the tarmac, having divorced in 1985, remarried in 1990 with women named Veronica in a civil ceremony officiated by Paul Pillitteri, having as testimoni Bettino e Anna Craxi, Confalonieri e Letta. Così si darebbe il tempo al Parlamento e al Vaticano di concordare un Lodo Schifani-Bagnasco che modifichi contemporaneamente la Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana e il Codice di Diritto Canonico, con una deroga all’indissolubilità del matrimonio per tutte le alte cariche dello Stato e della Chiesa , divorziate e non, che consenta loro di accostarsi alla santa comunione per tutta la durata del mandato. Il che, si badi bene, non significa una licenza di divorziare sine die: il divieto ricomparirebbe alla scadenza dell’incarico, in ossequio al principio di eguaglianza.
Del resto, già nella legge sulle intercettazioni è previsto qualcosa di simile: per arrestare o indagare un sacerdote, il magistrato è tenuto ad avvertire il suo vescovo; per indagare o arrestare un vescovo, deve avvisare il Segretario di Stato vaticano. Il che lascia supporre che, per indagare eventualmente sul Segretario di Stato, si debba chiedere il permesso al Papa; e per indagare - Dio non voglia - sul Papa, rivolgersi direttamente al Padreterno. Ecco, basterebbe estendere il Lodo a preti, vescovi, segretario di Stato e Papa per risparmiare fatica. Si dirà: ma il Segretario di Stato, il Papa e la stragrande maggioranza dei preti e dei vescovi non commettono reati. Embè? Nemmeno i presidenti delle Camere, della Repubblica e della Consulta hanno processi. Ma li si immunizza the same, because not notice too that the only autoimmune Al Tappone . Otherwise, as the law bloccaprocessi, unless it is compelled to triple pike with a deadly spin: make laws for themselves and then ask you to declare that no benefit from it (knowing full well, however, that laws apply to everyone, even for him ).
It said that in 80 years, paid his first wife, the Cain had toyed with a solution that cut the head of the bull as revealed by his confessor, Father Antonio Zuliani da Conegliano Veneto, had decided to "demand the abolition of the first wedding at the Sacred Rota . But then he did not want. " You know how it is the Sacred Rota: infested red robes. Too bad, because at that time was still in business lawyer Previti, to win the lost causes that he had a foolproof system. No need to change the law.

Immediately following the television and the newspapers, or nearly all, have begun to consult other divorced and known sinners, but also some VIP's confessor, to launch a call for solidarity in favor of Knight in abstinence hosts. The poor man suffers so much that we must do something, taking advantage of the rules now being discussed in Parliament. It could be suspended for one year the prohibition on participating in the Eucharist to all the baptized in 1939, and 60 meters below the skull and with the tarmac, having divorced in 1985, remarried in 1990 with women named Veronica in a civil ceremony officiated by Paul Pillitteri, having as testimoni Bettino e Anna Craxi, Confalonieri e Letta. Così si darebbe il tempo al Parlamento e al Vaticano di concordare un Lodo Schifani-Bagnasco che modifichi contemporaneamente la Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana e il Codice di Diritto Canonico, con una deroga all’indissolubilità del matrimonio per tutte le alte cariche dello Stato e della Chiesa , divorziate e non, che consenta loro di accostarsi alla santa comunione per tutta la durata del mandato. Il che, si badi bene, non significa una licenza di divorziare sine die: il divieto ricomparirebbe alla scadenza dell’incarico, in ossequio al principio di eguaglianza.
Del resto, già nella legge sulle intercettazioni è previsto qualcosa di simile: per arrestare o indagare un sacerdote, il magistrato è tenuto ad avvertire il suo vescovo; per indagare o arrestare un vescovo, deve avvisare il Segretario di Stato vaticano. Il che lascia supporre che, per indagare eventualmente sul Segretario di Stato, si debba chiedere il permesso al Papa; e per indagare - Dio non voglia - sul Papa, rivolgersi direttamente al Padreterno. Ecco, basterebbe estendere il Lodo a preti, vescovi, segretario di Stato e Papa per risparmiare fatica. Si dirà: ma il Segretario di Stato, il Papa e la stragrande maggioranza dei preti e dei vescovi non commettono reati. Embè? Nemmeno i presidenti delle Camere, della Repubblica e della Consulta hanno processi. Ma li si immunizza the same, because not notice too that the only autoimmune Al Tappone . Otherwise, as the law bloccaprocessi, unless it is compelled to triple pike with a deadly spin: make laws for themselves and then ask you to declare that no benefit from it (knowing full well, however, that laws apply to everyone, even for him ).
It said that in 80 years, paid his first wife, the Cain had toyed with a solution that cut the head of the bull as revealed by his confessor, Father Antonio Zuliani da Conegliano Veneto, had decided to "demand the abolition of the first wedding at the Sacred Rota . But then he did not want. " You know how it is the Sacred Rota: infested red robes. Too bad, because at that time was still in business lawyer Previti, to win the lost causes that he had a foolproof system. No need to change the law.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Best Birding Binoculars 2009
ARRESTATECI TUTTI di Marco Travaglio
The other day, pretending to put forward a 'case of doctrine, "Giovanni Sartori has warned of the Press by the" democratic dictators "and explained:" With our Berlusconi remains in a constitutional order, the Charter of the First Republic has not been abolished. Because there is no need to redo it: it can be empty inside. It wraps the Constitutional Court, the judiciary is paralyzed ... you can leave everything intact, all the mechanism of checks and balances. And in fact possess, occupy any space. In the end it remains a power 'transitive' which crosses the whole political system and controls alone. " Could not yet know what would happen the next day: the government not only cripples the judiciary, but also the information gags abolishing the judiciary. And, for those who have not yet figured out that you are setting up a regime, also unleashes the army on the streets. In recent days we have shown the damage that Bill Alfano, Ghedini Berlusconi on wiretapping result of investigations and trials. Now the case is to take care of us journalists, and citizens of you, that information. What comes out in pieces, and eventually disappear, with regard to investigations by the prosecution. All careless and irresponsible in the silence of the Vestal Virgins of liberalism and the Guarantor so much per pound. What, indeed, often applaud the new rules liberticide. Can no longer tell nothing, absolutely nothing, until the beginning of the process. That is, for many years. Even the news "no longer as secret," because even those set up for a Tombstone "publication ban" that affects not only the documents and wiretaps, but also their "Content". Can no longer be reported or not literally "to resume". Even if no longer secret because it served to suspects and their lawyers. Nothing at all. The investigation of the award-winning butcher Santa Rita, with the new law, would never have been able to do. But even if he had done on the absurd, the newspapers would have to submit only the managers who had been arrested and medical care, without being able to explain why, with such allegations, what evidence. Italy, too, as totalitarian regimes from South America, will know the phenomenon of disappearances: people will end up in jail, but you will not know why. Thus, if the allegations are true, the victims do not know anything (relatives of patients killed in the clinic in Milan, who are preparing a class action against doctors murderers, would be unaware of it all, and would remain until the opening of the trial, bell horse). If the accusations are false, however (as in the case of Rignano Flaminio, apart from the free press), the public will not be able to know that someone has been unjustly arrested, or how it defends itself: in short, will be less democratic control of citizens on Justice administered on behalf of the Italian people. Who says something is liable to imprisonment from 1 to 3 years and a fine of up to € 1,032 for each published article. The two sentences - detentiva e pecuniaria - non sono alternative, ma congiunte. Il che significa che il carcere è sempre previsto e, anche in un paese dov’è difficilissimo finire dentro (condizionale fino a 2 anni, pene alternative fino a 3), il giornalista ha ottime probabilità di finirci: alla seconda o alla terza condanna per violazione del divieto di pubblicazione (non meno di 9 mesi per volta), si superano i 2 anni e si perde la condizionale; alla quarta o alla quinta si perde anche l’accesso ai servizi sociali e non resta che la cella. Checchè ne dica l’ignorantissimo ministro ad personam Angelino Alfano. E non basta, perché i giornalisti rischiano grosso anche sul fronte disciplinare: appena uno viene indagato per aver informato his readers too, the prosecutor must notify the Association of Journalists for you to suspend for three months from the profession. On the spot, during the investigation, even before it is eventually sentenced. In each article you write, you stop working for three months. If you write four articles, you do not work for a year, and so on. So you pass the desire to inform. Also because, in addition to paying the fine, finish inside and stop working, even risk being fired. From now on, media companies must guard against any publication of banned material, with appropriate organizational models, because the "new" offense is indented in the law on liability 231 corporate law. It means that the publisher, also ordered not to see his business, must demonstrate that they have taken all precautions against breaches of the new law. How? Laying off reporters and editors who publish it to him too much help. So will leave only the news affecting the publishers: those that damage their competitors or their enemies (in which case the publisher shall bear the fine astronomical willingly provided by the new law, from 50 thousand to 400 thousand euro for each item, and accepts willingly the risk of seeing his company end up in court). Freedom of information depends on the gang war between big business and political groups. And all the news not secret unpublished? Will feed into an underworld of legalized extortion and blackmail cross: either pay well or you sputtano. Last grains: the sacred right to the adjustment of those who feel defamed or damaged, already required by current law is amended so that the correction should go without replication of the journalist. If Tom, from the cell of St. Victor, writes the newspaper that is not true that he was arrested, the journalist can not even answer that but it is true writes from San Vittore. A real news may deny false news, without the reader can no longer distinguish from one another. All this, of course, if journalists allow themselves to be gag without batting an eyelid. Personally, I announce now that I will continue to inform readers not concealing anything that I know. I will continue to publish, verbatim, in summary, the content or the way I turn, acts of investigation and wiretaps that I can get hold of, as I consider right and proper to serve the public. I will illiberal civil disobedience to this law and freedom. At the risk of ending up in jail, pay fines, to be fired. At the first trial will suffer, I will ask the court to plead before the European Court of consultation and the illegality of the new law in relation to Article 21 of the Constitution and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ("Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes freedom to hold opinions and freedom to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority ... ", with possible restrictions only in the case of information" confidential "or harmful to the safety and reputation). I hope that other colleagues autodenuncino advance with me and the Press Federation, the Union reporters, the association Articolo21, as well as readers, to support us in this fight for freedom. Disobedient to inform. Arrests us all.
The other day, pretending to put forward a 'case of doctrine, "Giovanni Sartori has warned of the Press by the" democratic dictators "and explained:" With our Berlusconi remains in a constitutional order, the Charter of the First Republic has not been abolished. Because there is no need to redo it: it can be empty inside. It wraps the Constitutional Court, the judiciary is paralyzed ... you can leave everything intact, all the mechanism of checks and balances. And in fact possess, occupy any space. In the end it remains a power 'transitive' which crosses the whole political system and controls alone. " Could not yet know what would happen the next day: the government not only cripples the judiciary, but also the information gags abolishing the judiciary. And, for those who have not yet figured out that you are setting up a regime, also unleashes the army on the streets. In recent days we have shown the damage that Bill Alfano, Ghedini Berlusconi on wiretapping result of investigations and trials. Now the case is to take care of us journalists, and citizens of you, that information. What comes out in pieces, and eventually disappear, with regard to investigations by the prosecution. All careless and irresponsible in the silence of the Vestal Virgins of liberalism and the Guarantor so much per pound. What, indeed, often applaud the new rules liberticide. Can no longer tell nothing, absolutely nothing, until the beginning of the process. That is, for many years. Even the news "no longer as secret," because even those set up for a Tombstone "publication ban" that affects not only the documents and wiretaps, but also their "Content". Can no longer be reported or not literally "to resume". Even if no longer secret because it served to suspects and their lawyers. Nothing at all. The investigation of the award-winning butcher Santa Rita, with the new law, would never have been able to do. But even if he had done on the absurd, the newspapers would have to submit only the managers who had been arrested and medical care, without being able to explain why, with such allegations, what evidence. Italy, too, as totalitarian regimes from South America, will know the phenomenon of disappearances: people will end up in jail, but you will not know why. Thus, if the allegations are true, the victims do not know anything (relatives of patients killed in the clinic in Milan, who are preparing a class action against doctors murderers, would be unaware of it all, and would remain until the opening of the trial, bell horse). If the accusations are false, however (as in the case of Rignano Flaminio, apart from the free press), the public will not be able to know that someone has been unjustly arrested, or how it defends itself: in short, will be less democratic control of citizens on Justice administered on behalf of the Italian people. Who says something is liable to imprisonment from 1 to 3 years and a fine of up to € 1,032 for each published article. The two sentences - detentiva e pecuniaria - non sono alternative, ma congiunte. Il che significa che il carcere è sempre previsto e, anche in un paese dov’è difficilissimo finire dentro (condizionale fino a 2 anni, pene alternative fino a 3), il giornalista ha ottime probabilità di finirci: alla seconda o alla terza condanna per violazione del divieto di pubblicazione (non meno di 9 mesi per volta), si superano i 2 anni e si perde la condizionale; alla quarta o alla quinta si perde anche l’accesso ai servizi sociali e non resta che la cella. Checchè ne dica l’ignorantissimo ministro ad personam Angelino Alfano. E non basta, perché i giornalisti rischiano grosso anche sul fronte disciplinare: appena uno viene indagato per aver informato his readers too, the prosecutor must notify the Association of Journalists for you to suspend for three months from the profession. On the spot, during the investigation, even before it is eventually sentenced. In each article you write, you stop working for three months. If you write four articles, you do not work for a year, and so on. So you pass the desire to inform. Also because, in addition to paying the fine, finish inside and stop working, even risk being fired. From now on, media companies must guard against any publication of banned material, with appropriate organizational models, because the "new" offense is indented in the law on liability 231 corporate law. It means that the publisher, also ordered not to see his business, must demonstrate that they have taken all precautions against breaches of the new law. How? Laying off reporters and editors who publish it to him too much help. So will leave only the news affecting the publishers: those that damage their competitors or their enemies (in which case the publisher shall bear the fine astronomical willingly provided by the new law, from 50 thousand to 400 thousand euro for each item, and accepts willingly the risk of seeing his company end up in court). Freedom of information depends on the gang war between big business and political groups. And all the news not secret unpublished? Will feed into an underworld of legalized extortion and blackmail cross: either pay well or you sputtano. Last grains: the sacred right to the adjustment of those who feel defamed or damaged, already required by current law is amended so that the correction should go without replication of the journalist. If Tom, from the cell of St. Victor, writes the newspaper that is not true that he was arrested, the journalist can not even answer that but it is true writes from San Vittore. A real news may deny false news, without the reader can no longer distinguish from one another. All this, of course, if journalists allow themselves to be gag without batting an eyelid. Personally, I announce now that I will continue to inform readers not concealing anything that I know. I will continue to publish, verbatim, in summary, the content or the way I turn, acts of investigation and wiretaps that I can get hold of, as I consider right and proper to serve the public. I will illiberal civil disobedience to this law and freedom. At the risk of ending up in jail, pay fines, to be fired. At the first trial will suffer, I will ask the court to plead before the European Court of consultation and the illegality of the new law in relation to Article 21 of the Constitution and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ("Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes freedom to hold opinions and freedom to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority ... ", with possible restrictions only in the case of information" confidential "or harmful to the safety and reputation). I hope that other colleagues autodenuncino advance with me and the Press Federation, the Union reporters, the association Articolo21, as well as readers, to support us in this fight for freedom. Disobedient to inform. Arrests us all.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Flintstone Floor Mats
Zenzero: candito e liquore
Per prima cosa mi scuso x l'assenteismo dell'ultimo periodo, ma passo tutta la settimana a Milano e nel week-end non sempre riesco a dedicarmi ai fornelli!!
Comunque sappiate che vi tengo d'occhio e passo sempre a curiosare tra le vostre gustosissime creazioni! :-)
Ed ora veniamo alla ricetta della settimana!
L'idea dello zenzero mi è venuta dopo aver letto che che è un ottimo rimedio per la digestione lenta e le nausee... Per questi due problemi io l'ho trovato decisamente efficace, mentre non posso pronunziarmi sulle altre innumerevoli proprietà che gli vengono attribuite.
Ero playing with the idea to prepare the candied ginger, but in the end it turned out even a really good liquor ... it tastes a little part (of ginger!) that not everyone likes it, but I find it really delicious, especially after a meal to sip a bit rich! ;-)
These are the ingredients to get about 400 grams of crystallized ginger and 500 ml of liquor ...
375 g of fresh ginger (clean, remove the x just scrape off skin with a knife, how do you type with the carrots!)
500 g of sugar (375 g if you do not want to make a liqueur)
200 g water (150 g if you do not want to make a liqueur)
After cleaning the ginger, cut into slices about 4-5 mm thick.
In a saucepan large enough to put the ginger and cover with water, bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes x.
Repeat x 3 times (changing the water each time) and set aside the last boiling water (if you want to make a liqueur).
Dissolve sugar (500g or 375 g) in water (200g or 150g) and cook over low heat x few minutes.
Add the sliced \u200b\u200bginger and continue cooking about 50 minutes x. After the cooking school
Occor slices of ginger (reserving the sciuroppo) and arrange them on a sheet of x cartaforno to cool. Then sprinkle with sugar (I expected it to cool over the slices of ginger to dry becoming a little less sticky, so I put in a paper bag with sugar and I have "beaten" a bit sticky because sugar is good. I then lay the slices on a sheet of sugared cartaforno and I let x 1 day in a sheltered-off oven-dry because it is ...)
To prepare the liquor merge:
60 g of water last cooking ginger syrup
380 g 120 g of alcohol
Council to wait for the infusion of water and syrup has cooled a bit before adding the alcohol ...
In the latter picture the little Emma to check the final result!
Per prima cosa mi scuso x l'assenteismo dell'ultimo periodo, ma passo tutta la settimana a Milano e nel week-end non sempre riesco a dedicarmi ai fornelli!!
Comunque sappiate che vi tengo d'occhio e passo sempre a curiosare tra le vostre gustosissime creazioni! :-)
Ed ora veniamo alla ricetta della settimana!
L'idea dello zenzero mi è venuta dopo aver letto che che è un ottimo rimedio per la digestione lenta e le nausee... Per questi due problemi io l'ho trovato decisamente efficace, mentre non posso pronunziarmi sulle altre innumerevoli proprietà che gli vengono attribuite.
These are the ingredients to get about 400 grams of crystallized ginger and 500 ml of liquor ...
375 g of fresh ginger (clean, remove the x just scrape off skin with a knife, how do you type with the carrots!)
500 g of sugar (375 g if you do not want to make a liqueur)
200 g water (150 g if you do not want to make a liqueur)
In a saucepan large enough to put the ginger and cover with water, bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes x.
Repeat x 3 times (changing the water each time) and set aside the last boiling water (if you want to make a liqueur).
Dissolve sugar (500g or 375 g) in water (200g or 150g) and cook over low heat x few minutes.
Add the sliced \u200b\u200bginger and continue cooking about 50 minutes x. After the cooking school
Occor slices of ginger (reserving the sciuroppo) and arrange them on a sheet of x cartaforno to cool. Then sprinkle with sugar (I expected it to cool over the slices of ginger to dry becoming a little less sticky, so I put in a paper bag with sugar and I have "beaten" a bit sticky because sugar is good. I then lay the slices on a sheet of sugared cartaforno and I let x 1 day in a sheltered-off oven-dry because it is ...)
To prepare the liquor merge:
60 g of water last cooking ginger syrup
380 g 120 g of alcohol
Council to wait for the infusion of water and syrup has cooled a bit before adding the alcohol ...
In the latter picture the little Emma to check the final result!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Jordan Gay Crusing Area
This weekend I said goodbye to my beloved Turin .... on this occasion I decided to make the Bunet, sweet typical Piedmont ....
200 g sugar 50 g unsweetened cocoa powder 6 eggs
750 ml of milk + ½ cup amaretti
1 pound of dried
50 g of 1 lemon rum
Crumble the macaroons and soak them in rum.
In a saucepan put 2 tablespoons sugar 2 Tbsp water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the sugar begins to darken. Then pour the caramel got to the bottom mold (I used a glass of plum).
Bring the milk and lemon peel (yellow part only, you have to remove pretty well all part Binco x) to a boil.
Meanwhile heat 1 / 2 cup of milk with cocoa and a tablespoon of sugar and beat eggs with remaining sugar.
Add egg mixture to the boiling milk and cocoa cream.
Pour the mixture into the mold and cover with rum-soaked macaroons.
Mettrie the mold in a baking pan filled with warm water (water should reach at least half of the mold).
Bake at 180 degrees x 1 hour.
With this sweet ending my life in Turin ... Tomorrow I will start a new adventure in Milan, completely unknown to me!
This weekend I said goodbye to my beloved Turin .... on this occasion I decided to make the Bunet, sweet typical Piedmont ....
200 g sugar 50 g unsweetened cocoa powder 6 eggs
750 ml of milk + ½ cup amaretti
1 pound of dried
50 g of 1 lemon rum
Crumble the macaroons and soak them in rum.
In a saucepan put 2 tablespoons sugar 2 Tbsp water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the sugar begins to darken. Then pour the caramel got to the bottom mold (I used a glass of plum).
Bring the milk and lemon peel (yellow part only, you have to remove pretty well all part Binco x) to a boil.
Meanwhile heat 1 / 2 cup of milk with cocoa and a tablespoon of sugar and beat eggs with remaining sugar.
Add egg mixture to the boiling milk and cocoa cream.
Pour the mixture into the mold and cover with rum-soaked macaroons.
Mettrie the mold in a baking pan filled with warm water (water should reach at least half of the mold).
Bake at 180 degrees x 1 hour.
With this sweet ending my life in Turin ... Tomorrow I will start a new adventure in Milan, completely unknown to me!
Monday, April 21, 2008
How To Put A Front License Plate On Jeep Liberty
Gelatina al caffè
Since these days are always in a hurry, here's a recipe super fast!
500 ml of weak coffee (250 ml of coffee + 250 ml of water)
4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons agar agar
Combine sugar and agar agar to coffee, put on x heat and simmer about 5 minutes (agar agar flakes are dissolved completely ...).
Pour the mixture into pudding mold, place in the refrigerator a few hours and then ... x eat!
With queste dosi mi è rimasta 1 gelatina molto compatta, quindi volendo si può mettere 1 pò meno agar agar... dipende dai gusti!
Since these days are always in a hurry, here's a recipe super fast!

500 ml of weak coffee (250 ml of coffee + 250 ml of water)
4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons agar agar
Combine sugar and agar agar to coffee, put on x heat and simmer about 5 minutes (agar agar flakes are dissolved completely ...).
Pour the mixture into pudding mold, place in the refrigerator a few hours and then ... x eat!

With queste dosi mi è rimasta 1 gelatina molto compatta, quindi volendo si può mettere 1 pò meno agar agar... dipende dai gusti!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Fantasti.ccspring Break
Questo per me è 1 periodo 1 pò burrascoso e non riesco a stare dietro al blog.... ma appena avrò risolto 1 paio di cose tornerò a pasticciare tra i fornelli!!
Nel frattempo.... sbizzarritevi che anche se non posto vengo comunque a curiosare tra le vostre ricette!
Questo per me è 1 periodo 1 pò burrascoso e non riesco a stare dietro al blog.... ma appena avrò risolto 1 paio di cose tornerò a pasticciare tra i fornelli!!
Nel frattempo.... sbizzarritevi che anche se non posto vengo comunque a curiosare tra le vostre ricette!
Monday, April 7, 2008
How To Get Clothes To Stay On Hanger
Mini Sacher
L'idea di fare una Sacher Torte mi è venuta vedendo il bellissimo risultato ottenuto da Night!
Come base ho preso la sua ricetta, ma l'ho modificata 1 pò. Il risultato comunque è stato eccellente!! Le tortine sono rimaste morbidissime e gustosissime!!
for the cake: 6 eggs
180 g sugar 200 g flour 200 g
ciocolata (dark)
100 g of cream for the topping
8 tablespoons apricot jam
4 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons water
for Bowline:
200 g of chocolate (dark) 100 g cream
Place egg whites in snow.
Beat the egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of boiling water when the mixture is nice and swollen gradually add sugar and continue to beat.
Add the sifted flour, poi la panna leggermente montata ed infine la cioccolata fusa.
Riempire i pirottini (a me con queste dosi sono venute 32 tortine) ed infornare a 180 gradi per circa 15 minuti.
Nel frattempo preparare la glassa unendo e mischiando bene la cioccolata fusa con la panna (che deve essere prima fatta scaldare!!) .
Per la farcitura io ho usato marmellata senza zucchero, quindi x renderla + dolce l'ho messa sul fuoco con acqua e zucchero per qualche minuto.
Una volta sfornate le tortine e lasciate raffreddare procedere con la glassatura e la farcitura.
Il risultato è davvero delizioso!!
L'idea di fare una Sacher Torte mi è venuta vedendo il bellissimo risultato ottenuto da Night!
Come base ho preso la sua ricetta, ma l'ho modificata 1 pò. Il risultato comunque è stato eccellente!! Le tortine sono rimaste morbidissime e gustosissime!!

for the cake: 6 eggs
180 g sugar 200 g flour 200 g
ciocolata (dark)
100 g of cream for the topping
8 tablespoons apricot jam
4 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons water
for Bowline:
200 g of chocolate (dark) 100 g cream

Beat the egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of boiling water when the mixture is nice and swollen gradually add sugar and continue to beat.
Add the sifted flour, poi la panna leggermente montata ed infine la cioccolata fusa.
Riempire i pirottini (a me con queste dosi sono venute 32 tortine) ed infornare a 180 gradi per circa 15 minuti.
Nel frattempo preparare la glassa unendo e mischiando bene la cioccolata fusa con la panna (che deve essere prima fatta scaldare!!) .
Per la farcitura io ho usato marmellata senza zucchero, quindi x renderla + dolce l'ho messa sul fuoco con acqua e zucchero per qualche minuto.
Una volta sfornate le tortine e lasciate raffreddare procedere con la glassatura e la farcitura.

Monday, March 31, 2008
Best Deodorant For Men
Cestini con verdure
Questoweek-end ho avuto davvero poco tempo da dedicare alla cucina...
1 roll of puff pastry
vegetables and cheese to taste
To form the basket should be cut some strips of equal length of pastry and then form a network (it takes about 10 x stric each basket, but obviously it depends on when you do great ...) to get a square. With a rolling pin is gentle strokes on the square of dough so as to attack the various strips one to another. It then butters
the underside of a bowl, and there lies above the square. It bakes at 180 degrees x 10 minutes and then gently detach the basket from the bowl.
For the filling you can indulge! I've got done doing a pan with some onion, spinach and carrots and add the chopped cheese (which melts in the hot vegetables).
Questoweek-end ho avuto davvero poco tempo da dedicare alla cucina...

1 roll of puff pastry
vegetables and cheese to taste

To form the basket should be cut some strips of equal length of pastry and then form a network (it takes about 10 x stric each basket, but obviously it depends on when you do great ...) to get a square. With a rolling pin is gentle strokes on the square of dough so as to attack the various strips one to another. It then butters
the underside of a bowl, and there lies above the square. It bakes at 180 degrees x 10 minutes and then gently detach the basket from the bowl.
For the filling you can indulge! I've got done doing a pan with some onion, spinach and carrots and add the chopped cheese (which melts in the hot vegetables).
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Getting A Beer Tap Installed At Home
Torta meringa al limone
vou First of all I hope you all had a Happy Easter! I
for the occasion I cooked this cake with a base of pastry, cream and lemon meringue.
usually do not like cakes with creams, but this came quite light and delicate ...
for the base
185 g flour 50 g butter 60 g sugar
grated rind of half a lemon 1 egg yolk lightly beaten with A bit of milk 1 teaspoon baking
for the lemon cream
70 g starch 400 g of milk
juice and zest of 2 lemons
185 g of sugar (5 tbsp serve the x meringue) 3 egg yolks
for the meringue
3 egg whites 5 tablespoons of sugar (taken from 185 g of cream)
Sift the flour, add the melted butter, sugar, baking powder, lemon zest and the beaten egg with milk. IMAST adding a little milk until dough is soft and elastic.
Wrap in plastic wrap and store in refrigerator (at least x 30 minutes).
Prepare the lemon cream dissolving the starch in the milk, add the juice and zest of lemons and bring to boil, after 2 minutes add the egg yolks and sugar and cook until the cream is thick enough (a couple of minutes).
Take the pastry from refrigerator, roll out the dough to form a disk about 5 mm thick and cover it with a pan previously greased and floured. Drill small holes on the crust (with a fork), cover with a sheet of aluminum and pour in the beans.
Bake the pastry at 180 degrees x 10 minutes.
Remove the vegetables and aluminum and pour the cream into the base. X Bake another 10 minutes.
Meanwhile whip the egg whites with 5 tablespoons of sugar and pour the cream (which during the 10 minutes of cooking will thicken a bit). (I'm in a small portion of meringue I poured a few drops of yellow dye to make tufts x).
Replace everything in the oven at 80 degrees x a couple of hours. X I speed up I kept the oven to 100 degrees and the meringue is browned too much and then after 1 hour I got bored and turned off the oven. The meringue was not completely dry, but it was good the same (it had the consistency of marshmallow!)
vou First of all I hope you all had a Happy Easter! I
for the occasion I cooked this cake with a base of pastry, cream and lemon meringue.
usually do not like cakes with creams, but this came quite light and delicate ...

for the base
185 g flour 50 g butter 60 g sugar
grated rind of half a lemon 1 egg yolk lightly beaten with A bit of milk 1 teaspoon baking
for the lemon cream
70 g starch 400 g of milk
juice and zest of 2 lemons
185 g of sugar (5 tbsp serve the x meringue) 3 egg yolks
for the meringue
3 egg whites 5 tablespoons of sugar (taken from 185 g of cream)

Sift the flour, add the melted butter, sugar, baking powder, lemon zest and the beaten egg with milk. IMAST adding a little milk until dough is soft and elastic.
Wrap in plastic wrap and store in refrigerator (at least x 30 minutes).
Prepare the lemon cream dissolving the starch in the milk, add the juice and zest of lemons and bring to boil, after 2 minutes add the egg yolks and sugar and cook until the cream is thick enough (a couple of minutes).

Take the pastry from refrigerator, roll out the dough to form a disk about 5 mm thick and cover it with a pan previously greased and floured. Drill small holes on the crust (with a fork), cover with a sheet of aluminum and pour in the beans.
Bake the pastry at 180 degrees x 10 minutes.
Remove the vegetables and aluminum and pour the cream into the base. X Bake another 10 minutes.
Meanwhile whip the egg whites with 5 tablespoons of sugar and pour the cream (which during the 10 minutes of cooking will thicken a bit). (I'm in a small portion of meringue I poured a few drops of yellow dye to make tufts x).
Replace everything in the oven at 80 degrees x a couple of hours. X I speed up I kept the oven to 100 degrees and the meringue is browned too much and then after 1 hour I got bored and turned off the oven. The meringue was not completely dry, but it was good the same (it had the consistency of marshmallow!)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Healthy Energizing Snacks
Meme: le 5 foto
Mika and Trick or me invited to this beautiful photo meme. X
Sorry the pictures are of poor quality, but I was 2 days in bed with the flu and I could not do better ...
I love photography and I always held my digital inseparable, do thousands of photos a year and I probably would have chosen QSA better, but at the end of my 5 choices were these:
First, do not I could put that picture of my Nikki! well ... actually this is my cousin's digital ... Nikky had my first accident last week ... I slipped from his hands and is open in 2! :-( I tried to reassemble it, but the button does not want to take pictures x Learn to operate and so I had to borrow this waiting to take the little incident from x photorepair see if there is some hope ....
This is my beloved laptop! It 's a bit old and has a memory equal to Qualle of a USB stick, but I could not live without! I've always been faithful, apart from once when I was writing a thesis and suddenly the screen is gone! PANIC! Fortunately, those were very kind assistance weekdays at 1 and I have returned as new! Since then I have betrayed +! :-)
And here is my "secret box" (here are the real secrets, quelli che non ho svelato nel meme dei 7 segreti !!!).
La scatola di legno me l'ha regalata mia sorella x il compleanno anni fa. L'ha costruita e dipinta lei!! Dentro ci tengo i miei diari segreti e qualche piccolo oggettino a cui tengo particolarmente.
Nel meme dei 7 segret i avevo scritto della mia convinzione che la mia bambola, se trattata come una bimba in carne ed ossa, un giorno sarebbe diventata vera. Beh, quetsa è la bambola in questione, come potete vedere x ora è solo stoffa e plastica, ma io continuo a sperare! :-)
Per ultima foto ho tenuto questa che in realtà ne riassume 3... Qui potete see my phone (I could not live without !!!), my two beloved kittens (screensaver on the cell) and a small portion of my library!
There would be hundreds of pictures that I post, but you will x the next time!
Since it took me a while to respond to the meme, and now that was attended by virtually all, do no call in particular, but who wants to let us know if 1 part 5 through photographs is welcome to participate!
Mika and Trick or me invited to this beautiful photo meme. X
Sorry the pictures are of poor quality, but I was 2 days in bed with the flu and I could not do better ...
I love photography and I always held my digital inseparable, do thousands of photos a year and I probably would have chosen QSA better, but at the end of my 5 choices were these:

This is my beloved laptop! It 's a bit old and has a memory equal to Qualle of a USB stick, but I could not live without! I've always been faithful, apart from once when I was writing a thesis and suddenly the screen is gone! PANIC! Fortunately, those were very kind assistance weekdays at 1 and I have returned as new! Since then I have betrayed +! :-)

La scatola di legno me l'ha regalata mia sorella x il compleanno anni fa. L'ha costruita e dipinta lei!! Dentro ci tengo i miei diari segreti e qualche piccolo oggettino a cui tengo particolarmente.

There would be hundreds of pictures that I post, but you will x the next time!
Since it took me a while to respond to the meme, and now that was attended by virtually all, do no call in particular, but who wants to let us know if 1 part 5 through photographs is welcome to participate!
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