today throughout Italy, associations, community groups and individuals organized in all the squares in Italy the C-Day, the day the Constitution . The initiative stems from the desire to defend the Constitution by a warped and reaffirm the modernity and effectiveness in the protection of fundamental rights such as equality before the law, the dignity of all citizens beyond all differences of language , color and religion, freedom of information, self-determination in choices in the medical field.
a demonstration, according to the promoters, to defend the Constitution "d ifenderla by the drift of Berlusconi and the attempts of attack on paper which pass mainly through the resolutions to reduce the autonomy and independence of the Judiciary ", as stated by the former President of the Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro.
Saturday will be a mobilization of in one hundred and four Italian cities. In many take to the streets "to defend the Constitution" and principals will be organized abroad. The symposium, organized by the three associations Article 21, Case Blue and Freedom and Justice, sees membership of some unions CGIL head, the front of the students organized (except the right-wing organization), movements of citizens, representatives culture and school.
a demonstration, according to the promoters, to defend the Constitution "d ifenderla by the drift of Berlusconi and the attempts of attack on paper which pass mainly through the resolutions to reduce the autonomy and independence of the Judiciary ", as stated by the former President of the Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro.
Saturday will be a mobilization of in one hundred and four Italian cities. In many take to the streets "to defend the Constitution" and principals will be organized abroad. The symposium, organized by the three associations Article 21, Case Blue and Freedom and Justice, sees membership of some unions CGIL head, the front of the students organized (except the right-wing organization), movements of citizens, representatives culture and school.