Thursday, January 6, 2011

English Pokemon Doujinshi

2 weeks on the white snow Trentino Society & sull'iPad

My winter holidays this year procecdono quickly and some will be among almost time to return. On track with the two grandchildren, Ricky and Simon's 12 years in a row on the installation of 7 lifts and then down to the fallen to the valley. Despite the sun the last few hours here at Madonna di Campiglio Rampant very cold, especially on the ski slopes. Temperatures several degrees below freezing, with snow-covered slopes, smooth and cared for in every detail. Even today the situation is not likely to change. The sky is obscured by clouds, but the temperature ranges from -13 to -2 degrees. The consequence is that the snow will be like for days, still icy and the slopes will be shiny like billiard balls is recommended only for an expert audience, because the slopes are exceedingly rich and the risk of clashes, due to the speed you touch in some places is very high. So today we have fast tracks and crowded and we must do a lot of attention to people with little experience posing for experienced skiers. These and other news I have the im premiere consulting my iPad in the morning, before leaving the hotel. This year the snows of Trentino have embraced the apple, not that of the Val di Non, but that of Steve Jobs. E 'available for iPhone and iPad application "Ski Trentino. This is the service dedicated to lovers of snow, designed for those who want to have at your hand all the information about the situation of the ski slopes and the meteorological conditions of the ski resort where you are. This year the services were improved and extended to holders dell'iPad, the revolutionary "tablet computer" manufactured by Apple can play sophisticated multimedia content as well as surf the internet. In a world that offers a growing range of communication tools, including the promotion and marketing should be a clear long-run increasing number of channels, so the user of 'Ski Trentino can now appreciate more graphical content and multimedia service, beginning with images of high-definition webcam and rich photo galleries. The application was made by a company thirty, Dimension Ltd, commissioned by Trentino Marketing. It can be installed free of charge and allows you to browse quickly and immediate information on ski of 64 consortia. The service is available in three languages \u200b\u200b(Italian, English and German), and provides weather forecasts for the current day and the next two, the number of facilities and trails are open to the public, the amount of snow present, the images presented by webcam placed on nearly all the tracks and a map area from plastigrafica enlarged as needed. The information concerns anche gli anelli di sci nordico e le aree per la pratica dello snowboard, sono le stesse reperibili sul sito , ma confezionate attraverso una grafica studiata appositamente per questo dispositivo ad alta interattività.


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