These days we are seeing the attempt of the Iranian people to lead their country towards democracy, towards a better future where women are not imprisoned because they have their hair uncovered and where children can express their ideas without fear of being imprisoned with the risk that the prisoner is dead.
Iran threatens us over in a direct manner with its ongoing experiments on nuclear power, is a place where anti-Western fundamentalists find fertile ground, the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Iranian system is there for all to see thanks to the Internet in this case is proving valuable source of information where the regime prevents the information comes.
Iran, which I honestly thought I was soon invaded by U.S. troops is pop up with his forces to demonstrate that if people really determined can freely decide their own fate and choose to go fight for their freedom, although often means going to commit suicide, all this in support of the theory of self-determination. Often the people from guerrilla
can generate stability and security where the involvement of a foreign country would fail because it is seen as an invader.
Many these days argue that we in the West should intervene, helping the Iranian people, would be a mistake, it would be the end of a regime and the beginning of political instability and cultural, is a clear demonstration that the chaos in Iraq and Afghanistan pay respectively.
Iran is raised again by their own efforts, through it all his ideas will strengthen and give life to a new country, a new democracy to secure its determination can provide stability and governability.
Many have written:
'E' die with your eyes open wherever we live with eyes closed. "