Per prima cosa mi scuso x l'assenteismo dell'ultimo periodo, ma passo tutta la settimana a Milano e nel week-end non sempre riesco a dedicarmi ai fornelli!!
Comunque sappiate che vi tengo d'occhio e passo sempre a curiosare tra le vostre gustosissime creazioni! :-)
Ed ora veniamo alla ricetta della settimana!
L'idea dello zenzero mi è venuta dopo aver letto che che è un ottimo rimedio per la digestione lenta e le nausee... Per questi due problemi io l'ho trovato decisamente efficace, mentre non posso pronunziarmi sulle altre innumerevoli proprietà che gli vengono attribuite.
These are the ingredients to get about 400 grams of crystallized ginger and 500 ml of liquor ...
375 g of fresh ginger (clean, remove the x just scrape off skin with a knife, how do you type with the carrots!)
500 g of sugar (375 g if you do not want to make a liqueur)
200 g water (150 g if you do not want to make a liqueur)
In a saucepan large enough to put the ginger and cover with water, bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes x.
Repeat x 3 times (changing the water each time) and set aside the last boiling water (if you want to make a liqueur).
Dissolve sugar (500g or 375 g) in water (200g or 150g) and cook over low heat x few minutes.
Add the sliced \u200b\u200bginger and continue cooking about 50 minutes x. After the cooking school
Occor slices of ginger (reserving the sciuroppo) and arrange them on a sheet of x cartaforno to cool. Then sprinkle with sugar (I expected it to cool over the slices of ginger to dry becoming a little less sticky, so I put in a paper bag with sugar and I have "beaten" a bit sticky because sugar is good. I then lay the slices on a sheet of sugared cartaforno and I let x 1 day in a sheltered-off oven-dry because it is ...)
To prepare the liquor merge:
60 g of water last cooking ginger syrup
380 g 120 g of alcohol
Council to wait for the infusion of water and syrup has cooled a bit before adding the alcohol ...
In the latter picture the little Emma to check the final result!
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