At the end of this post will be asked a question.
Provoked Ignazio Marino on Vatican II and artificial insemination, the Cardinal Martini, in his weekly page in the Corriere della Sera , weighs the words, indeed, the sips, so that the pager shows some difficult to fill the spaces.
Marino "asks" is that you are returning to the literal interpretation of Scripture, with the abandonment of historical criticism, with the result that the Church is moving away by science? And why can not satisfy the desires of infertile couples using in vitro fertilization? And to eliminate the diseases of the embryo appeared to "early stages of development"? And why not use embryonic stem cells to cure serious diseases groped, especially the cells that can be taken from frozen embryos that will never be used for breeding purposes?
As can be seen, of "irons in the fire" for a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church there is, and many more.
And indeed, at first, Martini proves to be - when he wants - which is quite severe. The fears over the life of the Church does not derive as much from the question of the method of reading the Holy Scriptures:
Provoked Ignazio Marino on Vatican II and artificial insemination, the Cardinal Martini, in his weekly page in the Corriere della Sera , weighs the words, indeed, the sips, so that the pager shows some difficult to fill the spaces.
Marino "asks" is that you are returning to the literal interpretation of Scripture, with the abandonment of historical criticism, with the result that the Church is moving away by science? And why can not satisfy the desires of infertile couples using in vitro fertilization? And to eliminate the diseases of the embryo appeared to "early stages of development"? And why not use embryonic stem cells to cure serious diseases groped, especially the cells that can be taken from frozen embryos that will never be used for breeding purposes?
As can be seen, of "irons in the fire" for a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church there is, and many more.
And indeed, at first, Martini proves to be - when he wants - which is quite severe. The fears over the life of the Church does not derive as much from the question of the method of reading the Holy Scriptures:
"There would be other concerns today, but this would be a long speech.In each story takes bad : Cardinal Martini and unearthed them, those who really want to pray during the Mass and bear it longer than 45 minutes of "canonical", and perhaps avoid the churches with the guitars and prefer those where there is a bit 'of silence (or there is a Gregorian) or are moved in front of the vestments of the priest as it moves towards the altar ...
Suffice to mention the tendency to formalism liturgical
with a sort of vanity, which is expressed in love for the liturgical vestments and ceremonies, but not
has the same enthusiasm for the offering of himself to God. "
Hypocrites! Shout Cardinal: I know that you do not present yourselves to God!
really a great ability to read minds and hearts ...
Well, I told myself: if you have stored in this manner the faithful, who knows what comes out on in vitro fertilization ...
really a great ability to read minds and hearts ...
Well, I told myself: if you have stored in this manner the faithful, who knows what comes out on in vitro fertilization ...
"The problem is very complex ..."
and, shortly thereafter,
"The experience and listening to the laity will teach us many things,"
Ouch ...
Condemnation of in vitro fertilization? There. Indeed, compared to under hypothetical fact Marino by a mass action in in vitro fertilization, Martini replied
"The assumptions that you make an orientation towards the mass
playing in a test tube does not convince me. do not think we can come in tomorrow
to remove all of the sexual act by the generation .
- Cardinal points out there - we're talking about "criticism of a certain world Catholic for assisted reproduction" : looks a bit ', again the bad (persistent, dull, exaggerated, intolerant ...) are in the Catholic world. Throughout
Marino response to the word Church is not : there are the small group of Catholics "fools" (those who think the liturgical formalism, those who criticize the IVF), and there are those who are ready to "careful reflection on sense of human sexuality in the line of Vatican II "(will be" in the future ": John Paul II must have spoken and written for someone else ...); this last group may be permitted, even the current pope, provided a continuous surprised "with the outputs challenging" ...
Back in vitro fertilization (this is a prolife blog).
produced embryos with fertilization and deaths in vitro? Silence.
In vitro fertilization as a denial of human and Christian meaning of sexuality? Silence.
possible to freeze embryos? Silence.
possible to dissolve the frozen embryos to extract stem cells? Well, at least this card. Martini, tell us that it is wrong, that the embryo has a right not only to not be artificially produced, but also not to be dismembered and killed, tell us how horrible it is the idea of \u200b\u200bcausing the deaths of men to experiment, make some reference the Nazi madness, invented something ...
"About the possible use of stem cells derived from embryos
, we must solve the problem
taking into account the dignity of every human person. To date, it is thought that cells from embryos can not
be used with good results.
In all these things will require use of reason, without getting caught by
personal emotions. "
you happen to have the answer? We must think ...
James Rocchi
PS I forgot the question! If you
un Cardinale di Santa Romana Chiesa, cosa dovete scrivere per avere a disposizione una pagina a settimana sul Corriere della Sera?