Gelmini reform is the law. The classroom of the Senate has given the final go-ahead by approving the text on the university with 161 yes, 98 no and 6 abstentions. They voted for the PDL, and Fli League. Voted against PD and IDV. Abstained (although that is how the Senate vote against) UDC, Bees, SVP and Union Valdotaine. "The reform will be implemented from the next academic year," announced the Minister of Education during the recording of Porta a Porta. Gelmini said that within the next six months all the effort and decrees will be adopted. The new law will allow some benefits to the University most virtuous and some handicap to those wasteful. The best universities will, for example, more funding (7% of the Loan Fund and the Fund's Outstanding Professor of Finance 2008). The merit will be evaluated through metrics CNVSU (National Committee evaluation of the university system) and the CIVR (Committee for the Evaluation of Research). S Arà increased the number of researchers, also trying to aim at a younger target audience, a figure at all, the fact that we must reserve 60% of future places to new researchers. In total should be assumed to be 4000 new researchers. University Concerning the wasteful, those of you that from now on will spend more than 90% of salaries in state funding will not be able to ban competitions for teachers, researchers or staff. A good way to avoid wasting money from the students Ministero.Dal side, however, were finally increased money for the kids meritevoli ma privi di mezzi economic i : questi, infatti, fino a quest’anno, non sempre riuscivano a ricevere la borsa di studio, nonostante avessero i requisiti per richiederla. Inoltre sono stati destinati 65 milioni di euro per progetti di residenze universitarie. Per evitare inoltre i favoritismi che hanno caratterizzato in questi anni le nostre Università, sono state previste modifiche anche ai concorsi: d’ora in poi ci saranno quattro professori sorteggiati da un elenco di commissari ed un solo professore ordinario nominato dalla facoltà stessa. Le critiche da parte dell’opposizione non sono mancate. «L’università italiana soffre di una crisi e non sarà certo il provvedimento approvato oggi, with its measures insufficient and in some cases even worse, to return to a normal situation the universities. " Compared with the last government, which did nothing, I believe that the law carried out by the Gelmini should be much appreciated.
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