Privatizzazione dell'acqua
Stiamo assistendo ormai da anni alla perdita graduale dei valori nel nostro paese, ciò che i nostri figli sono costretti ad imparare non sono i valori base quali: Famiglia, Amicizia, Patriottismo, senso del Dovere, tutti valori che ti garantiscono dei diritti, inviolabile conseguenza della legge del dare e dell'avere.
Ormai ciò a cui assistiamo è una continua richiesta di diritti e assenza totale di doveri.
Chi oggi fa successo sono coloro i quali sono assolutamente privi di capacità reali ma ricchi di chiacchiera e privi di sostanza.
Il mondo in cui viviamo è oramai malato, la base si è sgretolata, sbriciolata e tutto ciò che tentiamo di costruire è in forte pericolo di crollo.
D'altro canto le istituzioni are succeeding slowly to contribute to the defeat, with policies affecting the right of every individual and the family nucleus untouchable, inviolable basis of each country. We parents
now we are in the trenches to defend the basic values \u200b\u200bin order to educate our children to live a life in which the traditions are all the same family is threatened by continuous media bombardment that advertise as "normal" the various characters television now are mostly gay, trans and valleys from the little intellectual value, riding the wave of the current fashion in order to make money from their very personal life choice.
as targets lacked the basic necessities, yet they do not si potevano trarre guadagni e benefici economici a discapito della popolazione, ancora le multinazionali non erano riuscite a specularci sopra.
Adesso si può.
Si sta già parlando di privatizzazione dell'acqua, le multi nazionali avranno una nuova fonte di guadagno, un nuovo profitto si avvicina, una nuova tirannia per noi avanza.
Paghiamo per i mezzi di informazione(canone), paghiamo per fare una telefonata, paghiamo delle tasse anche per vivere in casa nostra, paghiamo per muoverci, attraverso un'inutile tassa di possesso per non parlare del costo effettivo del carburante assolutamente più basso del prezzo alla pompa, potevamo not pay for water?
you say but until now did not you paid? Of course I was paying but what me angry is that it is putting a product on a par with any commercial goods of first necessity which in principle can not be marketed and sold to the tyranny of God sold to the Masonic lobby money.
They are designed solely to gain, just speculation and worry about the consequences for the population, who will guarantee that speculation does not reach the limits disproportionate? Who should protect against this threat that the Italian state is selling slowly there?
My confidence in this regard is very low, I just hope that one day we realize that the sale di un bene come l'acqua è come vendere i propri valori, la propria identità, è privare la popolazione dei più sacrosanti diritti.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Desert Eagle 50ae Co2
Difficulty 'specific learning: what do the provincial education offices?
The Office of the Provincial School SAVONA, sensitive and shared various initiatives, organized in cooperation with the Regional School Office through a cooperative Canalescuola , ten training courses for teachers about the presence of specific disorders of learning and use of compensatory measures. In addition, he extended "the package" to the other three provinces of Liguria (for a total of 20 training courses). For each course
" Working for the autonomy of pupils with specific learning disabilities "comprised of 4 modules for a total duration of 12 hours, 15-18 teachers attended the workshop sessions and a greater number at the first plenary meeting of 4 hours. Canalescuola, therefore, in this first course, has trained well over 200 teachers of all levels.
Participating schools, in addition to training, have had the opportunity to acquire the tools and compensatory education programs!
The path of awareness of ASD, taken on its own initiative by the Group of Dyslexia teacher at the school Savona, has found a natural outlet in the work place by the Group of Study and Work up from 'Office of the Provincial School. A praise Head goes to Dr. Carl and Dr. Andrea Barzaghi Censi who believe in the "School" as the core promoter effective and efficient not only of culture but of well-being. Alessandra
Clarita began its activities in the role of teacher coordinator of teachers contact with dyslexia schools of all levels for the province of Savona , in 2007 with the organization of the conference " Fatigue study: the role of the school and the family. " This year has been a network, as well as early Clarita's blog to share issues, creare discussioni, scambiarsi materiali...
" Working for the autonomy of pupils with specific learning disabilities "comprised of 4 modules for a total duration of 12 hours, 15-18 teachers attended the workshop sessions and a greater number at the first plenary meeting of 4 hours. Canalescuola, therefore, in this first course, has trained well over 200 teachers of all levels.
Participating schools, in addition to training, have had the opportunity to acquire the tools and compensatory education programs!
The path of awareness of ASD, taken on its own initiative by the Group of Dyslexia teacher at the school Savona, has found a natural outlet in the work place by the Group of Study and Work up from 'Office of the Provincial School. A praise Head goes to Dr. Carl and Dr. Andrea Barzaghi Censi who believe in the "School" as the core promoter effective and efficient not only of culture but of well-being. Alessandra
Clarita began its activities in the role of teacher coordinator of teachers contact with dyslexia schools of all levels for the province of Savona , in 2007 with the organization of the conference " Fatigue study: the role of the school and the family. " This year has been a network, as well as early Clarita's blog to share issues, creare discussioni, scambiarsi materiali...
Sempre Canalescuola ha aperto lo scorso anno il laboratorio pomeridiano extrascolastico “ Aiutami a fare da solo ” a Finale Ligure (SV), dove bambini e ragazzi hanno la possibilità di essere seguiti da personale specializzato nello svolgimento dei compiti scolastici, nello studio e nella costruzione di un metodo di studio basato sulle abilità personali. Le attività sono finalizzate all’autonomia nello studio del bambino-ragazzo con dislessia, ad un uso autonomo degli strumenti compensativi, degli strumenti tecnologici e in generale dei materiali didattici.
Altri laboratori sono in fase di apertura a Genova (Operated by Canalescuola), Imperia (Managed dall'AID) and also in the province of Savona, Liguria OSDislessia operated by the City under the auspices of the Foundation's contribution and Millesimo De Mari. The laboratory activities are all by Canalescuola.
Altri laboratori sono in fase di apertura a Genova (Operated by Canalescuola), Imperia (Managed dall'AID) and also in the province of Savona, Liguria OSDislessia operated by the City under the auspices of the Foundation's contribution and Millesimo De Mari. The laboratory activities are all by Canalescuola.
Alessandra Clarita
Friday, November 20, 2009
Bike-themed Party, Birthday
Rivoli (To), November 28: Round Table on DSA
The group "dislessiainrete ( held Saturday, November 28 for a round table on theme" educational technology for the specific learning disorders "to be attended by Claudia Hood (Head search form CNR), Daniel (3rd class pupil school sec. Grade I), Laura Grosso (SMS Perotti, Torino), Paolo Guglielmino (Coord. Degree in Speech Therapy, University Torino), Luisa Molinas (NPI - CTR Cagliari), Carlo Muzio (NPI, University of Pavia), Giuliana Ravaschietto (First Art School-Turin), Viviana Rossi (DS Alpignano), will also take the 'School Office region to present the new regional round (No. 326 of October 30)
The registration form can be downloaded from ... torio.html
The round table is reserved for teachers .. (As he wanted the polo school that started the idea for the conference) ... but soon the same group of dislessiainrete organize something for the parents.
Publicize this event, please inform the teachers of your children!.
The group "dislessiainrete ( held Saturday, November 28 for a round table on theme" educational technology for the specific learning disorders "to be attended by Claudia Hood (Head search form CNR), Daniel (3rd class pupil school sec. Grade I), Laura Grosso (SMS Perotti, Torino), Paolo Guglielmino (Coord. Degree in Speech Therapy, University Torino), Luisa Molinas (NPI - CTR Cagliari), Carlo Muzio (NPI, University of Pavia), Giuliana Ravaschietto (First Art School-Turin), Viviana Rossi (DS Alpignano), will also take the 'School Office region to present the new regional round (No. 326 of October 30)
The registration form can be downloaded from ... torio.html
The round table is reserved for teachers .. (As he wanted the polo school that started the idea for the conference) ... but soon the same group of dislessiainrete organize something for the parents.
Publicize this event, please inform the teachers of your children!.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Forward Option Contract
In the province of Savona to measure a school pupil ... with DSA and more!
start a dialogue on the time ..........
Reflections of a Mother Who
as we have at home a dyslexic child, wonders at least once a week, but what my son is showing me, not the New World "?
Let us open a debate on this.
My name is Elisa, I have 52 years and 3 children 29, 24 and a dyslexic 12enne "ipertutto", but that ends up being so hyper hypo for the Law of Return. A little 'how the system of dubbing in a race where the first, when viewed from a viewer who did not follow the start of the race, could be mistaken for the past behind last ..!
Many parents are not to understand my condition. They know, feel the belly, in front of her son who has enormous potential but are found to impact the world, and not school, where these features can not be neither recognized nor absorbed, much less accepted. I
philosopher and philosophers have always been stuck in the great bogeymen .. time and matter.
These guys are bringing us just think of the time. The Kronos time and all of Kairos, a time for each thing. Do not bend to Kronos, is too slow or too fast, but still convoluted for them. They want to require the synthesis and succeed in one way or another.
they're too slow or too fast: they can not spend time behind the details, which, if any, will be useful if you have searched, in a "second" time.
as if to indicate all the clutter in the last 7000 years to bring us back to basics?
Hence the technology for their is primary, with which they are able to match the kairos with a time and find a unit who feel lost.
Many of them are perfectly at ease with nature and animals because they feel that they do not feel what a harmonious world of humans. In nature, the time trial and the kairos combine to create life in the real matter. There is no hypothesis, reasoning, possibility. The subject talks and that's enough. Maybe it ran out of time Pirandello's "so, if you like" and we are in time "as is, and that's it?
Man has separated himself from them and everything we are doing see?
What to do? Attrezziamoci and give space to those who are doing so. "Usiamoci" we and our children to bring evolution to humanity, technology in schools, maps to the children "normal" that will break your head with alleged methods of studying chaotic speed and compatibility to our historical time, where summary There is chaos in the dispersion unit.
This year I found a team of highly motivated and very professional teachers at the Middle School Spotswood School Plexus - Noli in the province of Savona (tel.019.745408), which is working really well, with great enthusiasm, wisdom and technology. I turn
especially those who have children in 5th grade in the area and not just dyslexics: learn, come and see, enroll them in the new year and you can breathe a sigh of relief but also review your child calm.
These guys have no trouble .. but they got us to see the "disorder" of a company back, old and sick ?...... rises stronger every day I doubt it ... ... ... ..
expect from you ...
start a dialogue on the time ..........
Reflections of a Mother Who
as we have at home a dyslexic child, wonders at least once a week, but what my son is showing me, not the New World "?
Let us open a debate on this.
My name is Elisa, I have 52 years and 3 children 29, 24 and a dyslexic 12enne "ipertutto", but that ends up being so hyper hypo for the Law of Return. A little 'how the system of dubbing in a race where the first, when viewed from a viewer who did not follow the start of the race, could be mistaken for the past behind last ..!
Many parents are not to understand my condition. They know, feel the belly, in front of her son who has enormous potential but are found to impact the world, and not school, where these features can not be neither recognized nor absorbed, much less accepted. I
philosopher and philosophers have always been stuck in the great bogeymen .. time and matter.
These guys are bringing us just think of the time. The Kronos time and all of Kairos, a time for each thing. Do not bend to Kronos, is too slow or too fast, but still convoluted for them. They want to require the synthesis and succeed in one way or another.
they're too slow or too fast: they can not spend time behind the details, which, if any, will be useful if you have searched, in a "second" time.
as if to indicate all the clutter in the last 7000 years to bring us back to basics?
Hence the technology for their is primary, with which they are able to match the kairos with a time and find a unit who feel lost.
Many of them are perfectly at ease with nature and animals because they feel that they do not feel what a harmonious world of humans. In nature, the time trial and the kairos combine to create life in the real matter. There is no hypothesis, reasoning, possibility. The subject talks and that's enough. Maybe it ran out of time Pirandello's "so, if you like" and we are in time "as is, and that's it?
Man has separated himself from them and everything we are doing see?
What to do? Attrezziamoci and give space to those who are doing so. "Usiamoci" we and our children to bring evolution to humanity, technology in schools, maps to the children "normal" that will break your head with alleged methods of studying chaotic speed and compatibility to our historical time, where summary There is chaos in the dispersion unit.
This year I found a team of highly motivated and very professional teachers at the Middle School Spotswood School Plexus - Noli in the province of Savona (tel.019.745408), which is working really well, with great enthusiasm, wisdom and technology. I turn
especially those who have children in 5th grade in the area and not just dyslexics: learn, come and see, enroll them in the new year and you can breathe a sigh of relief but also review your child calm.
These guys have no trouble .. but they got us to see the "disorder" of a company back, old and sick ?...... rises stronger every day I doubt it ... ... ... ..
expect from you ...
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