After the eggs to dioxin, even now the pork is full of them. The discovery in this case sets a precedent: the first was found high proportion of dioxin in pork. The flesh dioxin was discovered at a farm in Lower Saxony. The spokesman of the Ministry of Agriculture in Hanover, Gert Hahne, announced that the company hundreds of pigs have been killed already. In another pig farm of the same Land values \u200b\u200bof dioxin were found close to those limits. The ministry added that there are currently 330 herds closed on 4400 initially tightened. Among eggs and pigs, the dioxin scare has spread to France and Denmark and in Germany while the government tries to reassure consumers urging the population not to panic. Even in Italy the experts reassure: "Even the cigarettes contain more eggs contaminated with dioxin. The maximum allowable threshold is too low to harm humans." I think these are just the tip of the iceberg, too many outlaws or contaminated feed, too few controls on meat exported ( controls Germany) and imported ( controls the country that imports ) and these offenders, we pretend to be good meat contaminated, do it very often free. Consumers are poorly protected and nothing can be against wild speculation. The bodies, why not find out anything? How did Striscia la Notizia, a satirical news program a few minutes , Sit an importer of Japanese tuna treated with carbon monoxide (harmful) to make it look more red? Our NAS what they do, are able to get gasoline in short supply and go around to check? This summer China Melamine to milk, then the mozzarella Blue chickens sick and mad cow disease .... What's in store tomorrow, these schemers?
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