According to the Welfare Minister Maurizio Sacconi , unemployment is the fault of bad teachers and bad parents who push their children to follow the training courses that do not take into account the minimally required labor market, " There are also" bad teachers "and bad parenting" among the causes of unemployment in Italy 'has pointed out the minister. In his view should re-evaluate the technical and vocational education without a choice be done only for high school social convention and instead of seeing the child has the intelligence in the hands. The same concept was expressed in recent months, leaders from all major categories of industrial and handicraft italiane.Del rest well in England, have been privileged in recent years, all those in technical universities, which were supported by more than those with a humanistic.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Oranges Stretch Marks
Gelmini Reform Act is
Gelmini reform is the law. The classroom of the Senate has given the final go-ahead by approving the text on the university with 161 yes, 98 no and 6 abstentions. They voted for the PDL, and Fli League. Voted against PD and IDV. Abstained (although that is how the Senate vote against) UDC, Bees, SVP and Union Valdotaine. "The reform will be implemented from the next academic year," announced the Minister of Education during the recording of Porta a Porta. Gelmini said that within the next six months all the effort and decrees will be adopted. The new law will allow some benefits to the University most virtuous and some handicap to those wasteful. The best universities will, for example, more funding (7% of the Loan Fund and the Fund's Outstanding Professor of Finance 2008). The merit will be evaluated through metrics CNVSU (National Committee evaluation of the university system) and the CIVR (Committee for the Evaluation of Research). S Arà increased the number of researchers, also trying to aim at a younger target audience, a figure at all, the fact that we must reserve 60% of future places to new researchers. In total should be assumed to be 4000 new researchers. University Concerning the wasteful, those of you that from now on will spend more than 90% of salaries in state funding will not be able to ban competitions for teachers, researchers or staff. A good way to avoid wasting money from the students Ministero.Dal side, however, were finally increased money for the kids meritevoli ma privi di mezzi economic i : questi, infatti, fino a quest’anno, non sempre riuscivano a ricevere la borsa di studio, nonostante avessero i requisiti per richiederla. Inoltre sono stati destinati 65 milioni di euro per progetti di residenze universitarie. Per evitare inoltre i favoritismi che hanno caratterizzato in questi anni le nostre Università, sono state previste modifiche anche ai concorsi: d’ora in poi ci saranno quattro professori sorteggiati da un elenco di commissari ed un solo professore ordinario nominato dalla facoltà stessa. Le critiche da parte dell’opposizione non sono mancate. «L’università italiana soffre di una crisi e non sarà certo il provvedimento approvato oggi, with its measures insufficient and in some cases even worse, to return to a normal situation the universities. " Compared with the last government, which did nothing, I believe that the law carried out by the Gelmini should be much appreciated.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Urinary Infection Premature Ejaculation
Degrowth Happy
We live in a system that represents a form of soft totalitarianism of which we can be complicit. This is represented by the consumer society and the increase of GDP at all costs. Instead, the weak or negative growth, we in the West are beginning to know is wealthy perennially tragic, increases the rate of unemployment, reduce trade and investment in education, culture and health. At the same time, the positive growth results in the gradual decay of the planet. Squaring the circle is in coming from the growth model adopted so far and take the road to sustainable development. The growth was vulgar, coming to an end? We have the privilege to witness live the erosion of setting life of Western society. To tackle the current crisis is not enough to be an economist should also be philosophers and even borrow a quote from Woody Allen, when he argues that in a similar situation would exist two roads, a direct the disappearance of the genus human, the other to his total despair, but there is also a hope called shrinkage, that any third way that would escape the death trap-disperazione.E 'own revolution envisioned by Lathouche this is not a question of decreasing to regress, but a "decrease happy." Today's society works in a completely alien to the rhythms of nature with the sole objective to reach the goal fixed as quickly as possible, but regardless of what surrounds him. It 'important to consciously reclaim simply more human pace of life, slower and more natural behaviors that are the basis for a good balance for every human being. Growing up also means being able to slow down.
.. Reassess . Review the values \u200b\u200bthat we believe and by which we organize our lives, changing those that need to be changed. Altruism must prevail over selfishness, cooperation on competition, the pleasure of free time obsession of the work, the care of social life on unlimited consumption, the local on the global beauty of efficient, on a reasonable rationale. This reassessment should be able to overcome the imagery in which we live, the values \u200b\u200bof which are systemic, ie they are aroused and stimulated by the system, which in turn contribute to strengthening.
...Ricontestualizzare. Modificare il contesto concettuale ed emozionale di una situazione, o il punto di vista secondo cui essa è vissuta, così da mutarne completamente il senso. Questo cambiamento si impone, ad esempio, per i concetti di ricchezza e di povertà e ancor più urgentemente per scarsità e abbondanza, la "diabolica coppia'" fondatrice dell'immaginario economico. L'economia attuale, infatti, trasforma l'abbondanza naturale in scarsità, creando artificialmente mancanza e bisogno, attraverso l'appropriazione della natura e la sua mercificazione.
...Ristrutturare. Adattare in funzione del cambiamento dei valori le strutture economico-produttive, consumption patterns, social relationships, lifestyles, so as to guide them towards a society of decrease. As this restructuring will be more radical, the more systemic nature of the dominant values \u200b\u200bwill be uprooted.
... relocalization. consumers mainly local products produced by companies supported the local economy. Therefore, any decision of an economic nature to be taken locally, for local needs. In addition, if the ideas must ignore the border movements of goods and capital should instead be minimized by avoiding costs associated with transport (infrastructure, but also pollution, global warming and climate change).
... Redistribute. sure all the inhabitants of the planet access to natural resources and an equitable distribution of wealth, ensuring a satisfying work and decent living conditions for all. Prey less than "to give more."
... Reduce. Both the impact on the biosphere of the way we produce and consume that work schedules. The resource consumption should be reduced to return to ecological footprint of a planet. The energy needed to power a decent standard of living (heating, toiletries, lighting, transport, production of basic material goods) is roughly equivalent to that required by a small heater on continuously (1 kw). Today, North America consumes as much twelve times, Western Europe five and one third of humanity remains well below this threshold. This excessive consumption should be reduced to assure that all fair and decent living conditions.
Reuse .... Repair equipment and goods for use instead of throwing them in landfills, thus overcoming the obsession, the practical consumer society, the obsolescence of objects and the continuing tension''to the new. ... Recycle
. Retrieving all non-decomposable waste arising from our activities.
...Ricontestualizzare. Modificare il contesto concettuale ed emozionale di una situazione, o il punto di vista secondo cui essa è vissuta, così da mutarne completamente il senso. Questo cambiamento si impone, ad esempio, per i concetti di ricchezza e di povertà e ancor più urgentemente per scarsità e abbondanza, la "diabolica coppia'" fondatrice dell'immaginario economico. L'economia attuale, infatti, trasforma l'abbondanza naturale in scarsità, creando artificialmente mancanza e bisogno, attraverso l'appropriazione della natura e la sua mercificazione.
...Ristrutturare. Adattare in funzione del cambiamento dei valori le strutture economico-produttive, consumption patterns, social relationships, lifestyles, so as to guide them towards a society of decrease. As this restructuring will be more radical, the more systemic nature of the dominant values \u200b\u200bwill be uprooted.
... relocalization. consumers mainly local products produced by companies supported the local economy. Therefore, any decision of an economic nature to be taken locally, for local needs. In addition, if the ideas must ignore the border movements of goods and capital should instead be minimized by avoiding costs associated with transport (infrastructure, but also pollution, global warming and climate change).
... Redistribute. sure all the inhabitants of the planet access to natural resources and an equitable distribution of wealth, ensuring a satisfying work and decent living conditions for all. Prey less than "to give more."
... Reduce. Both the impact on the biosphere of the way we produce and consume that work schedules. The resource consumption should be reduced to return to ecological footprint of a planet. The energy needed to power a decent standard of living (heating, toiletries, lighting, transport, production of basic material goods) is roughly equivalent to that required by a small heater on continuously (1 kw). Today, North America consumes as much twelve times, Western Europe five and one third of humanity remains well below this threshold. This excessive consumption should be reduced to assure that all fair and decent living conditions.
Reuse .... Repair equipment and goods for use instead of throwing them in landfills, thus overcoming the obsession, the practical consumer society, the obsolescence of objects and the continuing tension''to the new. ... Recycle
. Retrieving all non-decomposable waste arising from our activities.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Can I Bake Cookies In My Toaster Oven
Suicidio atto ingiusto
And 'these days the news of the suicide at the age of 95 years, a famous director.
The emphasis by the media when anticonservativo (jumping from the fifth floor of the hospital), which ended with the death of the director was particularly marked, so that the Head of State called for "respect the will of his last shot."
The question that arises in the light of statements by the Head of State, is whether it is ethically correct to observe a suicidal act or, conversely we should respect and compassion to the person performing it.
In the opinion of the writer can not and should not be compared to an action, done by anyone, inherently malvagia quale è quella che conduce alla morte. Così come nessuno oserebbe rispettare l’atto con cui il ladro sottrae un bene altrui, o il violento lede la salute dell’innocente.
La Vita è un valore assoluto e indisponibile in quanto ci è stata donata e non ci appartiene dal momento che nessuno vive solo per se stesso, ma ha dei doveri civili, famigliari e morali che lo legano alla collettività.
L’atto suicidario è, quindi, gravemente ingiusto poiché atto di egoismo e chiusura verso se stessi e verso il prossimo. Atto lesivo di quei doveri inderogabili di solidarietà riconosciuti solennemente anche dalla nostra Carta Costituzionale, oltre che da principi morali e di diritto naturale.
Questo should be the clear message sent by the authority, legitimacy, even indirectly, on pain of pipelines in contrast with the good life.
What, however, one must have respect and compassion of man is fragile and felt the pain is determined to perform an act without appeal.
The man deserves compassion, respect and compassion because we know nothing of the ultimate determination of Mario Monicelli in seconds that elapsed between the jump in the air and crash to the ground.
To quote the words of the Curé d'Ars, addressed to a mother desperate for the suicide of her son, between the fifth floor of the hospital and the pavement below is all the time for God's mercy
Peter Brovarone
And 'these days the news of the suicide at the age of 95 years, a famous director.
The emphasis by the media when anticonservativo (jumping from the fifth floor of the hospital), which ended with the death of the director was particularly marked, so that the Head of State called for "respect the will of his last shot."
The question that arises in the light of statements by the Head of State, is whether it is ethically correct to observe a suicidal act or, conversely we should respect and compassion to the person performing it.
In the opinion of the writer can not and should not be compared to an action, done by anyone, inherently malvagia quale è quella che conduce alla morte. Così come nessuno oserebbe rispettare l’atto con cui il ladro sottrae un bene altrui, o il violento lede la salute dell’innocente.
La Vita è un valore assoluto e indisponibile in quanto ci è stata donata e non ci appartiene dal momento che nessuno vive solo per se stesso, ma ha dei doveri civili, famigliari e morali che lo legano alla collettività.
L’atto suicidario è, quindi, gravemente ingiusto poiché atto di egoismo e chiusura verso se stessi e verso il prossimo. Atto lesivo di quei doveri inderogabili di solidarietà riconosciuti solennemente anche dalla nostra Carta Costituzionale, oltre che da principi morali e di diritto naturale.
Questo should be the clear message sent by the authority, legitimacy, even indirectly, on pain of pipelines in contrast with the good life.
What, however, one must have respect and compassion of man is fragile and felt the pain is determined to perform an act without appeal.
The man deserves compassion, respect and compassion because we know nothing of the ultimate determination of Mario Monicelli in seconds that elapsed between the jump in the air and crash to the ground.
To quote the words of the Curé d'Ars, addressed to a mother desperate for the suicide of her son, between the fifth floor of the hospital and the pavement below is all the time for God's mercy
Peter Brovarone
Monday, November 29, 2010
How To Open Coffee Machine Briel
Quello che il cardinal Martini non vuole dire
A bit 'yeah ... but not quite. Moreover

At the end of this post will be asked a question.
Provoked Ignazio Marino on Vatican II and artificial insemination, the Cardinal Martini, in his weekly page in the Corriere della Sera , weighs the words, indeed, the sips, so that the pager shows some difficult to fill the spaces.
Marino "asks" is that you are returning to the literal interpretation of Scripture, with the abandonment of historical criticism, with the result that the Church is moving away by science? And why can not satisfy the desires of infertile couples using in vitro fertilization? And to eliminate the diseases of the embryo appeared to "early stages of development"? And why not use embryonic stem cells to cure serious diseases groped, especially the cells that can be taken from frozen embryos that will never be used for breeding purposes?
As can be seen, of "irons in the fire" for a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church there is, and many more.
And indeed, at first, Martini proves to be - when he wants - which is quite severe. The fears over the life of the Church does not derive as much from the question of the method of reading the Holy Scriptures:
Provoked Ignazio Marino on Vatican II and artificial insemination, the Cardinal Martini, in his weekly page in the Corriere della Sera , weighs the words, indeed, the sips, so that the pager shows some difficult to fill the spaces.
Marino "asks" is that you are returning to the literal interpretation of Scripture, with the abandonment of historical criticism, with the result that the Church is moving away by science? And why can not satisfy the desires of infertile couples using in vitro fertilization? And to eliminate the diseases of the embryo appeared to "early stages of development"? And why not use embryonic stem cells to cure serious diseases groped, especially the cells that can be taken from frozen embryos that will never be used for breeding purposes?
As can be seen, of "irons in the fire" for a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church there is, and many more.
And indeed, at first, Martini proves to be - when he wants - which is quite severe. The fears over the life of the Church does not derive as much from the question of the method of reading the Holy Scriptures:
"There would be other concerns today, but this would be a long speech.In each story takes bad : Cardinal Martini and unearthed them, those who really want to pray during the Mass and bear it longer than 45 minutes of "canonical", and perhaps avoid the churches with the guitars and prefer those where there is a bit 'of silence (or there is a Gregorian) or are moved in front of the vestments of the priest as it moves towards the altar ...
Suffice to mention the tendency to formalism liturgical
with a sort of vanity, which is expressed in love for the liturgical vestments and ceremonies, but not
has the same enthusiasm for the offering of himself to God. "
Hypocrites! Shout Cardinal: I know that you do not present yourselves to God!
really a great ability to read minds and hearts ...
Well, I told myself: if you have stored in this manner the faithful, who knows what comes out on in vitro fertilization ...
really a great ability to read minds and hearts ...
Well, I told myself: if you have stored in this manner the faithful, who knows what comes out on in vitro fertilization ...
"The problem is very complex ..."
and, shortly thereafter,
"The experience and listening to the laity will teach us many things,"
Ouch ...
Condemnation of in vitro fertilization? There. Indeed, compared to under hypothetical fact Marino by a mass action in in vitro fertilization, Martini replied
"The assumptions that you make an orientation towards the mass
playing in a test tube does not convince me. do not think we can come in tomorrow
to remove all of the sexual act by the generation .
- Cardinal points out there - we're talking about "criticism of a certain world Catholic for assisted reproduction" : looks a bit ', again the bad (persistent, dull, exaggerated, intolerant ...) are in the Catholic world. Throughout
Marino response to the word Church is not : there are the small group of Catholics "fools" (those who think the liturgical formalism, those who criticize the IVF), and there are those who are ready to "careful reflection on sense of human sexuality in the line of Vatican II "(will be" in the future ": John Paul II must have spoken and written for someone else ...); this last group may be permitted, even the current pope, provided a continuous surprised "with the outputs challenging" ...
Back in vitro fertilization (this is a prolife blog).
produced embryos with fertilization and deaths in vitro? Silence.
In vitro fertilization as a denial of human and Christian meaning of sexuality? Silence.
possible to freeze embryos? Silence.
possible to dissolve the frozen embryos to extract stem cells? Well, at least this card. Martini, tell us that it is wrong, that the embryo has a right not only to not be artificially produced, but also not to be dismembered and killed, tell us how horrible it is the idea of \u200b\u200bcausing the deaths of men to experiment, make some reference the Nazi madness, invented something ...
"About the possible use of stem cells derived from embryos
, we must solve the problem
taking into account the dignity of every human person. To date, it is thought that cells from embryos can not
be used with good results.
In all these things will require use of reason, without getting caught by
personal emotions. "
you happen to have the answer? We must think ...
James Rocchi
PS I forgot the question! If you
un Cardinale di Santa Romana Chiesa, cosa dovete scrivere per avere a disposizione una pagina a settimana sul Corriere della Sera?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Bes Cd Interest Rates
Fecondazione artificiale: nuoce gravemente alla salute!

Sul sito dell'Associazione Luca Coscioni è apparsa una lettera:
"Mi chiamo Isabella e ho 39 anni. Ho fatto tre ICSI eterologhe
all'estero. Due fallite e una terza con aborto spontaneo al secondo mese. Totale euro spesi in 18 mesi: circa 30.000 (mutuo). Totale sofferenza spesa per aver voluto esporre ogni percorso alla luce del sole a medici privati e pubblici, a parenti, conoscenti e amici per raccogliere forza e per lottare ancora: indefinibile! Oggi, after one year, are in operation for mutual uterus: too many drugs, they say! After twelve years of marriage are separate:
difficult paths, they say! Simpler and more human I would have made it more natural
, even where the natural, nature, lacking "
is where the false hopes brought about by in vitro fertilization lead women.
James Rocchi
James Rocchi
Monday, November 22, 2010
Who Does The Best Brazilian Wax Victoria Bc
Antilingua e selezione degli embrioni
Ignazio Marino , in his article on" Compare ", placed, inter alia, a question:" Yet if we consider normal and responsible to run the checks before of a pregnancy, in order to detect any diseases, then why in a secular state should not be normal, having the same objective, pre-implantation diagnosis? Why the law should oblige a woman to implant an embryo with even a very serious genetic disease and then make it possible to terminate the pregnancy by abortion? " Liverani does not answer this question.

Pier Giorgio Liverani, on "Future" of 21/11/scorso , in his column "setoff", with his usual wit attacks Ignazio Marino for an article on artificial insemination and the Law 40, which has set:
"Law 40 - is the title of the article by Marino -
damages your health '. He thinks that of women, the rest of us think that
Embryos manipulated, abused, discarded, frozen food items as
experiment. He cites as a witness to "the Bioethics Committee of
Waldensian Church (do not understand how a community of Christians can
accept these treatments) and the ' secular state ', whose laws, writes
Unity (Friday 19) "are the summary of all shared values \u200b\u200bin
society" (a kind pot-pourri moral), but it is rather a secular state
where there is sharing, but special care to [dis] values,
first of which the availability of human life.
PS I wrote 'embryos', but it is a word of
antilingua , you accept that because 'neutral':
if you used the right one - child- surely these speeches to
Marino would be difficult to propose and accept. "
Ignazio Marino , in his article on" Compare ", placed, inter alia, a question:" Yet if we consider normal and responsible to run the checks before of a pregnancy, in order to detect any diseases, then why in a secular state should not be normal, having the same objective, pre-implantation diagnosis? Why the law should oblige a woman to implant an embryo with even a very serious genetic disease and then make it possible to terminate the pregnancy by abortion? " Liverani does not answer this question.
Let us dwell on some point.
Women's health : Liverani opposed to the embryos, but flying over the dangers to health - physical and psychological - of women resulting from artificial insemination techniques. A law - such as Law 40 - authorizing the artificial insemination is endangering women's health.
Life embryos: Liverani thinks only to that of embryos manipulated, abused, discarded, frozen? Liverani does not think embryos destined to certain death for the mere fact that artificial insemination is permitted?
How many dead embryos and without being "manipulated, abused, discarded, or frozen?
For them, you should not use the word "Son"?
The availability of human life: allow in vitro fertilization does not really mean that?
The Christian Community: perhaps accept that the Catholic Church in vitro fertilization?
The abortion law (referred to Marino to justify PGD): 40 because the law was "without prejudice" law 194?
is to be observed: if Liverani really think of embryos as children , this talk of balance on a thin wire would be difficult to propose e da accettare ...
Giacomo Rocchi
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Do Broken Capillaries Heal?
Volontari buoni e volontari cattivi

Abbiamo già commentato l'intervista a Repubblica Torino di Walter Boero , pronto a tranciare giudizi sui volontari per la vita e a qualificare come "poche decine di esagitati" coloro che non la pensano come lui.
Sara Strippoli , la giornalista di Repubblica Torino che da diverse settimane sta conducendo il giornale nella battaglia contro il "Patto per la Vita", ha evidentemente trovato un diverso modo per combatterlo: dall'interno del mondo prolife .
E così - sul "modello Boero" - la volontaria che opera al "Maurice" is at pains to understand how to behave the volunteer proliferation. Let's see:
E così - sul "modello Boero" - la volontaria che opera al "Maurice" is at pains to understand how to behave the volunteer proliferation. Let's see:
" Carla says that freedom of choice is a priority, but which to choose in freedom should know, understand the problem from all points of view." Compared to young couples who are "listening and I wonder how I would react in their place."
Especially "nobody wants to convince anyone here," says Carla. "
This is the greatest sin, punished by expulsion from the group. Carla tells it: "He knows that even among the volunteers there are exalted, and admits: I've seen some years ago at the Maria Vittoria. "What were they excited?" They walked among the beds of those who had an abortion the next day to try to convince them not to do so . "Look at ', one of the" exalted "there was also a girl who had been helped: "We helped a girl who obviously thought of having to return the favor (maybe thought of having to return the favor to other women ). He took our brochures and distribute them to go on the wards. "
Horror! The brochure must remain within the" booth " (as he defines Republic)!
When she noticed that the girl" exalted "distributed the brochure between the beds of the candidates on abortion, had only one fear: "They thought we were we" . Distinction must therefore be: "When we realized who was responsible we have removed" .
One may wonder that, faced with this behavior balanced ("Not everyone has the right balance," said the volunteer) to be helped only women who had already decided not to abort? "Those who come to us because it is thought likely to keep the child."
Here, Carla and Sara Strippoli we have exposed the "etiquette of the perfect volunteer prolific : her place, do not give too much bother, rispondere solo se interrogati, non far conoscere il materiale informativo se non richiesto (chissà, forse anche: non sporcare il gabbiotto e chiudere la porta a chiave quando esci? ).
Sarà forse così: ma come mai - insistenti e fastidiose - vengono alla mente le parole di Benedetto XVI?
"nel difendere la vita non dobbiamo temere l’ostilità e l’impopolarità, rifiutando ogni compromesso ed ambiguità, che ci conformerebbero alla mentalità di questo mondo."
Giacomo Rocchi
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Congratulations Engagement Card Wording
Fecondazione artificiale: la nebbia

Insomma: per i cattolici esiste una fecondazione artificiale buona e una fecondazione artificiale cattiva, oppure le tecniche di fecondazione artificiale devono essere respinte in blocco?
Ci siamo fatti questa domanda in un precedente post di commento alla durissima presa di posizione dei vescovi polacchi , alla vigilia della discussione in Parlamento dei progetti di legge su questo argomento; abbiamo osservato che quella presa di posizione era perfettamente conforme al Magistero della Chiesa Cattolica; abbiamo, infine, mostrato stupore per le modalità con cui il quotidiano dei Vescovi Italiani presentava la notizia ("La Polonia cerca la sua legge 40").
Nel post seguente abbiamo visto come il Italian Catholic world expresses the very different positions: on the same day future of live interviews with those working in IVF for many years and who can build and bring readers with "his" moral, articles that are attributed to the detrimental effects of denial of human dignity only to certain practices (such as the freezing of embryos or preimplantation diagnosis) and not the techniques themselves and in the writings of those who, with great clarity, the negative signals of all the techniques themselves.
We took the cue from an article by Lawrence Shoepflin "E 'Life," selective reporting in the press of the Polish bishops, in a short article on "Fertility Show in London (Future of 04/11/2010), journalist, after having expressed" the impression is that we are facing a real market for artificial insemination "and then you have found the fair" is perfectly in line with the thought that reduces human life to a product of the laboratory, "stigmatizing consequences" surrogacy, gamete donation, children for homosexual couples, then making reference to the freezing of embryos and seed banks: "Even the European Bank of seed and this will probably advertise its catalog of donors are classified based on their race and color of eyes."
But you can really criticize these practices without realizing - and to state publicly - that they are logical consequences of the techniques of in vitro fertilization?
Man / embryo becomes a product and its dignity is denied because it is produced in this way: therefore becomes irrelevant to the death of nine out of ten embryos, but do not cause problems, the freezing of embryos or their diagnosis techniques invasive, their selection, and again, seed banks or heterologous fertilization under the logic of a more refined production that adapts to any situation.
Why the Italian Catholic world is unable to express an opinion clearly and decided on in vitro fertilization?
Two possible answers.
First, we have already mentioned: there is a clear push by those who practice in vitro fertilization to legitimize this practice: a move which is linked to business and scientific ambitions.
We talked about Dr Eleonora Porcu, since the referendum, found a bank in the Catholic world to publicize his technique of freezing oocytes (eggs freeze better than freezing the embryos), but other diagnostic techniques have emphasized on women's eggs ("better diagnosis on the polar bodies of oocytes rather than the female embryo diagnosis ").
How to business, such as forgetting the clinics of Catholic inspiration - first of all: the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan - that authorized under Law 40, working in the field (IVF and ICSI) receiving millions of euro of refunds from the National Health Service (Source: Corriere della Sera)? Clinics, after the Constitutional Court, shall, if necessary, to freeze embryos?
A second answer lies in Law 40, which has become - in part unconsciously - a filter for interpreting reality.
Ecco che, di fronte agli impetuosi vescovi polacchi, la reazione dell'ignoto titolista è quasi automatica: "la situazione della Polonia è identica a quella dell'Italia prima della legge 40 (il "far west della provetta"), noi cattolici abbiamo proposto e difeso la legge 40 , quindi la legge 40 è buona , quindi la Polonia ha bisogno di una legge 40 ".
Ma se la legge 40 è "buona", la morte prevista ed attuata di decine di migliaia di embrioni all'anno diventa ininfluente, su di essa si può sorvolare: i "cattivi" sono altri, quelli che fanno diagnosi genetica preimpianto, le banche del seme, le maternità surrogate. "Cattivi" sono solo quelli che, nel mondo, fanno ciò che in Italia la legge 40 vieta ( e infatti è difficile dire che sono davvero "cattivi" quelli che congelano gli embrioni perché, si sa, la legge 40 permette il congelamento - ovviamente in casi eccezionali! ).
Siamo alla nebbia; a discorsi cauti per paura di sbagliare ...
La legge 40, come tutte le leggi ingiuste, ha già iniziato ad incidere sulle coscienze.
Giacomo Rocchi
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Moped Dealers Belgium
Dyslexia-Dyslexia and Creativity ... protected-Florence October 24 at The OSD
All together to celebrate the new Law on Dyslexia and DSA - Event in conjunction with the Festival of Creativity FI 21-24/10
Time: Sunday, October 24, 2010 14:00:00
Here is the updated program (downloadable flyer on
ore 14.00/17.00 circa presso area interna ed esterna ASD Archè
DysLEX_lettura della legge e brindisi
DySMUSIC_musica a cura dei ragazzi (band Ricatti Acustici e DJ Emanuele)
DysVOX_spazio per commenti, idee, poesie, aneddoti ed altro...tutto a tema DISLESSIA (previo accordo)
...DysPLAY_animazione ed attività creative per bambini
DysWIN_partita a calcetto “Una legge, una vittoria” (necessarie scarpe da ginnastica)
ASPETTANDO IL DysLEX_ alle ore 11,00 per chi desidera ritrovo in
Piazza Santa Maria Novella davanti alla Basilica e pranzo al
DeGustiBOOK presso il Festival della Creatività (Borne by the participants).
event participating Associations:
_ AGIAD Parents Teachers Friends Association Dyslexia
_ AIRIPA Ass Italian Intervention Research psychopathy. Learning
AID _ _
Italian Dyslexia Association The Dyslexia Association ACUILONE Adults Children
_ OSD Support Organization Dyslexia
and also Blogs, Forums and Groups web including:
_ PassoDopoPasso Dyslexia, dyslexia All aboard,
Forum, Facebook appeals to the Senate (5000 signatures)
during the afternoon at an area adjacent ANASTASIS, sponsor of the event, offers interested people DysLESSON_ presentations Anastasis practices of software for dyslexia.
There will be an exhibition / sales by some companies.
The event will host the exhibit "How to see the color-blind."
REGISTRATION ON LINE by Thurs. 21/10 here:
https: / / / viewform? Formkey = dF9fTlVlemJ5MXp2Y090QjdpM0kwRkE6MQ
who was unable to register online may do so by contacting the organizing secretariat at telephone number 0444/512733 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0444 / 512733 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
who intends to propose initiatives or collaborators can contact the organizing secretary to the references below.
INFORMATION - The headquarters, in downtown, within walking distance from SM Novella Station in about 30 minutes or by bus to Piazza Donatello, which is 150 meters from home. Car parks near Donatello. For those traveling by train, remember that Trenitalia has enabled Promo Rosa making it possible for women to travel free on trains and long distance media and the opportunity to enjoy a complimentary ticket to the museums of Florence. Information on the Trenitalia site For the Festival of Creativity, see the complete program on the site Anyone wishing to book a hotel can do so through the website http://www. /
by entering the promotional code "festcre201." The organizers reserve the right to make necessary and without notice if any ways in this program.
Organizing Committee: Quid - Vicenza - 0444/512733 - 347/3775409
All together to celebrate the new Law on Dyslexia and DSA - Event in conjunction with the Festival of Creativity FI 21-24/10
Time: Sunday, October 24, 2010 14:00:00
Here is the updated program (downloadable flyer on
ore 14.00/17.00 circa presso area interna ed esterna ASD Archè
DysLEX_lettura della legge e brindisi
DySMUSIC_musica a cura dei ragazzi (band Ricatti Acustici e DJ Emanuele)
DysVOX_spazio per commenti, idee, poesie, aneddoti ed altro...tutto a tema DISLESSIA (previo accordo)
...DysPLAY_animazione ed attività creative per bambini
DysWIN_partita a calcetto “Una legge, una vittoria” (necessarie scarpe da ginnastica)
ASPETTANDO IL DysLEX_ alle ore 11,00 per chi desidera ritrovo in
Piazza Santa Maria Novella davanti alla Basilica e pranzo al
DeGustiBOOK presso il Festival della Creatività (Borne by the participants).
event participating Associations:
_ AGIAD Parents Teachers Friends Association Dyslexia
_ AIRIPA Ass Italian Intervention Research psychopathy. Learning
AID _ _
Italian Dyslexia Association The Dyslexia Association ACUILONE Adults Children
_ OSD Support Organization Dyslexia
and also Blogs, Forums and Groups web including:
_ PassoDopoPasso Dyslexia, dyslexia All aboard,
Forum, Facebook appeals to the Senate (5000 signatures)
during the afternoon at an area adjacent ANASTASIS, sponsor of the event, offers interested people DysLESSON_ presentations Anastasis practices of software for dyslexia.
There will be an exhibition / sales by some companies.
The event will host the exhibit "How to see the color-blind."
REGISTRATION ON LINE by Thurs. 21/10 here:
https: / / / viewform? Formkey = dF9fTlVlemJ5MXp2Y090QjdpM0kwRkE6MQ
who was unable to register online may do so by contacting the organizing secretariat at telephone number 0444/512733 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0444 / 512733 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
who intends to propose initiatives or collaborators can contact the organizing secretary to the references below.
INFORMATION - The headquarters, in downtown, within walking distance from SM Novella Station in about 30 minutes or by bus to Piazza Donatello, which is 150 meters from home. Car parks near Donatello. For those traveling by train, remember that Trenitalia has enabled Promo Rosa making it possible for women to travel free on trains and long distance media and the opportunity to enjoy a complimentary ticket to the museums of Florence. Information on the Trenitalia site For the Festival of Creativity, see the complete program on the site Anyone wishing to book a hotel can do so through the website http://www. /
by entering the promotional code "festcre201." The organizers reserve the right to make necessary and without notice if any ways in this program.
Organizing Committee: Quid - Vicenza - 0444/512733 - 347/3775409
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Blue Plastic Bracelet Meaning
Genoa and Tigullio ONLUS
After a very short time than is strictly necessary to investigate the practices, OSD Genoa and Tigullio becomes getting Onlus inclusion in the Regional Registry of Volunteer Organizations, Culture sector.
After a very short time than is strictly necessary to investigate the practices, OSD Genoa and Tigullio becomes getting Onlus inclusion in the Regional Registry of Volunteer Organizations, Culture sector.
This recognition provides the shareholders and the institutions on transparency and honesty of our Assoc iazione and at the same time makes us proud of the result obtained, for which we sincerely thank all those who supported us and helped.
These identification data:
CF 91042700103
CF 91042700103
Registration Decree No. 732 dated 30/03/2010
alphanumeric code CL -GE-009-2010
alphanumeric code CL -GE-009-2010
This è già la seconda Sede di O.S.D. che diventa in breve tempo ONLUS ( la prima è sempre in Liguria ma in provincia di Savona, la O.S.D. Liguria onlus ) .
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Manhattan Plaza Receiver
becomes very interesting meeting with the theme ...... L 'ANXIETY
Si affronteranno i seguenti argomenti:
· Che cos’è l’ansia
· Sintomi fisiologici, cognitivi, emotivi
· I pensieri e i comportamenti
· L’evitamento: il miglior modo per mantenerla
· Cosa si può fare?
· Competi con te stesso!
VENERDI’ April 16 at 21
c / o Oratorio San Carlo di Castelletto Sopra Ticino (NO) is targeted to be
Dr. Michael Luisetti - Psychologist
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
"Anxiety is a state characterized by a feeling of fear is not connected to some specific stimulus. It differs from true fear and
own for being unspecific, vague or derived from an inner conflict. The somatic signs of hyperactivity are
autonomic nervous system in general and the classic response of the sympathetic system of the type "fight or flight." Anxiety is a complex
combination of negative emotions that include fear, apprehension and worry, and is often accompanied by feelings
physical such as palpitations, chest pain and / or shortness of breath, nausea, trembling inside. It can exist as a primary brain disorder or
may be associated with other medical problems, including other psychiatric disorders. "
anxiety, in most cases, is given a negative connotation, but anxiety is "born" as
and conservative adaptive response of species to help us defend ourselves from danger, to activate, to allow us to obtain performance excellent, but when is too much
prevents us from freely choosing! The boy who
test anxiety for the question decides not to go to school, the girl who tries to anxiety confronto con le altre più
belle di lei decide di non andare alla festa, il bambino che non si sente bravo come gli altri decide di non fare sport…questi sono solo
esempi quotidiani di decisioni prese dall’ansia e NON DA NOI!
Per questi ragazzi, come per gli adulti diventa fondamentale sviluppare autocontrollo per imparare a non evitare le proprie situazioni di
disagio perché…sconfiggere l’ansia è possibile!
Imparare ad affrontare le proprie paure, le proprie ansie ed ossessioni è una sfida in cui i vantaggi che si ottengono sono tali che
ripagheranno di tutto lo sforzo compiuto.
Il comportamento non è determinato come la nostra altezza o il colore dei nostri occhi. IL
BEHAVIOUR 'CHOICE. Let us make the right choice!
The Smile
Si affronteranno i seguenti argomenti:
· Che cos’è l’ansia
· Sintomi fisiologici, cognitivi, emotivi
· I pensieri e i comportamenti
· L’evitamento: il miglior modo per mantenerla
· Cosa si può fare?
· Competi con te stesso!
VENERDI’ April 16 at 21
c / o Oratorio San Carlo di Castelletto Sopra Ticino (NO) is targeted to be
Dr. Michael Luisetti - Psychologist
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
"Anxiety is a state characterized by a feeling of fear is not connected to some specific stimulus. It differs from true fear and
own for being unspecific, vague or derived from an inner conflict. The somatic signs of hyperactivity are
autonomic nervous system in general and the classic response of the sympathetic system of the type "fight or flight." Anxiety is a complex
combination of negative emotions that include fear, apprehension and worry, and is often accompanied by feelings
physical such as palpitations, chest pain and / or shortness of breath, nausea, trembling inside. It can exist as a primary brain disorder or
may be associated with other medical problems, including other psychiatric disorders. "
anxiety, in most cases, is given a negative connotation, but anxiety is "born" as
and conservative adaptive response of species to help us defend ourselves from danger, to activate, to allow us to obtain performance excellent, but when is too much
prevents us from freely choosing! The boy who
test anxiety for the question decides not to go to school, the girl who tries to anxiety confronto con le altre più
belle di lei decide di non andare alla festa, il bambino che non si sente bravo come gli altri decide di non fare sport…questi sono solo
esempi quotidiani di decisioni prese dall’ansia e NON DA NOI!
Per questi ragazzi, come per gli adulti diventa fondamentale sviluppare autocontrollo per imparare a non evitare le proprie situazioni di
disagio perché…sconfiggere l’ansia è possibile!
Imparare ad affrontare le proprie paure, le proprie ansie ed ossessioni è una sfida in cui i vantaggi che si ottengono sono tali che
ripagheranno di tutto lo sforzo compiuto.
Il comportamento non è determinato come la nostra altezza o il colore dei nostri occhi. IL
BEHAVIOUR 'CHOICE. Let us make the right choice!
The Smile
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
German Shepherd Puppy Normal Heart Rate
Repressione su internet
Mi è giunta oggi una notifica tramite Facebook che voglio girare sul blog senza alcuna modifica e senza alcun commento, la notizia credo si commenti da sola.
01/02/2009 - 08:35 Redazione in Attualita'
Caserta - Il 20 gennaio il Senato ha approvato il cosiddetto pacchetto sicurezza (D.d.l. 733) e, tra gli altri, un emendamento del senatore Gianpiero D’Alia (Udc) identificato dall’articolo 50-bis: ”Repressione di attività di apologia o istigazione a delinquere compiuta a mezzo internet”. Il testo diventerà l’articolo numeo 60. Il senatore Gianpiero D’Alia (Udc) non fa parte della maggioranza al Governo e ciò la dice lunga sulla trasversalità del disegno liberticida della Casta. In pratica, in base a questo emendamento, se un qualunque cittadino dovesse invitare attraverso un blog a disobbedire (o a criticare?) ad una legge che ritiene ingiusta, i 'providers' dovranno bloccare il blog.
Questo provvedimento può far oscurare un sito ovunque si trovi, anche all’estero; il Ministro dell’Interno, in seguito a comunicazione dell’autorità giudiziaria, può infatti disporre con proprio decreto l’interruzione della attività del blogger, ordinando ai fornitori di connettività alla rete internet di utilizzare gli appositi strumenti di filtraggio necessari a tal fine. L’attività di filtraggio imposta dovrebbe avvenire entro il termine di 24 ore; la violazione di tale obbligo comporta per i provider una sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria da euro 50.000 a euro 250.000. Per i blogger è invece previsto il carcere da 1 a 5 anni per l’istigazione a delinquere e per
l’apologia di reato, oltre ad una pena ulteriore da 6 mesi a 5 anni per l’istigazione alla disobbedienza delle leggi di ordine pubblico o all’odio fra le classi sociali.
Con questa legge verrebbero immediatamente ripuliti i motori di ricerca da tutti i link scomodi per la Casta. In pratica il potere si sta dotando delle armi necessarie per bloccare in Italia Facebook, YouTube e 'tutti i blog', che al momento rappresentano in Italia l’unica informazione non condizionata e/o censurata. I remind you that ours is the only country in the world where a 'media company' sued YouTube asking for damages of € 500 million for compensation. The name of this 'media company', as it happens, it's Mediaset.
So the government intervenes for the umpteenth time, in an area which, quite incidentally, an undertaking involving the Prime Minister in a conflict justice and interest. After the bill Cassinelli and the establishment of a commission against piracy and digital media, that there are less than 60 days must submit to Parliament a piece of legislation on this subject, this amendment to the 'security package' in fact it makes explicit the project Government to 'normalize' the Internet with more repression and the whole system of relations and information as capillaries that are no longer able to dominate.
Soon we should not be surprised if the informers will be rewarded with vouchers. While in the U.S. Obama has won the election thanks to the Internet, the government is based in Italy with regard to press freedom in China and Burma. Today, the only media that have been bouncing this news blog Beppe Grillo and the trade magazine Computer Point.
should be given the widest possible dissemination of this information to try to awaken sleeping consciences of Italians, for where there is free information and right to criticize the concept of democracy becomes an issue purely dialectical.
Mi è giunta oggi una notifica tramite Facebook che voglio girare sul blog senza alcuna modifica e senza alcun commento, la notizia credo si commenti da sola.
01/02/2009 - 08:35 Redazione in Attualita'
Caserta - Il 20 gennaio il Senato ha approvato il cosiddetto pacchetto sicurezza (D.d.l. 733) e, tra gli altri, un emendamento del senatore Gianpiero D’Alia (Udc) identificato dall’articolo 50-bis: ”Repressione di attività di apologia o istigazione a delinquere compiuta a mezzo internet”. Il testo diventerà l’articolo numeo 60. Il senatore Gianpiero D’Alia (Udc) non fa parte della maggioranza al Governo e ciò la dice lunga sulla trasversalità del disegno liberticida della Casta. In pratica, in base a questo emendamento, se un qualunque cittadino dovesse invitare attraverso un blog a disobbedire (o a criticare?) ad una legge che ritiene ingiusta, i 'providers' dovranno bloccare il blog.
Questo provvedimento può far oscurare un sito ovunque si trovi, anche all’estero; il Ministro dell’Interno, in seguito a comunicazione dell’autorità giudiziaria, può infatti disporre con proprio decreto l’interruzione della attività del blogger, ordinando ai fornitori di connettività alla rete internet di utilizzare gli appositi strumenti di filtraggio necessari a tal fine. L’attività di filtraggio imposta dovrebbe avvenire entro il termine di 24 ore; la violazione di tale obbligo comporta per i provider una sanzione amministrativa pecuniaria da euro 50.000 a euro 250.000. Per i blogger è invece previsto il carcere da 1 a 5 anni per l’istigazione a delinquere e per
l’apologia di reato, oltre ad una pena ulteriore da 6 mesi a 5 anni per l’istigazione alla disobbedienza delle leggi di ordine pubblico o all’odio fra le classi sociali.
Con questa legge verrebbero immediatamente ripuliti i motori di ricerca da tutti i link scomodi per la Casta. In pratica il potere si sta dotando delle armi necessarie per bloccare in Italia Facebook, YouTube e 'tutti i blog', che al momento rappresentano in Italia l’unica informazione non condizionata e/o censurata. I remind you that ours is the only country in the world where a 'media company' sued YouTube asking for damages of € 500 million for compensation. The name of this 'media company', as it happens, it's Mediaset.
So the government intervenes for the umpteenth time, in an area which, quite incidentally, an undertaking involving the Prime Minister in a conflict justice and interest. After the bill Cassinelli and the establishment of a commission against piracy and digital media, that there are less than 60 days must submit to Parliament a piece of legislation on this subject, this amendment to the 'security package' in fact it makes explicit the project Government to 'normalize' the Internet with more repression and the whole system of relations and information as capillaries that are no longer able to dominate.
Soon we should not be surprised if the informers will be rewarded with vouchers. While in the U.S. Obama has won the election thanks to the Internet, the government is based in Italy with regard to press freedom in China and Burma. Today, the only media that have been bouncing this news blog Beppe Grillo and the trade magazine Computer Point.
should be given the widest possible dissemination of this information to try to awaken sleeping consciences of Italians, for where there is free information and right to criticize the concept of democracy becomes an issue purely dialectical.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Adjustment Disorder Police Officer
Cycle Dating Free on Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulties (February-June 2010) Number of Newspaper
From Tuesday, February 2, 2010, at the Sala dei Chierici Biblioteca Berio di Genova (Via del Seminario 16), there will be a series of discussions held on specific learning disorders. The meetings are free
and appeal to parents, students, teachers, pediatricians, psychologists and educators interested in these issues.
The meetings are conducted and mediated by therapists and technicians (speech therapists, educators, neuropsicomotricisti, optometrists, psychologists and teachers) experts, in collaboration with OSD (Association of Support Dyslexia) and the Sponsorship dell'ULL (Ligurian Union Speech).
You can download the flyer and the program from OSD Genoa and Tigullio
From Tuesday, February 2, 2010, at the Sala dei Chierici Biblioteca Berio di Genova (Via del Seminario 16), there will be a series of discussions held on specific learning disorders. The meetings are free
and appeal to parents, students, teachers, pediatricians, psychologists and educators interested in these issues.
The meetings are conducted and mediated by therapists and technicians (speech therapists, educators, neuropsicomotricisti, optometrists, psychologists and teachers) experts, in collaboration with OSD (Association of Support Dyslexia) and the Sponsorship dell'ULL (Ligurian Union Speech).
You can download the flyer and the program from OSD Genoa and Tigullio
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Pacific Science Center Membership Promotion
According to OSD Genoa and Tigullio
N. 2 January / February 2010
Click here to download the newsletter:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Transfer Plates Vehicle Ohio Cost
Opening Laboratory technology-planning .... HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM OSD invitation
's Jan. 8 will ufficialmente inizio i corsi del laboratorio tecnologico-didattico " Aiutami a fare da solo " organizzato da O.S.D. Liguria onlus , curato da Canalescuola Soc.Coop , con contributo economico della Fondazione De Mari, la collaborazione dell' Istituto Comprensivo Lele Luzzati ed il Comune di Millesimo.
Un computer, il giusto software e un po’ di pratica didattica possono rendere autonomi nello studio i bambini e i ragazzi con DSA .
"Help me to do it alone" is an afternoon workshop where children have the opportunity to be followed by personnel in the performance of school work, study and construction of a learning method based on personal skills. The course can be individualized or in small groups for children of all ages, outside school hours.
All the activities are educational in nature and not therapeutic - rehabilitation and take account of the socio - cultural - in which emotional lives every single baby-boy. Le attività sono finalizzate all’autonomia nello studio del bambino-ragazzo con dislessia, ad un uso autonomo degli strumenti compensativi, degli strumenti tecnologici e in generale dei materiali didattici.
Le nuove tecnologie, gli strumenti compensativi e appropriate metodologie didattiche possono offrire una concreta possibilità ai ragazzi con Disturbi Specifici dell’Apprendimento (DSA) per diventare autonomi nello svolgimento dei compiti scolastici e nello studio. Il laboratorio promuove attività progettuali, formative ed educative finalizzate al sostegno e alla on skills of children with ASD. . The activities proposed by Canalescuola aim to provide the child a boy personal method of study and the grounds to exploit the full potential of technological tools compensatory.
Thanks to 'commitment of the Foundation De Mari was possible to buy tools and also make available a contribution of families to participate in the workshop.
For more info
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