According to the Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi , unemployment is the fault of bad teachers and bad parents who push their children to follow the training courses that do not take into account the minimally required labor market, " There are also" bad teachers "and bad parenting" among the causes of unemployment in Italy 'has pointed out the minister. In his view should re-evaluate the technical and vocational education without a choice be done only for high school social convention and instead of seeing the child has the intelligence in the hands. The same concept was expressed in recent months, leaders from all major categories of industrial and handicraft italiane.Del rest well in England, have been privileged in recent years, all those in technical universities, which were supported by more than those with a humanistic.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Oranges Stretch Marks
Gelmini Reform Act is
Gelmini reform is the law. The classroom of the Senate has given the final go-ahead by approving the text on the university with 161 yes, 98 no and 6 abstentions. They voted for the PDL, and Fli League. Voted against PD and IDV. Abstained (although that is how the Senate vote against) UDC, Bees, SVP and Union Valdotaine. "The reform will be implemented from the next academic year," announced the Minister of Education during the recording of Porta a Porta. Gelmini said that within the next six months all the effort and decrees will be adopted. The new law will allow some benefits to the University most virtuous and some handicap to those wasteful. The best universities will, for example, more funding (7% of the Loan Fund and the Fund's Outstanding Professor of Finance 2008). The merit will be evaluated through metrics CNVSU (National Committee evaluation of the university system) and the CIVR (Committee for the Evaluation of Research). S Arà increased the number of researchers, also trying to aim at a younger target audience, a figure at all, the fact that we must reserve 60% of future places to new researchers. In total should be assumed to be 4000 new researchers. University Concerning the wasteful, those of you that from now on will spend more than 90% of salaries in state funding will not be able to ban competitions for teachers, researchers or staff. A good way to avoid wasting money from the students Ministero.Dal side, however, were finally increased money for the kids meritevoli ma privi di mezzi economic i : questi, infatti, fino a quest’anno, non sempre riuscivano a ricevere la borsa di studio, nonostante avessero i requisiti per richiederla. Inoltre sono stati destinati 65 milioni di euro per progetti di residenze universitarie. Per evitare inoltre i favoritismi che hanno caratterizzato in questi anni le nostre Università, sono state previste modifiche anche ai concorsi: d’ora in poi ci saranno quattro professori sorteggiati da un elenco di commissari ed un solo professore ordinario nominato dalla facoltà stessa. Le critiche da parte dell’opposizione non sono mancate. «L’università italiana soffre di una crisi e non sarà certo il provvedimento approvato oggi, with its measures insufficient and in some cases even worse, to return to a normal situation the universities. " Compared with the last government, which did nothing, I believe that the law carried out by the Gelmini should be much appreciated.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Urinary Infection Premature Ejaculation
Degrowth Happy
We live in a system that represents a form of soft totalitarianism of which we can be complicit. This is represented by the consumer society and the increase of GDP at all costs. Instead, the weak or negative growth, we in the West are beginning to know is wealthy perennially tragic, increases the rate of unemployment, reduce trade and investment in education, culture and health. At the same time, the positive growth results in the gradual decay of the planet. Squaring the circle is in coming from the growth model adopted so far and take the road to sustainable development. The growth was vulgar, coming to an end? We have the privilege to witness live the erosion of setting life of Western society. To tackle the current crisis is not enough to be an economist should also be philosophers and even borrow a quote from Woody Allen, when he argues that in a similar situation would exist two roads, a direct the disappearance of the genus human, the other to his total despair, but there is also a hope called shrinkage, that any third way that would escape the death trap-disperazione.E 'own revolution envisioned by Lathouche this is not a question of decreasing to regress, but a "decrease happy." Today's society works in a completely alien to the rhythms of nature with the sole objective to reach the goal fixed as quickly as possible, but regardless of what surrounds him. It 'important to consciously reclaim simply more human pace of life, slower and more natural behaviors that are the basis for a good balance for every human being. Growing up also means being able to slow down.
.. Reassess . Review the values \u200b\u200bthat we believe and by which we organize our lives, changing those that need to be changed. Altruism must prevail over selfishness, cooperation on competition, the pleasure of free time obsession of the work, the care of social life on unlimited consumption, the local on the global beauty of efficient, on a reasonable rationale. This reassessment should be able to overcome the imagery in which we live, the values \u200b\u200bof which are systemic, ie they are aroused and stimulated by the system, which in turn contribute to strengthening.
...Ricontestualizzare. Modificare il contesto concettuale ed emozionale di una situazione, o il punto di vista secondo cui essa è vissuta, così da mutarne completamente il senso. Questo cambiamento si impone, ad esempio, per i concetti di ricchezza e di povertà e ancor più urgentemente per scarsità e abbondanza, la "diabolica coppia'" fondatrice dell'immaginario economico. L'economia attuale, infatti, trasforma l'abbondanza naturale in scarsità, creando artificialmente mancanza e bisogno, attraverso l'appropriazione della natura e la sua mercificazione.
...Ristrutturare. Adattare in funzione del cambiamento dei valori le strutture economico-produttive, consumption patterns, social relationships, lifestyles, so as to guide them towards a society of decrease. As this restructuring will be more radical, the more systemic nature of the dominant values \u200b\u200bwill be uprooted.
... relocalization. consumers mainly local products produced by companies supported the local economy. Therefore, any decision of an economic nature to be taken locally, for local needs. In addition, if the ideas must ignore the border movements of goods and capital should instead be minimized by avoiding costs associated with transport (infrastructure, but also pollution, global warming and climate change).
... Redistribute. sure all the inhabitants of the planet access to natural resources and an equitable distribution of wealth, ensuring a satisfying work and decent living conditions for all. Prey less than "to give more."
... Reduce. Both the impact on the biosphere of the way we produce and consume that work schedules. The resource consumption should be reduced to return to ecological footprint of a planet. The energy needed to power a decent standard of living (heating, toiletries, lighting, transport, production of basic material goods) is roughly equivalent to that required by a small heater on continuously (1 kw). Today, North America consumes as much twelve times, Western Europe five and one third of humanity remains well below this threshold. This excessive consumption should be reduced to assure that all fair and decent living conditions.
Reuse .... Repair equipment and goods for use instead of throwing them in landfills, thus overcoming the obsession, the practical consumer society, the obsolescence of objects and the continuing tension''to the new. ... Recycle
. Retrieving all non-decomposable waste arising from our activities.
...Ricontestualizzare. Modificare il contesto concettuale ed emozionale di una situazione, o il punto di vista secondo cui essa è vissuta, così da mutarne completamente il senso. Questo cambiamento si impone, ad esempio, per i concetti di ricchezza e di povertà e ancor più urgentemente per scarsità e abbondanza, la "diabolica coppia'" fondatrice dell'immaginario economico. L'economia attuale, infatti, trasforma l'abbondanza naturale in scarsità, creando artificialmente mancanza e bisogno, attraverso l'appropriazione della natura e la sua mercificazione.
...Ristrutturare. Adattare in funzione del cambiamento dei valori le strutture economico-produttive, consumption patterns, social relationships, lifestyles, so as to guide them towards a society of decrease. As this restructuring will be more radical, the more systemic nature of the dominant values \u200b\u200bwill be uprooted.
... relocalization. consumers mainly local products produced by companies supported the local economy. Therefore, any decision of an economic nature to be taken locally, for local needs. In addition, if the ideas must ignore the border movements of goods and capital should instead be minimized by avoiding costs associated with transport (infrastructure, but also pollution, global warming and climate change).
... Redistribute. sure all the inhabitants of the planet access to natural resources and an equitable distribution of wealth, ensuring a satisfying work and decent living conditions for all. Prey less than "to give more."
... Reduce. Both the impact on the biosphere of the way we produce and consume that work schedules. The resource consumption should be reduced to return to ecological footprint of a planet. The energy needed to power a decent standard of living (heating, toiletries, lighting, transport, production of basic material goods) is roughly equivalent to that required by a small heater on continuously (1 kw). Today, North America consumes as much twelve times, Western Europe five and one third of humanity remains well below this threshold. This excessive consumption should be reduced to assure that all fair and decent living conditions.
Reuse .... Repair equipment and goods for use instead of throwing them in landfills, thus overcoming the obsession, the practical consumer society, the obsolescence of objects and the continuing tension''to the new. ... Recycle
. Retrieving all non-decomposable waste arising from our activities.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Can I Bake Cookies In My Toaster Oven
Suicidio atto ingiusto
And 'these days the news of the suicide at the age of 95 years, a famous director.
The emphasis by the media when anticonservativo (jumping from the fifth floor of the hospital), which ended with the death of the director was particularly marked, so that the Head of State called for "respect the will of his last shot."
The question that arises in the light of statements by the Head of State, is whether it is ethically correct to observe a suicidal act or, conversely we should respect and compassion to the person performing it.
In the opinion of the writer can not and should not be compared to an action, done by anyone, inherently malvagia quale è quella che conduce alla morte. Così come nessuno oserebbe rispettare l’atto con cui il ladro sottrae un bene altrui, o il violento lede la salute dell’innocente.
La Vita è un valore assoluto e indisponibile in quanto ci è stata donata e non ci appartiene dal momento che nessuno vive solo per se stesso, ma ha dei doveri civili, famigliari e morali che lo legano alla collettività.
L’atto suicidario è, quindi, gravemente ingiusto poiché atto di egoismo e chiusura verso se stessi e verso il prossimo. Atto lesivo di quei doveri inderogabili di solidarietà riconosciuti solennemente anche dalla nostra Carta Costituzionale, oltre che da principi morali e di diritto naturale.
Questo should be the clear message sent by the authority, legitimacy, even indirectly, on pain of pipelines in contrast with the good life.
What, however, one must have respect and compassion of man is fragile and felt the pain is determined to perform an act without appeal.
The man deserves compassion, respect and compassion because we know nothing of the ultimate determination of Mario Monicelli in seconds that elapsed between the jump in the air and crash to the ground.
To quote the words of the Curé d'Ars, addressed to a mother desperate for the suicide of her son, between the fifth floor of the hospital and the pavement below is all the time for God's mercy
Peter Brovarone
And 'these days the news of the suicide at the age of 95 years, a famous director.
The emphasis by the media when anticonservativo (jumping from the fifth floor of the hospital), which ended with the death of the director was particularly marked, so that the Head of State called for "respect the will of his last shot."
The question that arises in the light of statements by the Head of State, is whether it is ethically correct to observe a suicidal act or, conversely we should respect and compassion to the person performing it.
In the opinion of the writer can not and should not be compared to an action, done by anyone, inherently malvagia quale è quella che conduce alla morte. Così come nessuno oserebbe rispettare l’atto con cui il ladro sottrae un bene altrui, o il violento lede la salute dell’innocente.
La Vita è un valore assoluto e indisponibile in quanto ci è stata donata e non ci appartiene dal momento che nessuno vive solo per se stesso, ma ha dei doveri civili, famigliari e morali che lo legano alla collettività.
L’atto suicidario è, quindi, gravemente ingiusto poiché atto di egoismo e chiusura verso se stessi e verso il prossimo. Atto lesivo di quei doveri inderogabili di solidarietà riconosciuti solennemente anche dalla nostra Carta Costituzionale, oltre che da principi morali e di diritto naturale.
Questo should be the clear message sent by the authority, legitimacy, even indirectly, on pain of pipelines in contrast with the good life.
What, however, one must have respect and compassion of man is fragile and felt the pain is determined to perform an act without appeal.
The man deserves compassion, respect and compassion because we know nothing of the ultimate determination of Mario Monicelli in seconds that elapsed between the jump in the air and crash to the ground.
To quote the words of the Curé d'Ars, addressed to a mother desperate for the suicide of her son, between the fifth floor of the hospital and the pavement below is all the time for God's mercy
Peter Brovarone
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