We live in a system that represents a form of soft totalitarianism of which we can be complicit. This is represented by the consumer society and the increase of GDP at all costs. Instead, the weak or negative growth, we in the West are beginning to know is wealthy perennially tragic, increases the rate of unemployment, reduce trade and investment in education, culture and health. At the same time, the positive growth results in the gradual decay of the planet. Squaring the circle is in coming from the growth model adopted so far and take the road to sustainable development. The growth was vulgar, coming to an end? We have the privilege to witness live the erosion of setting life of Western society. To tackle the current crisis is not enough to be an economist should also be philosophers and even borrow a quote from Woody Allen, when he argues that in a similar situation would exist two roads, a direct the disappearance of the genus human, the other to his total despair, but there is also a hope called shrinkage, that any third way that would escape the death trap-disperazione.E 'own revolution envisioned by Lathouche this is not a question of decreasing to regress, but a "decrease happy." Today's society works in a completely alien to the rhythms of nature with the sole objective to reach the goal fixed as quickly as possible, but regardless of what surrounds him. It 'important to consciously reclaim simply more human pace of life, slower and more natural behaviors that are the basis for a good balance for every human being. Growing up also means being able to slow down.
.. Reassess . Review the values \u200b\u200bthat we believe and by which we organize our lives, changing those that need to be changed. Altruism must prevail over selfishness, cooperation on competition, the pleasure of free time obsession of the work, the care of social life on unlimited consumption, the local on the global beauty of efficient, on a reasonable rationale. This reassessment should be able to overcome the imagery in which we live, the values \u200b\u200bof which are systemic, ie they are aroused and stimulated by the system, which in turn contribute to strengthening.
...Ricontestualizzare. Modificare il contesto concettuale ed emozionale di una situazione, o il punto di vista secondo cui essa è vissuta, così da mutarne completamente il senso. Questo cambiamento si impone, ad esempio, per i concetti di ricchezza e di povertà e ancor più urgentemente per scarsità e abbondanza, la "diabolica coppia'" fondatrice dell'immaginario economico. L'economia attuale, infatti, trasforma l'abbondanza naturale in scarsità, creando artificialmente mancanza e bisogno, attraverso l'appropriazione della natura e la sua mercificazione.
...Ristrutturare. Adattare in funzione del cambiamento dei valori le strutture economico-produttive, consumption patterns, social relationships, lifestyles, so as to guide them towards a society of decrease. As this restructuring will be more radical, the more systemic nature of the dominant values \u200b\u200bwill be uprooted.
... relocalization. consumers mainly local products produced by companies supported the local economy. Therefore, any decision of an economic nature to be taken locally, for local needs. In addition, if the ideas must ignore the border movements of goods and capital should instead be minimized by avoiding costs associated with transport (infrastructure, but also pollution, global warming and climate change).
... Redistribute. sure all the inhabitants of the planet access to natural resources and an equitable distribution of wealth, ensuring a satisfying work and decent living conditions for all. Prey less than "to give more."
... Reduce. Both the impact on the biosphere of the way we produce and consume that work schedules. The resource consumption should be reduced to return to ecological footprint of a planet. The energy needed to power a decent standard of living (heating, toiletries, lighting, transport, production of basic material goods) is roughly equivalent to that required by a small heater on continuously (1 kw). Today, North America consumes as much twelve times, Western Europe five and one third of humanity remains well below this threshold. This excessive consumption should be reduced to assure that all fair and decent living conditions.
Reuse .... Repair equipment and goods for use instead of throwing them in landfills, thus overcoming the obsession, the practical consumer society, the obsolescence of objects and the continuing tension''to the new. ... Recycle
. Retrieving all non-decomposable waste arising from our activities.
...Ricontestualizzare. Modificare il contesto concettuale ed emozionale di una situazione, o il punto di vista secondo cui essa è vissuta, così da mutarne completamente il senso. Questo cambiamento si impone, ad esempio, per i concetti di ricchezza e di povertà e ancor più urgentemente per scarsità e abbondanza, la "diabolica coppia'" fondatrice dell'immaginario economico. L'economia attuale, infatti, trasforma l'abbondanza naturale in scarsità, creando artificialmente mancanza e bisogno, attraverso l'appropriazione della natura e la sua mercificazione.
...Ristrutturare. Adattare in funzione del cambiamento dei valori le strutture economico-produttive, consumption patterns, social relationships, lifestyles, so as to guide them towards a society of decrease. As this restructuring will be more radical, the more systemic nature of the dominant values \u200b\u200bwill be uprooted.
... relocalization. consumers mainly local products produced by companies supported the local economy. Therefore, any decision of an economic nature to be taken locally, for local needs. In addition, if the ideas must ignore the border movements of goods and capital should instead be minimized by avoiding costs associated with transport (infrastructure, but also pollution, global warming and climate change).
... Redistribute. sure all the inhabitants of the planet access to natural resources and an equitable distribution of wealth, ensuring a satisfying work and decent living conditions for all. Prey less than "to give more."
... Reduce. Both the impact on the biosphere of the way we produce and consume that work schedules. The resource consumption should be reduced to return to ecological footprint of a planet. The energy needed to power a decent standard of living (heating, toiletries, lighting, transport, production of basic material goods) is roughly equivalent to that required by a small heater on continuously (1 kw). Today, North America consumes as much twelve times, Western Europe five and one third of humanity remains well below this threshold. This excessive consumption should be reduced to assure that all fair and decent living conditions.
Reuse .... Repair equipment and goods for use instead of throwing them in landfills, thus overcoming the obsession, the practical consumer society, the obsolescence of objects and the continuing tension''to the new. ... Recycle
. Retrieving all non-decomposable waste arising from our activities.
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