ARRESTATECI TUTTI di Marco Travaglio
The other day, pretending to put forward a 'case of doctrine, "Giovanni Sartori has warned of the Press by the" democratic dictators "and explained:" With our Berlusconi remains in a constitutional order, the Charter of the First Republic has not been abolished. Because there is no need to redo it: it can be empty inside. It wraps the Constitutional Court, the judiciary is paralyzed ... you can leave everything intact, all the mechanism of checks and balances. And in fact possess, occupy any space. In the end it remains a power 'transitive' which crosses the whole political system and controls alone. " Could not yet know what would happen the next day: the government not only cripples the judiciary, but also the information gags abolishing the judiciary. And, for those who have not yet figured out that you are setting up a regime, also unleashes the army on the streets. In recent days we have shown the damage that Bill Alfano, Ghedini Berlusconi on wiretapping result of investigations and trials. Now the case is to take care of us journalists, and citizens of you, that information. What comes out in pieces, and eventually disappear, with regard to investigations by the prosecution. All careless and irresponsible in the silence of the Vestal Virgins of liberalism and the Guarantor so much per pound. What, indeed, often applaud the new rules liberticide. Can no longer tell nothing, absolutely nothing, until the beginning of the process. That is, for many years. Even the news "no longer as secret," because even those set up for a Tombstone "publication ban" that affects not only the documents and wiretaps, but also their "Content". Can no longer be reported or not literally "to resume". Even if no longer secret because it served to suspects and their lawyers. Nothing at all. The investigation of the award-winning butcher Santa Rita, with the new law, would never have been able to do. But even if he had done on the absurd, the newspapers would have to submit only the managers who had been arrested and medical care, without being able to explain why, with such allegations, what evidence. Italy, too, as totalitarian regimes from South America, will know the phenomenon of disappearances: people will end up in jail, but you will not know why. Thus, if the allegations are true, the victims do not know anything (relatives of patients killed in the clinic in Milan, who are preparing a class action against doctors murderers, would be unaware of it all, and would remain until the opening of the trial, bell horse). If the accusations are false, however (as in the case of Rignano Flaminio, apart from the free press), the public will not be able to know that someone has been unjustly arrested, or how it defends itself: in short, will be less democratic control of citizens on Justice administered on behalf of the Italian people. Who says something is liable to imprisonment from 1 to 3 years and a fine of up to € 1,032 for each published article. The two sentences - detentiva e pecuniaria - non sono alternative, ma congiunte. Il che significa che il carcere è sempre previsto e, anche in un paese dov’è difficilissimo finire dentro (condizionale fino a 2 anni, pene alternative fino a 3), il giornalista ha ottime probabilità di finirci: alla seconda o alla terza condanna per violazione del divieto di pubblicazione (non meno di 9 mesi per volta), si superano i 2 anni e si perde la condizionale; alla quarta o alla quinta si perde anche l’accesso ai servizi sociali e non resta che la cella. Checchè ne dica l’ignorantissimo ministro ad personam Angelino Alfano. E non basta, perché i giornalisti rischiano grosso anche sul fronte disciplinare: appena uno viene indagato per aver informato his readers too, the prosecutor must notify the Association of Journalists for you to suspend for three months from the profession. On the spot, during the investigation, even before it is eventually sentenced. In each article you write, you stop working for three months. If you write four articles, you do not work for a year, and so on. So you pass the desire to inform. Also because, in addition to paying the fine, finish inside and stop working, even risk being fired. From now on, media companies must guard against any publication of banned material, with appropriate organizational models, because the "new" offense is indented in the law on liability 231 corporate law. It means that the publisher, also ordered not to see his business, must demonstrate that they have taken all precautions against breaches of the new law. How? Laying off reporters and editors who publish it to him too much help. So will leave only the news affecting the publishers: those that damage their competitors or their enemies (in which case the publisher shall bear the fine astronomical willingly provided by the new law, from 50 thousand to 400 thousand euro for each item, and accepts willingly the risk of seeing his company end up in court). Freedom of information depends on the gang war between big business and political groups. And all the news not secret unpublished? Will feed into an underworld of legalized extortion and blackmail cross: either pay well or you sputtano. Last grains: the sacred right to the adjustment of those who feel defamed or damaged, already required by current law is amended so that the correction should go without replication of the journalist. If Tom, from the cell of St. Victor, writes the newspaper that is not true that he was arrested, the journalist can not even answer that but it is true writes from San Vittore. A real news may deny false news, without the reader can no longer distinguish from one another. All this, of course, if journalists allow themselves to be gag without batting an eyelid. Personally, I announce now that I will continue to inform readers not concealing anything that I know. I will continue to publish, verbatim, in summary, the content or the way I turn, acts of investigation and wiretaps that I can get hold of, as I consider right and proper to serve the public. I will illiberal civil disobedience to this law and freedom. At the risk of ending up in jail, pay fines, to be fired. At the first trial will suffer, I will ask the court to plead before the European Court of consultation and the illegality of the new law in relation to Article 21 of the Constitution and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ("Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes freedom to hold opinions and freedom to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority ... ", with possible restrictions only in the case of information" confidential "or harmful to the safety and reputation). I hope that other colleagues autodenuncino advance with me and the Press Federation, the Union reporters, the association Articolo21, as well as readers, to support us in this fight for freedom. Disobedient to inform. Arrests us all.
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